View Full Version : What's Making Me Stop Feeding Squirrels

06-09-2010, 10:23 AM
Hi All,

I've stopped feeding my backyard (suburban neighborhood) squirrels. For the past 2-3 years, I've been putting out sunflower kernels and peanuts in three backyard feeders. The food was well received, not only by squirrels, but also by chipmunks and birds of all kinds.

About a year ago, while watching the backyard activity late in the day, when the sun had set and it was getting dark (the squirrels were no longer out), I noticed rats helping themselves to the available goodies. In this suburban setting there are various places where rats can make homes, like under backyard sheds and who knows where. There are rats everywhere. I know that, but people normally don't see them because they are timid and nocturnal, making them hard to notice. Until, that is, when there is food out and easily accessible.

I put up with this situation for about one year in the hope that the problem was minor and of no big concern. After all, rats have been with us since who know for how long. Lately, however, I noticed (late in the day) some rats nosing around outside my house looking for some of the goodies, like peanuts, that I sometimes throw on the ground for the squirrels to find (they always do). The rats also noticed!

Well, I'm finally at the point of simply stopping putting food out for the squirrels. I don't mind feeding squirrels, chipmunks and birds, but I don't like feeding rats. I also don't want the neighbors of accusing me of feeding rats! I'm done.



Jackie in Tampa
06-09-2010, 10:40 AM
I have this issue also..
but the rats were here before I ever styarted feding the sqs...
they are just fat and healthy rats now!:D
when I do see alot and feel threatened...I trap them in a very small havahart with fresh corn...and take them to the ball park...
no one lives there, there is a spring feed pond, and trash cans full of hot dogs and wonderful rat food...:thumbsup
our park also has nature trails and thick brush...no houses close by..
I felt it was the best thing to do...:peace
I worry about my neighbors complaining too and I will never stop feeding the sqs!
I hope that this helps...
it is normal to see rats IF YOU FEED THE WILDS and if anyone denys having them, they're blind!:D

06-09-2010, 10:42 AM
There's a simple solution to this: remove all food at sunset.

06-09-2010, 11:14 AM
I'm no help I'm a big fan of rats now. I say feed the rats. LOL

Jackie in Tampa
06-09-2010, 11:23 AM
There's a simple solution to this: remove all food at sunset.
Leigh....you've been here...how?
You see all those nuts and crumbs out there...:sanp3
and the citrus trees draw them here too..:dono
I always take them to the same place, so they have relatives waiting:D
I would never hurt them...:nono
I am actually saving the sqs and the ratties from being poisoned...
when people see rats they call exterminator and he will poison them...so it is safest to control their numbers ...from society...
I live in a neighborhood with close neighbors...
wish I could nueter them!:peace :rotfl the rats and neighbors!:rotfl

06-09-2010, 12:26 PM
Jeez, I could back a tanker truck filled with nuts and PM sandwiches and they would STILL all be history by sunset. Of course, I probably have 50 or so squirrels that regularly hit my yard for chow...

We mostly just have the little mice up here - the only place you see rats is at the waterfront. Of course we have lots of predators here, too - foxes, coyotes and fishers probably keep the populations down.

06-09-2010, 12:53 PM
I live in a neighborhood with close neighbors...
wish I could neuter them! :peace :rotfl the rats and neighbors! :rotfl

I feel the same way, Jackie! :rofl4

Jackie in Tampa
06-09-2010, 01:24 PM
freds research found the ONLY way to rid rats is remove shelter, water and food...:shakehead
option two...poison...:nono
so we live with them, keep them fat and healthy... that's the third option...:D
FEED THE SQS!!!!!!!tinfoil

06-09-2010, 02:02 PM
I have done what I can to limit the rat habitat. I don't mind if they visit but I don't want scores of them moving into my barn or my home. I love the buggers but they can cause serious issues. Since poisoning is not an option I have removed all piles of stuff (not easy constant fight with the roommate) and keep any feed very well stored in rat proof containers.

Much depends on the type of rats (learned this recently). Norways (brown rats) prefer the ground. They tunnel and enter buildings etc from the ground. Roof rats (ship rats, citrus rats, black rats) like it up high. They enter largely from openings in the roof (hmmm guess that's where the name comes from) and live (in my experience) in boxes and such on shelves.

Packrats or Woodrats aren't a big issue since they don't live in groups and aren't particularly distructive. They like it up high and build very elaborate nests. They also don't proliferate at the amazing rate of the other two species.

To control the rats you have to control the environment. Take away attractive places for them to nest. Let them come eat but don't encourage them to stay!!

I know I have rats at all times. I just keep the population from exploding by limiting their nesting grounds to the best of my ability.

06-09-2010, 02:20 PM
Leigh....you've been here...how?
You see all those nuts and crumbs out there...:sanp3
and the citrus trees draw them here too..:dono

I only had about 15 wild squirrels....not 500! :D Plus no halfway house or release cages. I could literally hand feed each squirrel two nuts and be done with it, which helped keep down waste and nut burying.

I had one ratty family that lived in my gutter, and they were really cute. Was worried if the rat population got out of control, my neighbors would begin to poison.:shakehead

06-09-2010, 04:38 PM
I might have shared something similar somewhere else on TSB:
I have spoken often to exterminators here, where I work right now and back on Long Island, where I worked at a local food place as a student. Rats are caused by poor waste management in a given city/town and poor waste management by the food industry. A handful of people ( and it is just a handful) who feed birds ( and sometimes, squirrels, because usually the majority chases squirrels away considering them pests) DO NOT CAUSE the influx of rats where it becomes a problem.

Of course, if there is food left overnight, they will gather in that spot ( as well as raccoons and possums and whatever other noctural animals in that area are). But that has nothing to do with invasion of rats of epidemic proportions when serious measures must be taken. And a handful of corn and seeds is not going to keep them filled, so it is obvious that this is not their primary source of food and therefore, not what attracts and makes them stay in a particular area. As I wrote before, it is poor waste management by food places and city/town, as well as people's sloppiness resulting in infinished food items left in public garbage receptacles and garabage that is so carelessly disposed of.

And as it has already been suggested, the best solution for a local rat issue is not to leave food overnight. That's why some kind of feeders/similar devices are recommended, instead of simply dumping food on the ground.
Even something as simple as a bowl/dish/smth to keep the food more organized and in one place.

In any case, rat problems are not caused by bird and squirrel feeding sites, unless those sites gradually begin to resemble waste disposal sites.

06-10-2010, 09:26 AM
Hello (Again),

Based on the comments here, I've decided to change my approach and to continue feeding the squirrels. I will no longer put food out in the evening for use by the squirrels the following day.

I've been putting food out in the evenings for my convenience. It's easier doing that because I have other things to do in the morning. Also, some squirrels are out foraging earlier than is convenient for me to get food out that early. I think some squirrels have learned that the early bird gets the worm, as the saying goes. :D

We'll see how the new approach goes. The early birds my be disappointed, but squirrels are very smart. It won't take long for them to figure out that breakfast is now being served later than usual. :rotfl


06-10-2010, 09:35 AM
I buy nuts in the shell and feed my squirrelies..
we have no rats because my neighbor feeds 6-10 stray cats (she has them fixed and released because they are feral)
I also have 4 dogs..
dogs chase cats, cats chase squirrels, dogs chase squirrels, squirrels sit in tree with tails swinging and griping (laughing?):jump
would rats even eat nuts in the shell?
I never get peanuts or corn for squirrels..
...it's like feeding french fries to kids:rotfl