View Full Version : Getting a 1 year old squirrel to use the leash

06-01-2010, 07:01 PM
My little squirt is almost a year now and I want to start getting him used to being on a leash. I have bought him a ferret leash and managed to get it on him once...to which he completely freaked out. Now everytime I come near him with the thing, he actually can recognize what it is an will start makng his pissed of squirrel noises and then ...attack! this is one of the only times he will ever attack me, the other is when he has something really yummy and he thinks i'm gonna take it from him lol. Otherwise he is super sweet, loves cuddling and ear scratches.

I also just want to comment on how smart these critters are and how adorable their little quirks can be. my guy wakes up everyday at 8am and sleeps everyday at 8pm. Whenever I have people over and we make too much noise ear his cage he starts growling and grunting as if to say : be quiet guys i'm sleeping! I also think that he can definately recognize voices, since he only growls when other people come over late, but if i'm talking late he still sleeps like a baby. sooo cute.

06-01-2010, 07:37 PM
It used to be a battle to get a harness on Rocki.
She finally, sort-of, got used to it.

06-01-2010, 08:03 PM
1 year old-----attack, not a great combination! Maybe let him (her) used to seeing the leash only at first. Then lease sighting with a treat? Ask yourself, how really important is this leash thing.

06-02-2010, 04:13 PM
I keep a collar or harness on my biys when ever thye are out and Chucky was 10 mts. Just start slow and stay under the panic level. Let your baby get used to wearing and putting on a collar. Then try the harness.
After your Squirrel gets used to the harness part THEN try the leash.
I have found iguana harnesses and thin rope harnesses are the best. The purported vest harnesses or 'comfort' harnesses actually restrict their shoulders.
Mugzi goes out on harness all the time and prefers it to being in an out door cage.

06-03-2010, 08:01 AM
Knothead's leash hangs in his cage as a swing :( he does love to swing on it

06-03-2010, 08:10 AM
Mister P and I have come to an understanding. I stop trying to put that stupid ferret harness on him and he won't pop upstairs and open my jugular as I sleep. I think it is a pretty fair deal.

06-03-2010, 08:37 AM
Mister P and I have come to an understanding. I stop trying to put that stupid ferret harness on him and he won't pop upstairs and open my jugular as I sleep. I think it is a pretty fair deal.

Sounds good to me:thumbsup Think he will keep his end of the deal?:thinking

06-03-2010, 10:40 AM
Yea i think I am going to give up on the idea of a leash for now, squirt even attacks at the mere sight of the leash.... he actually can recognize it and is not too happy.
I think I am going to just get him a really big cage for outdoor time, and also have surpervised outdoor play times :D
Also, I have a question about the sounds they make. Sometimes he will start to buzz his tail around very fast, make weird grunting noises, move his feet around like he is doing a human peepee dance, and then start cawing like a bird (the strangest thing ever). I used to panic and think he got hurt, but I checked and nothing was wrong. I know its also not a reaction of anger because if I pick him up he doesn't get mad, he just goes back to cuddling. also, when he gets mad its more of a low growl accompanied by teeth chattering and then lunging of his paws (something he does when people get too close to him when he has his favorite treats). My best guess is that its a mating call or a territorial one. Anyone else have this strange phenomenon happen?

06-03-2010, 11:01 AM
Is he a NR?

06-03-2010, 11:32 AM
That is an alarm call and yes it could also be territorial. It is not directed at you (unless he does it when he sees the leash).

06-03-2010, 11:51 AM
I tried to release him before but he comes back and doesn't like the outdoors. I still want him to get sunlight though so thats why I wanted to try the leash. He just clings to me like crazy when he are outside. I tried two unsuccessful releases, and he came back in pretty bad shape so I am deciding to keep him until he shows more wild behaviour and a genuine want to be outside.

I guess it would be an alarm call. I know its not directed at me, since he usually sits on MY shoulders when he does it. And if I put my hand on his back and pet him he stops and starts rubbing himself all over my hair (he has a strange fascination with rubbing himself in my hair).

07-18-2016, 03:16 PM
I tried to release him before but he comes back and doesn't like the outdoors. I still want him to get sunlight though so thats why I wanted to try the leash. He just clings to me like crazy when he are outside. I tried two unsuccessful releases, and he came back in pretty bad shape so I am deciding to keep him until he shows more wild behaviour and a genuine want to be outside.

I guess it would be an alarm call. I know its not directed at me, since he usually sits on MY shoulders when he does it. And if I put my hand on his back and pet him he stops and starts rubbing himself all over my hair (he has a strange fascination with rubbing himself in my hair).

My Hammy makes those noises and does the pee pee dance when weather changes and mice start coming in.
I know now when he does it that it's time to set a trap in the usual places.
I live in the country so this is twice a year ritual for me,unless we get a flood ,then it's game on with the field mice.
Hammy also starts covering his food with his nest materials or occasionally sleeps in his food or tries to drag his food bowl into the nest lol.
Squirrels will take a bullet for their stash.

07-18-2016, 03:22 PM
My Hammy makes those noises and does the pee pee dance when weather changes and mice start coming in.
I know now when he does it that it's time to set a trap in the usual places.
I live in the country so this is twice a year ritual for me,unless we get a flood ,then it's game on with the field mice.
Hammy also starts covering his food with his nest materials or occasionally sleeps in his food or tries to drag his food bowl into the nest lol.
Squirrels will take a bullet for their stash.

Hi Spurdy777! This is a zombie thread, but welcome to TSB! Tell us more about Hammy :) We love meeting new squeeps. Consider making Hammy his own thread - ps WE LOVE PICTURES! :grin2