View Full Version : Potty Training???

05-24-2010, 11:46 PM
I am wondering if squirrels can be litter trained? Anyone tried? How did it go?

My little Maggie tries very hard to keep her "nest" aka cage clean by pressing herself against the bars and shooting her pee and poop out onto the floor. I get this and know she is protecting her nest, and am okay with it (even if is is my bedroom floor and getting increasingly closer to my bed as she gets older and better at aiming :nono ) but would love to know if there was a way to encourage her to use a specific spot in the cage. Or is that a no no because I am hoping she will someday become a wild girl?

I know with rats, hamsters, ferrets etc., it is fairly easy to do - anyone ever tried with squirrels?

If not, any suggestions for keeping her from peeing all over my room? :rotfl

06-15-2010, 08:51 PM
My dad had a squirrel and when I asked him if its possible to potty train Max (my Grey) he said it was possible, and that his was potty trained. But when I asked him again, he said his was never potty trained lol
But I have been wondering this too. I know you can potty train rabbits and rats, so why not a squirrel :dono But I don't know how you could do it because mine tends to do his business everywhere lol

06-15-2010, 10:21 PM
I think it is possible.. My girly squirrely always pees in the same spot in her cage, so I am better that if I took the time to put a little pan in that spot I could teach her to pee in the litter pan.... They seem to be "neat" animals from that perspective, probably instinct to keep it in a designated spot away from the nest so as not to attract other animals.

Of course, when she is out its fair game for poops and now she has decided that my desk is her preferred spot to pee. Awesome. :nono

06-16-2010, 06:59 PM
I think it is possible.. My girly squirrely always pees in the same spot in her cage, so I am better that if I took the time to put a little pan in that spot I could teach her to pee in the litter pan.... They seem to be "neat" animals from that perspective, probably instinct to keep it in a designated spot away from the nest so as not to attract other animals.

Of course, when she is out its fair game for poops and now she has decided that my desk is her preferred spot to pee. Awesome. :nono

Mine goes wherever he wants lol To him, the world is his potty =p

06-16-2010, 08:57 PM
Potty training is a yes with some, a no with others. I used a small corner ferret litter pan in a cage corner. Pittle her there if stimulating, or pick up some poo and place in the pan. DON'T use "scoopable" litter. Put the pan in her favorite corner. Sounds like it might work for you both!