View Full Version : Hi All squirrel lovers!
05-19-2010, 10:54 PM
Hello everyone- I'm so glad to have found this forum! I have a 5mth grey squirrely named squirrelis (aka squirrely girl). I got her from my neighbors mom @ 4-5 weeks old. At first I was going to take her to a local rehabber but she was so darn cute I decided to raise her myself. I'm a big animal lover and have done many around the clock feeding with baby birds.
Anywho-all is well, squirrelis is now on growth blocks from Henry's and extra calcium(her fur was looking patchy). My intention was always to release her-they are so adorable:Love_Icon
I've tried to release her twice-the 1st time she just hung around the back patio-I left the dog door open so she would come in and out--her cage is inside my screenroom and her nestbox inside of that. The next day I carried her out to the trees and she climbed up but seemed to be stuck and couldn't figure how to get to another tree to come back. I watched her for 2hrs but couldn't get to her as the ground under the tree was swamp(she went up a cypress tree). I about died when I saw the hawk sitting in a neighboring tree watching her--I've never seen a hawk dining on a squirrel, do they eat squirrel? I have 2 that live behind my house in the conservation area.
I was so scared for Squirrelis-I eventually had to leave later in the day so she was out for awhile. When I returned I called for her and she came to me-wow she was a mess:shakehead -her fur was wet, she was trying to hold her eyes open falling asleep--I took her back to her nestbox where she ate and fell asleep--needless to say she ate and slept alot the next day. So I'm afraid for her with the hawks back there and also some stray cat comes around to--is she old enough to be out on her own? She knows how to make a nest as she has made a few so far. Am I being crazy- I know she should be able to be free-have I domesticated her too much? Any good advice would be appreciated.
05-20-2010, 08:49 AM
Are you trying to do a soft release? When Max released himself... it went like this. I would let him out to climb around on the trees for a little while. The times got longer and longer until one day he didn't come back. He was making a home for himself and when he was ready he didn't come home. Is her cage outside? Has she told you that she is ready to go? With Max, he started acting... restless.. thats when I knew it was time. There are many members on the board who can give you great advice on a soft release. No worries,
05-20-2010, 08:53 AM
I just reread your post. She's building dreys? Out in the trees? Thats a great sign. Just let her do it in her time... pretty soon you'll be like the rest of us saps missing our babies!
05-20-2010, 10:05 AM
:Welcome Glad you found us too!! Lots of wonderful people here to give you good advice. I don't have any experience with Greys, I have a flyer, so as far as what to do about her release I have no clue what to tell you. I know many here do get the ones they release to sort of "wild up" by not having too much interaction with them, but in your case with it only being her I'm not sure if that's how it would work. One of our many wonderful rehabbers will be in welcoming you and I know they'll help you out.
Good Luck to you and Squirrelis!! We love lots and LOTS of pictures too!!:D
05-20-2010, 11:37 AM
She is old enough...If she is building dreys she is ready:wahoo Can't really do much about the Hawks and yes they will eat a Squirrel. I'm outside a lot so whenever I se a Hawk I always throw rocks, sticks what ever I can get my hands on. I don't see him hovering quite as much. We were outside one day and saw the Hawk souring towards a unsuspecting squirrel than was gorging at the Feeder don't know how we did it but screamed at him and he flew away. They are sooo fast i'm surprised at my age I can still react that fast:rotfl :rotfl Good luck to you both and a happy long peaceful release to your little girl:wave123
05-20-2010, 12:56 PM
Thanks so far for the release advice--I'll post pics as soon as I fugure out how. :thinking
I was wanting to put her nest box in an oak tree in my back yard but when should I do that-should I let her out to explore for the day then wait a few days and put it out or just put it in the tree from the get go?
Read somewhere that acorns aren't good for squirrels(we have oak tree acorns)-does anyone know this to be true?
Sorry I ask so many questions but as squirrel lovers I'm sure you all understand-just want to make sure I'm doing the best. Also growth blocks along with extra calcium(150mg) daily sound ok-her fur is looking patchy.
The outside squirrels here have such beautiful fur.
Jackie in Tampa
05-20-2010, 01:03 PM
:Welcome :wave123
hello and welcome to TSB!
Can you post a pic of your little sq?
05-20-2010, 01:18 PM
I guess I would go with Tyrose's advice for the soft release but I would also be very nervous about a hawk who has already set his sight on Squirrelis. I have a hawk across street from me but all my squirrel visitors are wilds, so they roll the dice each day with traffic, stray cats and the hawks. I have never seen the hawk catch a squirrel yet but they have plenty of plump doves to choose from. Just like Virgo062, I tend to shout at the hawk and chase them away but I am very seldom home. Also the hawk tends to ignore me when he is hungry and they are very powerful predators. I guess I would think twice if I had a squirrel I was raising and then looking to release near me. Then again, I would not keep them from freedom if they desired to be released. Good luck with this tough decision
Ultra Peepi
05-20-2010, 01:57 PM
:Welcome hello! I'm sure some of the great people on here can help you with a slow release, you're in great company!:)
05-20-2010, 01:58 PM
:Welcome :grouphug Glad your trying so hard to give her ,her life of freedom.I would continue to take her out for short periods of times.Let her go run and play.Watch her and if she needs to she will run back to you.Just be ready for when she does not come back,because, that will take place quicker than you think.when mine were ready to release I put their cage out so they could get use to the sites and sounds of the outdoors,then I opened the door,and they would venture out,and come back in when they were ready.Then I would close the door and leave them out at night.Eventually ,one by one they did not come back to the cage,then My Husband and I would sit outside and play with them until one day they quit coming down to play.:Cry That was a very sad day for us but a:bounce2 happy day for them.I wish the best for both of you ,and :thankyou for caring about,and for her best interests.:alright.gif
Acorns not good for squirrels?? HAA!
Knock 'em dead kid.
Happy to see you here.
When you're comfortable, start a thread in the breed specific area.
We always love to see new folks and their little monsters.
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