View Full Version : I have a few questions and really need emotional help!!
squirrely pearly
05-19-2010, 02:28 PM
I posted before about releasing a 1 and half yr old female squirrely. This was a month ago, she was older at release because when I found her at 4 weeks of age she had a broken jaw, and misligned teeth. After a year she finally began grinding her own teeth, but it was just starting winter so I waited until spring. (thats the short version)
A month ago, I soft released her, so excited because after all this time of watching her stare out of the window, she would now get to climb those high trees. She was born to be wild it seemed because she took right to it. Loved cliimbing and so forth. All along she has always came right to me and jumped on my shoulder or head and played when I'd take food out to her area. She went from sleeping in her in cage nest box, to one I'd put up high in the tree after about a week. I've seen her and touched her every single day since the release, there have been2-3 days where she would'nt leave my side, literally I couldn't get her to even get on a tree much less the ground, until night she would go up to her nest. She would cuddle, and just lay down on me. I thought something must have scared her pretty good. Then there have been days where she's only come to me in the morning, then I don't see her the rest of the day. scary feelings those days. I've had days where I've chased squirrels all day thinking it was her just to make sure she was ok, only to not see her until almost dark. Everything was fine as long as I knew she was nesting in her box. She was scared of the other squirrels, she was quite the loner at first. This last week she has met me out in the morning for feeding everyday. and i'd see her off to bed at night. yesterday morning she didn't come..and I didn't see her the entire day, many squirrels around, I call to them, they run.I know it's not her. I sat out most of the day just scouting and calling her, nothing. I stayed out close to her tree until pitch dark, she never came home. She never came to eat this morning, all the squirrels are eating the ffood I put out for her. Ok heres my question..if she did finally meet up with a male squirrel, through playing or whichever, would she follow him home? would he let her stay in his nest? I haven't saw her (that I knowof) in 2 days, and all night I dreamed of squirrels, so many squirrels coming up to me, none of them her. I am obsessed now with every squirrel it seems. I've looked forward to the day she would find a friend, but I'm scared that it happened so suddenly, she was still used to being fed by me. There are big hawks around here. ugh. So not knowing, is driving me crazy. And once a squirrel finally takes to another squirrel or other squirrels, will she not come around me anymore? Is that normal? Am I panicking to soon? My biggest wish is that she has found a mate and he is providing housing for her. I don't know that she is not the one eating some of the food I put out. I just wish she would appear one more time, sit on my shoulder and let me know shes fine. So I know she has and can survive on her own. Because of the late release maybe..I am so attacched to her. this is the most difficult thing, I have 2 grown sons that were easier to watch leave the nest!!
05-19-2010, 03:23 PM
Oh sure we have all been there but rest assured she is fine. Same thing happened here. When we released NutNut he came home every day to eat and play...Then I saw him every other day and so on. The last time I saw him was Monday and it had been over a month. Sometimes he comes by for a pecan and some times he stays to play. I don't worry about him anymore. Your little girl has just adjusted and does not need you as much :( and that's a good thing :) you obviously did a fantastic job with her :) I still go out everyday and call NutNut's name when it's feeding time but I really don't expect to see him....He calls the shots now :) They also change their nest often so she could be anywhere maybe even with some baby's:) Squirrels are territorial and she may just be in a different area. Just keep calling her name and one day she will appear but don't be surprised if she does not stay to play with you she has her own life now:wahoo I remember standing outsside asking God for just a glimpse just to know he was safe. And yes, I was GLAD to see my son leave the nest and I wish I could kick him out like mama squirrel does:rotfl :rotfl . She is fine but you are a mess:rotfl :rotfl
05-19-2010, 03:27 PM
I don't know if this will help, but with my soft release I didn't see Max for a couple of days either. I also walked my neighborhood, calling his name and generally going crazy trying to get a glimpse of him. Several days later he came back around. He had explored his world and found a place for himself. Maybe thats whats happening here. Kids need to venture out and away from mom for a little while. You'll see her again, I know it's hard ..... stay strong!
squirrely pearly
05-19-2010, 03:54 PM
thank you both, and I see you got through it haha. I live in the country, on 12 she has a lot to explore, I too keep asking God for one more glimpse, there are so many squirrels that have started coming around since her release. Probably because there is always good things to eat out there now. It's hard to imagine her being so needy for long, that she can actually take care of herself. But I know she is smart, she's proved me wrong on many occasions! I see these 2 squirrels today running and playing on a tree, I get close , they scurry up so I can't tell if one of them is her. frustrating! chasing squirrels. all she would have to do is come to me one more time, and run off with the other squirrel again, and I'd be soooo relieved!! you probably know the feeling of your neck being so sore from staring up in the trees. I'm glad your releases were successes! It helps the rest of us out here! This was my first experience with a squirrel, I have horses, goats, dogs, chickens, ducks, and none have touched my heart as much as this tiny little squirrel.there hasn't been a day that went by she didn't make me laugh! I hope yall are right, and she is fine. and finally where she is supposed to be.
Thank you for the reassurances! this day has been so hard.
05-19-2010, 04:05 PM
For me the release is the hardest part. It drove me nuts and still does. I know it was whay Jackie wanted and needed and she was soooooooo happy to be free and out where she belongs. I know you pain here. I went back a week after the release and she was snug as a bug in her log home. Running all around enjoying her freedom. Just hang in there. I am sure your baby is doing well and just exploring all the new fun stuff.
05-19-2010, 04:52 PM
Before I released NutNut we didn't have many squirrels either but now we have a yard full...If you feed them they will come. And you are right about the stiff neck and I also kept binoculars by the window. I cried for days because I just knew he had been eaten by something LOL and it was all my Make sure you let us know when your little girl comes back for a quick visit. I released 3 boys in December and those little boogerheads never looked back :( I never saw them again but didn't expect to since I released 3 at the same time. Hang in there it's a good sign that she has not come back that just means she is a happy squirrel
05-19-2010, 05:51 PM
:grouphug Everyone who has ever released a squirrel goes through exactly what you are going through now.That just makes you a loving, caring, nurturing,individual.That in itself say allot for you.I know this is hard but try to keep in mind this is really the best thing for her.squirrels are much happier, in their own environment, and you did a great service to her.We released five this past year.My husband wanted to keep all of them,but I knew we had to let go.Having Darth Vader and Yoda taught me that.Be strong and stand firm in the knowledge that you have accomplished something really worth while,she is free not kept in a cage but free to run wild through the trees and have more babies,and you will see the rewards of all your labor,keep putting food out and one day you will see her again,Have faith.God works in mysterious ways.May he always bless you and keep you strong.:grouphug
squirrely pearly
05-19-2010, 06:28 PM
wow Virgo, your video of the squirrels really hit home!! crying as I type lol I have raised and released a raccoon before too. He was alot easier to release. long time ago. thank you very much for the words of encouragement. to all who have posted. this was just the emotional support I needed! no sign yet of her today, I will keep you posted. I used to put food out in her release cage at night, then like on her 2 night of release I went out to shine a flashlight by her cage and there was a big possum inside eating away. lol we just looked at each other, kinda scared me at first til I figured out what he was. I still put food out for the possum at night, and he still goes in and gets it. I figure he's hungry too lol.. i think all the racket he made going in and out is what made pearly moveto her higher nest box though.
It's hard to talk to others around me about her, though I have anyway lol. Noone understands! but it's nice to find a place here, where yall know the joy and pain of a little squirrely tugging at your heart!
05-19-2010, 08:18 PM
If you want to stop crying and laugh you should see the video of Knothead getting his feet tickled :) I will try to find it for you.....He's a hoot!!!
05-19-2010, 08:23 PM
Try this...
05-19-2010, 08:35 PM
I went out to shine a flashlight by her cage and there was a big possum inside eating away. lol we just looked at each other, kinda scared me at first til I figured out what he was.
You know the best time to spot her is just before dusk...They are usually scurring around then looking for dinner. If you see the Possum you are to late:osnap Squirrels like to be in bed tucked away after dark it's the nocturnals turn to prowl. Just stand out there and call for her I think you will be surprised:) She may not come to you but if you spot her you will know it:crazy
squirrely pearly
05-19-2010, 09:37 PM
lol thanks virgo! that was sooo cute! that little squeaky noise they make..i miss it..I would tickle pearly under her belly and she did that..even 3 days ago, last time I saw her. it made me laugh everytime. don't they just put the biggest smiles on your face! I will miss that about her, I really do want her to be happy though..that was the mission all along. Like you I worry so much that a hawk got her but I HAVE to put that out of my head! I was out there, took my laptop with me..steady calling her all the way until sighting. It's so unlike her not to come. She has been out there for a month, and like I said everyday she would come. When you released Nutnut, was he alone? had he ever been around the other squirrels? for the entire time shes been outI have never saw her with another squirrel. She seemed so scared of them.. I think she thought she was human. It seems strange that she quit coming to her nest box, and just quit coming when I calll, all in the same day. My mind is going a hundred miles an hour at this point. wish it would stop, I suppose time will help. and one little tennie weenie 10 second jump on my arm or shoulder just to say "I'm here" I am taking care of myself! haha maybe tomorrow!thanks for making me laugh! also when you released Nutnut, how old was he? and what were his circumstances? I don't know if theres a release page on here, I've looked.
05-19-2010, 10:17 PM
Yes NutNut was by himself he was 7 months old I believe...I would take him out to play and he always came when I called him. One day I saw him building a nest and I knew he would never come back in the house. Your little one is quite a bit older than NutNut so the instincts are there. NutNut is always alone when I see him. They really don't bond outside of the family even when your little lady finds the "baby daddy" she will run him off. Squirrels are also territorial so she has found her place in the pecking order and probably built her little nest and living the good life. Give her some time she is busy right now catching up with the others. Most squirrels when they get their freedom do take off and never look back. From what I can gather a squirrel coming home to play is a rare thing. We released our mouse tonight and he took off like a rocket even though in the house he was playful and sweet. get the Hawk out of your mind that's always the first thing we imagine. But truthfully Squirrels are smart little creatures and learn from each other. NutNut did the tree freeze just hours after we took him out and God knows I didn't teach it to him:rotfl
She is considered a older squirrel...Was she showing signs of wanting to be released?
squirrely pearly
05-19-2010, 11:33 PM
I thought so often of not releasing her, it tore me in pieces over the winter. A vet I talked to about her last october told me to put her outside and let her be,that she would figure it out. lol that WASNT going to happen. He did warn me though that the longer she stayed in, the harder it would be on her. so I wanted to wait until winter was over, the leaves were already falling, getting colder and such. I don't know if taht was a mistake. She would sit in her big window and stare out all day. she ran around the room also playing, but she was begining to have days where she wouldn't even come out of her nest drawer except to get water and eat a nut or 2. then right back in, I felt she was depressed, and I tried to spend more and more time with her. Which got me depressed lol..sitting in a room waiting on miss pearly to call the shots. she made her squirrely noises, calling and warning. So as spring approached I had her a big outside cage attached to the window I could open and she could come and go into the cage as she pleased. Well she pleased right on outside, all day and the 2nd day she nested in the outside box at night. So she did that for a month or so. always outside. Then one day I decided to test her out at a big oak right behind where her cage was attached. the one she'd been staring at her entire life. lots of other trees around it as well. She went up that tree like she had been doing it all her life lol . I cryed happy tears as she crept out every single branch on it, nibbling, and sniffing. she came back down after a bit, I put her back in her room, and she immediatly went out to the cage and began chewing on the wire. constant! pacing too. i knew I had to decide quick before she hurt herself, or actually escaped somehow. So 2 days later I opend a small hole in her cage up top, moved it to a more secure area, (away from the back fence with dogs whom she had never met face to face) across the driveway to a large wooded area. And I sat out there all day with her as she explored. she came back in the cage in the evening, with my assistance, I closed the hole, and the next day we did the same, only I didn't close the hole. So the next morning when I went out, she was already up and about eating in her cage, then up the big tree she was in. I know this is long lol sorry. I went inside and watched with binnoculars just in case other squirrels came around they wouldn't be scared of me. I wanted to see her reaction to them. When she saw one she ran straight back in her cage into her nest box. When I went out aagain and called her, she ran straight to me, and cuddled like she hadn't since she was a baby. for a month now, she has pretty much stayed close by, she has came into the garage alot this last week, I give her a pecan and take her back to her wooded area, and she'd go climbing again. I was trying to keep her from the garage and house for her own safety, now I feel terrible. 2 days ago I actually thought of bringing her back in because it didn't seem like she was going to take to other squirrels and become "wild". So right now, I'm thinking maybe I should have brought her back in for a few days, and waited and seen what happened. But now it feels to late for that. ugh, I know if I saw her right now, that she was ok, my worries would vanish. because if she's made it this long out of her nest box,and without my interference then she knew what she was doing for sure. I'll be out there at the crack of dawn inthe morning lol. for that one reassurance. thank you so much for listening to the ranting of what feels like for me a "mad woman" lol
squirrel squirrel squirrel is all I can think about right now!I see them everywhere!
05-20-2010, 09:08 AM
Well, I am certainly not the "expert" but I do know that pacing is a neurotic behavior and when that starts there is nothing you can do but open the door. Some squirrels take longer to "wild up" than others. Just know that you got her to this point and now it's up to her. But truthfully I think she has found a mate and enjoying her life in the wild. If not for you this little girl would not have made it...So be proud of what you have done and be happy not sad for this squirrel. Releasing is the hardest part it's like saying goodbye to part of your family but she is is not domesticated and will never be. Our job is to care for them until they can be released then be happy for their life. Don't dwell on what could have.....Think about what has...and what will:)
You did your job as a "foster" parent now it's time for her to do her job as a squirrel and raise a family so your feed bill will triple....:)BTW have I missed her name?
squirrely pearly
05-20-2010, 01:32 PM
hey Virgo, her name is Pearly, (pearly squirrely) and many other nicknames lol. I believe you are right. And this morning I think "think" I saw her. there were 2 squirrels out where I met her in the morning to feed her, I had left a few walnuts last night before bed there. and both ran off when I came out, up a nearby tree, but one came back down and ran right past me, like within 3 feet, she wasn't racing at a fast pace, but just hopping by. I was trying so hard to look at them both, that I just couldn't even tell if it was her. I approached the direction she went, or he, lol I don't know for sure it was her..she was sitting on a fence munching on one of the walnuts..then she ran up another tree. but it gave me hope!! It dawned on me because I stayed up half the night reading, that maybe she's in heat, and thats why the sudden departure perhaps with another squirrel. I was wondering, do you know, if the reason our babies don't come around us is that the other squirrels warn them of danger at our presence? If this is true, then I suppose she has "wilded up". and maybe once she's out of heat, she will visit again. Not knowing where she is sleeping now is what makes it hard to spot her I guess. It looks like she has moved closer to the pond, which is a good thing I think. water supply! that little bit of hope sure took me along way today! I was out on the back porch with binnoculars earlier just looking around in the tops of trees for nesting sites. didn't really see any. maybe she found a hole in a tree. What I realized out there was the reason it is so hard to release them is the possiblity that raising a lone squirrel like that, from baby to adult, makes us feel so incredibly needed! and when that need is gone, that is what brings on the saddness. because the freedom for her makes me extremely happy. for me, while she was here in the house, I thought of her constantly. I had gates put up for the dogs to make sure they didn't come close even to her room. When I ate , salads and such I always saved her the good stuff she liked. She loved wheat bread too lol. When I went outside i was constantly looking for things to bring in to her. Thats been my life for a year and half! I also realized my thoughts on keeping her in, or bringing her back in, were probably more for my benefit than hers. It's a good thing she disappeared when she did! lol I will keep you posted on any sightings of her. I am not out there today like the last 2 days. I will go out around dusk. thanks for all your support Virgo! I don'[t really think I would have come this far (sanely) without it! do you have squirrels now that you are raising?
squirrely pearly
05-20-2010, 02:08 PM
If this works..this is a picture of pearly squirrely
05-20-2010, 02:18 PM
Her picture is BIG but she is a cutie...To answer your question right now all I have is Knothead and he is a handful...He like to drink my blood:dono
I will just bet that squirrel you saw was Pearly...Most squirrels will not let you get within 100 feet before they bolt...She is probably in heat and being pursued relentlessly by some handsome male who is determined to lay a big fat kiss on her. I would not be surpirsed if once Pearly is knocked upn she comes by to visit. Just keep the doors open and the food and water flowing freely...Keep the Faith:grouphug
05-20-2010, 02:26 PM
Squirrely Pearly, I see you got plenty of reassuring good advice and stories. I have never had a pet squirrel but have known/feeded many outdoor ones. I get attached to them and then they disappear for weeks, even months and they suddenly reappear as if nothing happened. This always surprises me since they can get free meals (and hazelnuts to boot) here at my place. So they must be off doing other things and finding food everywhere. Anyways, my point is, that squirrels do seem to disappear for periods of time but usually come back.
squirrely pearly
05-20-2010, 02:27 PM
lol I know it's a big picture, it was from my phone..I many others that I can't seem to get on here. It looked like a thumbnail to me until I posted it! Thats what I thought about the one getting so close, and not being in a huge hurry to get past me. I have seemed to have made another little friend out there on the bench by her release cage , all the food and such. Some of them have found their way into her cage and have stripped it of any crumbs that may have remained after she quit wanting to go in there about a week ago. One big squirrel last week was in there eating, and he fogot how he got in and went crazy as I approached lol. I backed away so he could figure it out. and he did quickly .
squirrely pearly
05-20-2010, 05:19 PM
tomcics thank you! all the reassuring words needed here! lol watching squirrels and feeding them has become a wonderful pass time for me. I never knew how many squirrels were around here until I released Pearly, then I saw them everywhere! It's a thankless job feeding these little critters lol, but knowing they are tucked in their little nests with full bellies at the end of the day is worth it!
squirrely pearly
05-20-2010, 05:54 PM
Virgo, how old is Knothead may have told me already and it slipped past me in my obssession. how did you come about having him? I've been reading through alot of old posts on here, some help , some make me cringe. Though I thought I would not be out there so much today, if I look out of the window and see a squirrel , I go scurrying out there haha. I'd love to keep in touch and hear about Knothead more. I am partners in a tree company, mostly cutting down dangerous trees close to peoples homes. Thats how Pearly and I came to meet. Since then I have read about what to do if you find baby squirrels or they fall out of a tree. We find them when we are cutting trees, I get the climber to bring down the nest of them before he cuts the tree and we place it afterward at the stump, they go on to the next job, and I sit way back and watch and make sure the Mom comes and gets them before dark. So far so good. Everytime they say theres a nest, I cringe. I hate we have to cut down the trees they live in. But if we don't someone else will, and they most likely won't care what happens to the babies. it's not that often we find them, it has happened like 3 times since I found Pearly Squirrely. Twice before Pearly, we found 3 babies on different occasions, before I knew what to do, and I took them to a rehabber. The second ones I took were little pink ones. She told me the first ones I brought her died, and went on to tell me how busy she was with work and didn't think she could handle anymore after the ones I'd just brought. So when Pearly came along, I just decided I'd do the best I could and broken jaw and all. I'd do it all over again! After 6 months or so I had big scratches all over my hands lol I learned to wear gloves and she seemed to like them better for playing anyway. I remember people looking at me like I had a disease on my hands when I'd go out. haha good memories . So sorry about the long dialogs here..I could talk about her all day and night right now! and I guess I have for the last couple of days on here lol. thanks for listening!
05-20-2010, 06:59 PM
Knothead is 9 months old I got him and his three brothers as pinkys in August his brothers were released in December of last year. Knothead had a gash that covered almost the entire top of his little head. Looked like a squirrel bite to us. My theory is mama squirrel knew something was not right or maybe she didn't have enough milk for 4 and tried to eliminate the runt. Knothead was half the size of his brothers. he has been through a lot. His brothers kicked him out of the bed at around 1 month old because Knothead is a biter:rotfl he is blind in one eye and has neuro problems we aspirated him at 3 months old and he caught pneumonia and would have lost him if not for the people on this board I don't know who was in worse shape me or Knotty:rotfl . he is the meanest little peckerhead you have ever seen but we love him:Love_Icon I think it's great that you are there for the baby's. The release is the hardest thing we go through....We all cry together:rotfl So you are at the right place. I don't think I have ever met such a caring group than the people with TSB...Trist me if your are crying someone on this board is crying with you and they REALLY care about your squirrels:bowdown
squirrely pearly
05-21-2010, 11:03 PM
welp..4 days and I have no idea if I've seen Pearly girly or not. How do you all tell that it's your babies when there are so many others aroundl??!!
Before the day she disappeared, I knew her everytime! She was slower moving, and more cautious than the others. Plus the fact that when I called she came running either down the tree or across the ground.
my only hope is that she's hooked up with some fella and he's taking care of her (scary). Maybe she's too busy with "what they do" to bother with me. or having to much fun.
Today was horrible for me though . If I wasn't outside calling, I was back in here coming to TSB reading through all the reassuring words written, lol. Or reading through the whole board.
I'd like to ask if ANYONE knows anything about the mating ritual.. and how long the girls stay in heat.
All of the squirrels around here are usually in pairs..especially the last few days, maybe I just noticed it more since she's been gone. And they have been really active lately. alot of chasing and falling down or out of trees..crying out etc.
Had me running in different directions all day lol. Common sense tells me to leave it alone and wait it out. But I am not a patient person!! I'd give anything if I were!
Tommorrow I will see her..I'm sure of it!!
05-21-2010, 11:45 PM
I do feel your pain as all of us do who have had to release our babies:grouphug
Since your little girl is older, she is probably out there building her drey and being a real squirrel:thumbsup They are sexually mature as yearlings which also may mean she is pre-occupied with squirrelly things:)
I have had them come to me after released and some who just ignored me because they were so busy turning into who they were meant to be. They had no time for me any more:( Even if you don't see her that doesn't mean something happened. It is more likely she is being who you raised her to be:bowdown
I know that doesn't take the sadness away, only time will do that. Bless you for being such a great Mom:grouphug :grouphug
squirrely pearly
05-22-2010, 12:02 AM
thank you wheezer, does it happen overnight like that ? the ignoring part? because the day before she greeted me by sitting on my head while she ate her pecan! and then bam! she was gone the next morning, and didn't go into her nest that night. I am so confused, emotional wreck =/
I felt angry at her today..out in the woods looking.. talking to myself about how I will withhold pecans the next time I see her..then 5 minutes later, praying, begging, saying I'd give her a HUGE box of pecans if she'd just show herself!! 5 seconds is all I need! It was the quickness of it all that is so startling to me. and 4 days!
my brain conjures up all kind of things.
05-22-2010, 09:27 AM
thank you wheezer, does it happen overnight like that ? the ignoring part? because the day before she greeted me by sitting on my head while she ate her pecan! and then bam! she was gone the next morning, and didn't go into her nest that night. I am so confused, emotional wreck =/
I have not experience in releasing a squirrel (just have the squirrel I have now) nor do I have experience with children leaving the nest (no two-legged kids at all!). But, I do have experience with having been a teenager way back when and I can't help but think about that time in my life as I read about your Pearly and others as they are being released. I remember when I first got a bit of freedom how wonderful it felt. It was funny, at one point, I wasn't allowed to go "out" with friends and then when I turned 16, I was allowed out. Curfew was about 11 pm, but as I was enjoying this new found freedom, I found myself wanting more. Wanted to stay out later than 11 pm. Time went by so fast; we were still hanging out, having fun. I still loved Mom but I was busy growing up.
I can just imagine being a squirrel who is getting her first taste of freedom. It must feel good. I am sure it must be scary to a little one who was raised with a loving mom who was always there for her. I would imagine that the newly released squirrel would stay nearby at first. Probably come back to visit, to check on Mom. But as she learns to be a wild squirrel, she starts to stay in her world more and more.
I hope I have the courage and strength you have shown with Pearly if and when the time comes to release my MonkeyButt. Thank goodness for TSB where you can not only find information on the raising and release of a squirrel, but can also find fellowship with those that understand what you are going through.
05-22-2010, 09:44 AM
Some Squirrels do take off and never look back regardless of how they acted in the home....The house and the woods are totally dofferent. Most rehabbers love it when they release and they just take off not because they are glad to see them go but it means their Squirrel is not clingy and can take care of themselves. I released my 3 and ZOOM they were gone even though in the house they were so playful and loving....If she has taken off then you dod everything right. This really is what's supposed to happen. As much as it hurts (us) this is how it's meant to be for Pearly:Love_Icon
squirrely pearly
05-22-2010, 01:25 PM
Pearly was kinda clingy outside too. after the release. Even up to a week ago she was trying to get me to stay outside by just hanging on to me. Most the times I would give her pecans and avocado and such, she loved carrots too. and then she would high tail it up a tree to eat them, and I'd go in. watch from a distance.then other times she would sit right on me to eat no matter how much I tried to put her on a tree. we did this little ritual 2 sometimes 3 times a day. but like I said, there have been days I went out and called and she never came until evening, then she'd eat like a maniac, and go up to her nest.
I have been having a hard time knowing if she is even eating, so this morning at like 6 am I put a pillow from the bed in her old room that she loved to lounge on out there on the bench and I set the feeder on top of the pillow. I figured no other squirrel would want to be on pillow and it's humanly smell.
I watched with binoculars for a hour or so,and the squirrels were coming to the bench standing on their little back legs looking up at it, but they would lscamper away after a little bit. I went to doing a few things, had to run to the store and such..came back and someone had gotten 2 of the pecans, a few walnut pieces , and left the peanuts to the side. they also chewed a bit on the feeder which is plasticc and left little pieces of it on the pillow...thinking they must of thought some more pecans were in the top of it. I always miss the good stuff!!! ugh. It's like they know when I'm wathcing or something! little rascals.
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