View Full Version : <-----IS THIS NORMAL????

05-17-2010, 09:30 PM
Henry is now around 12 weeks.....

but.......he has a little fat pouch? right above his little pee pee ...
is this normal? it isnt a hard lump or nething but it hangs down......


05-17-2010, 11:30 PM
maybe you could post a pic of this area?...i think it would help to be able to see this,and those familiar with squirrel anatomy can give an opinion :)

Mrs Skul
05-18-2010, 01:08 AM
:wave123 Hi Henry's Parents Welcome to the Squirrel Board!:Welcome
:) I am going to ask you a lot of questions. It would help if you can post some pictures. Also tell us a little about Henry. What kind of Squirrel is he? (""Gray squirrel, Red, Foxer, or Southern Flying Squirrel?"") How did Henry come to live with you? :Love_Icon Was he injured, when you found him? Were his eyes open or still closed? What is he eating? Is he pooh and peeing OK? Do you have his weight? If he is still on formula what kind of formula is he on? (Or what kind did you raise him on?) Have you read our Squirrel Nutrition? Hear is the cite for you, if you need it.http://thesquirrelboard.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=191
Have you started him on Squirrel Blocks? What about fresh vegetables, fruit nuts yet? Is he still on heat pad? I know this is a lot of questions to throw at you. :D Believe me it really does help the Rehabbers, when they are answering questions. I sure hope this is not to serous. But I will try to help if I can. I know there will be others on also.

PS We have a member who makes a Squirrel Block. That has all the vitamin in it to keep your squirrel healthy.
:Visit the Henry's Healthy Pets website: http://henryspets.com

05-18-2010, 07:02 AM
Henry is now around 12 weeks.....

but.......he has a little fat pouch? right above his little pee pee ...
is this normal? it isnt a hard lump or nething but it hangs down......

Really without pictures there is no way of knowing what it is but it doesn't sound normal.
What kind of animal is Henry?
Just a guess here from very little info.
If it is exact center it could be an umbilical hernia which means a small loop of intestine has poked through the stomach wall.
I would separate him from playmates and anything he can poke it with for now.

05-18-2010, 07:46 AM
Knothead is a 9 month old Grey and he has a fat pouch too....He's had it for several months I think it's just a fatty pouch.

05-18-2010, 08:04 AM
Knothead is a 9 month old Grey and he has a fat pouch too....He's had it for several months I think it's just a fatty pouch.
Mugzi has a paunch like a baby beer belly as well now that he's getting all manly being the top squirrel! :D
Really pictures would be the best way to tell.

05-18-2010, 10:55 PM

108180Henry is a 12 or 13 week old gray sq.

we rescued him after a tornado.

he wasnt hurt and he took very well to us.
he was about 5 weeks when we got him.

also is it ok if he still eats formula?.....
he LOVES it 3 times a day...and i know around this time he is gunna start weaning?

he is so sweet and im hoping the pouch is just a beer belly hehe:D

05-18-2010, 10:56 PM
the 2nd pic looks really bad but he had a full bladder i found out a sec later ;)

05-19-2010, 06:11 AM

108180Henry is a 12 or 13 week old gray sq.

we rescued him after a tornado.

he wasnt hurt and he took very well to us.
he was about 5 weeks when we got him.

also is it ok if he still eats formula?.....
he LOVES it 3 times a day...and i know around this time he is gunna start weaning?

he is so sweet and im hoping the pouch is just a beer belly hehe:D
Looks normal to me!
Turn off the TV and start putting him on an exercise regimen!:rotfl

05-19-2010, 06:41 AM
He looks fine- and I have had babies stay on some formula that long too. That's a good thing for you, because as SOON as he goes off that formula, you MUST be very careful of his diet- he needs to get the right amount of calcium to avoid getting seriouslly ill and developing metabolic bone disease. HAve you checked out the nutrition section here on TSB yet? And :Welcome to TSB!

island rehabber
05-19-2010, 06:43 AM
I agree, his tummy looks normal. And cute. :D

05-19-2010, 08:18 AM
awww greattt! thanks everyone! im so glad its normal....... yea he is gettin in some veggies now he just loves food lol :D

05-19-2010, 08:19 AM
p.s everyone check out Baby henrys thread n the nusery....im posting new pics shortly :flash3