05-16-2010, 08:22 AM
Got a question.
I grew up in So. Florida - arrived as an infant, left for Maine at 27, so I have some experience with coconuts. We probably had a lot more than they do down there now - when I left they were years and years into a blight called "lethal yellowing" that was rapidly killing the coconut palms...
We would hack at the outside and darned near kill ourselves husking the things - someone always got to peel back a fingernail. Then you stab the eye with an icepick (sounds nice) and drain the "milk." Now the next step I always used was just to whale away on the thing with a hammer until it cracked or someone had to go to the emergency room. Mother Nature really did go over the top with coconuts...
But I bought one the other day (husked, thank goodness!) and there is a sticker on it saying to "heat in oven until shell cracks." No temp or time mentioned. Huh? Has anyone ever heard of or done this? If I can crack this without taking out a window I am all over it, but I don't want to mess up the coconut by heating it (???:dono )
Mister P is only going to get a teeny bit of this - don't worry, I know it is a "pooper" food. For once, Mom is going to get the bulk of it. I mean, I already am eating the sugar snap pea pods he discards (he pierces them and sucks out each pea, then throws the $8-$10 dollar a pound pea pods aside!! Since he blows through a pile at a time, he pretty much hands me his castoffs to eat.:shakehead )
So anyway, what up with heating coconuts to crack them?
I grew up in So. Florida - arrived as an infant, left for Maine at 27, so I have some experience with coconuts. We probably had a lot more than they do down there now - when I left they were years and years into a blight called "lethal yellowing" that was rapidly killing the coconut palms...
We would hack at the outside and darned near kill ourselves husking the things - someone always got to peel back a fingernail. Then you stab the eye with an icepick (sounds nice) and drain the "milk." Now the next step I always used was just to whale away on the thing with a hammer until it cracked or someone had to go to the emergency room. Mother Nature really did go over the top with coconuts...
But I bought one the other day (husked, thank goodness!) and there is a sticker on it saying to "heat in oven until shell cracks." No temp or time mentioned. Huh? Has anyone ever heard of or done this? If I can crack this without taking out a window I am all over it, but I don't want to mess up the coconut by heating it (???:dono )
Mister P is only going to get a teeny bit of this - don't worry, I know it is a "pooper" food. For once, Mom is going to get the bulk of it. I mean, I already am eating the sugar snap pea pods he discards (he pierces them and sucks out each pea, then throws the $8-$10 dollar a pound pea pods aside!! Since he blows through a pile at a time, he pretty much hands me his castoffs to eat.:shakehead )
So anyway, what up with heating coconuts to crack them?