View Full Version : Is he depressed?

05-15-2010, 12:07 PM
I'm not sure what's going on with Rabbit. For the last week I've been letting him in my backyard because I recently released his cagemate(she's much happier out there) and I didn't want him to be lonely (have a baby as well, they're still in the "I'll sniff you but then run away" phase). He'll spend the day just laying in the tree, then come back in the evening. The 3rd and last time, he didn't come home at night. I couldn't find him in his spot. Thankfully he came home after dark the next night. When he comes back he usually clings to my hand and makes me rub his face for as long as I'm willing, but now it's worse. He's holding on and squeaks sometimes when I try to pick him up, like he thinks I'm going to leave him. He slept the whole day after he came back, and hasn't even looked out the window. I'm typing with one hand, even. :shakehead Is he just overstimulated and wanting to be clingy or is he sad for some reason? I believe the former, and I think I've become good at reading them, but I'm hoping someone can help me analyze this.

Thank you so much!

Nancy in New York
05-15-2010, 01:06 PM
I'm not sure what's going on with Rabbit. For the last week I've been letting him in my backyard because I recently released his cagemate(she's much happier out there) and I didn't want him to be lonely (have a baby as well, they're still in the "I'll sniff you but then run away" phase). He'll spend the day just laying in the tree, then come back in the evening. The 3rd and last time, he didn't come home at night. I couldn't find him in his spot. Thankfully he came home after dark the next night. When he comes back he usually clings to my hand and makes me rub his face for as long as I'm willing, but now it's worse. He's holding on and squeaks sometimes when I try to pick him up, like he thinks I'm going to leave him. He slept the whole day after he came back, and hasn't even looked out the window. I'm typing with one hand, even. :shakehead Is he just overstimulated and wanting to be clingy or is he sad for some reason? I believe the former, and I think I've become good at reading them, but I'm hoping someone can help me analyze this.

Thank you so much!

How old is your little one...can I assume that we are talking about a grey squirrel:D . Perhaps he just isn't ready for the outdoors yet...:dono

05-15-2010, 01:36 PM
Hi, Nancy. He's sleeping now so I can actually type!

He's a little over a year old. Found him when he was maybe shy of 4wks. He was an only child for about 6 months, so he kind of got a bit attached. Bella came along and they got along for the most part. He would chase her when I told her not to do something, and she would yell at him when she wanted a nest to herself...

She was definitely gonna be wild. It was premature, letting her go :( I wanted to do it slower than it happened, but she was the right age and still had the right mindset to go out there and be what she was supposed to be.

I don't think he'll ever want to go out for good. I'm hoping so, too! A little bit ago he was laying on top of his cage, looking out the back door. I opened it and sat there, but he wanted nothing to do with me while I was so close to the outside. As soon as the door closed he rushed over and shoved my fingers in his face, closed his eyes while I scrathced his chin. I'd love to do that forever, I just don't want him to be sad.

Luckily, thanks to all the wonderful people on here, I've been able to do very well with these guys. I knew when I was worried about something I couldn't figure out that I could find help here :)

Believe it or not, that's the short version.

05-15-2010, 01:36 PM
And yes, you are correct :)

05-15-2010, 01:42 PM
:shakehead I think maybe he is not ready to be released yet,sometimes it takes longer for some than others,even when they are from the same litter.Maybe you could consider keeping him a little longer.If it were me I would not rush him.It could have grave consequences.I am by no means an expert ,but this is my best guess.:grouphug :Love_IconI wish you the best and may God bless you for helping him.

Nancy in New York
05-15-2010, 02:17 PM
I think too because he was a loner for so long he may have gotten attached to mama...:D
I would just hate to take a squirrel out and tell him the party's over...:rotfl :rotfl
I don't think that him being with you is depressing him, I think it's the thoughts of going back out. If you really wanted to try release, perhaps outdoor time in a cage would be the best solution. Let him get used to the sights and sounds and see what he thinks.
If he has never acted antsy inside and no pacing, that is a good indication that he is pretty content...too funny.
I would do what your instincts tell you...:grouphug
With the other one if she was the right age and had no problem adapting to the outdoor, then her release was perfect...:thumbsup
Some of them just take longer like lilbitsquirrely said...if there is no rush for you...let him decide....:Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon

05-15-2010, 02:36 PM
No, he's my little furball, I would never tell him to get out :D I just felt bad that I was keeping him from the awesome climbing trees in the backyard (I know from experience) and from Bella. I think he liked exploring a little bit maybe, but he did always pancake and chew on the same branches. I was hoping that was the case, that he was a bit freaked out about all that goes on beyond his room.

And if I'm not the only one that thinks it isn't him longing to be free, then I'm happy. He definitely doesn't pace, and I've got the room to where he can play for as long as he wants; he'll go to bed without me putting him in there. I've built all kinds of stuff for them- he has his own "trees" in the middle of the room.

I guess it was just my worrying and overanalyzing the fact that he hasn't been as active the past week... I hope he doesn't think he's going outside if he wants to play! :osnap Gotta go wake him up and play with him, lol.

Thanks you two! I know there are more pressing matters all the time, but his happiness is up there above mine. I've gotta get around to posting some pictures so you know just how adorable this little dude is, and to show you how cute these two were together... :(

Nancy in New York
05-15-2010, 02:44 PM
No, he's my little furball, I would never tell him to get out :D I just felt bad that I was keeping him from the awesome climbing trees in the backyard (I know from experience) and from Bella. I think he liked exploring a little bit maybe, but he did always pancake and chew on the same branches. I was hoping that was the case, that he was a bit freaked out about all that goes on beyond his room.

And if I'm not the only one that thinks it isn't him longing to be free, then I'm happy. He definitely doesn't pace, and I've got the room to where he can play for as long as he wants; he'll go to bed without me putting him in there. I've built all kinds of stuff for them- he has his own "trees" in the middle of the room.

I guess it was just my worrying and overanalyzing the fact that he hasn't been as active the past week... I hope he doesn't think he's going outside if he wants to play! :osnap Gotta go wake him up and play with him, lol.

Thanks you two! I know there are more pressing matters all the time, but his happiness is up there above mine. I've gotta get around to posting some pictures so you know just how adorable this little dude is, and to show you how cute these two were together... :(

Now what is more pressing than the happiness of a little furball and his mama???
By the sounds of it, I wouldn't want to leave either if I were him...he knows a good thing...:D
Maybe he is just a little "off" because he is missing Bella...obviously not enough to go look for her though...:rotfl :rotfl :rotfl
Sounds like you are doing wonderful...And I trust that the house is squirrel proof or if not that you are right up his butt....:D
Oh yes, we need pictures...We never tire of seeing the little fur butts...:thumbsup

05-15-2010, 03:22 PM
Now what is more pressing than the happiness of a little furball and his mama???
By the sounds of it, I wouldn't want to leave either if I were him...he knows a good thing...:D
Maybe he is just a little "off" because he is missing Bella...obviously not enough to go look for her though...:rotfl :rotfl :rotfl
Sounds like you are doing wonderful...And I trust that the house is squirrel proof or if not that you are right up his butt....:D
Oh yes, we need pictures...We never tire of seeing the little fur butts...:thumbsup

:D Yep, he may be just a little spoiled... It took a while to hide cords and things I never thought would be of interest to a squirrel... boy, was I wrong! All of my flip flops have little Rabbit-sized chunks missing- some of which were extracted with the shoes on my feet! I have to share ALL of my food-it's a good thing I eat healty. I've even tried the blocks I made with the recipe from 4s :thankyou not bad at all!

When I do have to yell at him, he comes running and starts grabbing my fingers- "sorry, mom!"

I only have videos on this computer. I'll have to dig out the cords to get some pictures on here. I'll have it up by Monday. Maybe by then he'll be a little more himself and I'll have a good update!

Thank you again, SO much, for caring about my little ones! You guys are really the greatest! :bowdown :Love_Icon

05-21-2010, 03:55 AM
Your little Rabbit sounds adorable. I would love to see pictures. I have a 4 month old grey that I am hoping will always want to be a mama's boy! But, if not, will release. I would love to hear more about your experiences witth Rabbit as well as Bella.

Michele in Tampa

island rehabber
05-21-2010, 06:47 AM
I agree with Nancy -- I think Rabbit was overwhelmed by the idea of being 'stuck' outside, but then confused when Bella went out and pretty much said, "hasta la vista, Bro!" :D. Too many changes for him in one shot. So...he ran back to mamma where everything was safe and familiar. So long as it's ok with you, let him go at his own pace. He may not wild up for months...or he may not wild up at all. :peace

Note to Michele in Tampa: and who do you think I was thinking of when JessicaLynn described how Rabbit pushes his head into her hand? :D:Love_Icon