View Full Version : Sick Foxtail Squirrel

Kearns Entertainment
05-12-2010, 12:07 AM
I found a foxtail squirrel in my driveway 3 days ago and have been trying to care for him without exposing myself to any diseses he my have. I know nothing about squirrels but i don't like to see critters suffer.
He had some blood around his nose. he just sleeps most of the time ... even when touched he barly moves. but every now and then he wakes up and moves around. I have put rabbit food and peanuts in the cage with him and some water. I was wondering how to tell if he has rabies or anything dangerous.

island rehabber
05-12-2010, 12:11 AM
First, welcome and thank you for saving this poor squirrel. Squirrels are not a rabies vector species and rarely, if EVER, carry rabies. The only "disease" you might get from a squirrel is a rash from mites, if the squirrel is infested with them. Easily treatable, anyway.

Please go to our Emergency Forum and read the stickies on "Emergency Care for Squirrels". This one you have seems as if he is in shock, or has undergone some type of head trauma. We have at least one member in Alabama who is an excellent wildlife rehabber -- I will PM her to come and read your thread, and maybe she can take him from you. In the meantime, keep him Warm, Dark and Quiet -- away from kids, pets, and loud TV's. See if he will take some homemade hydrating solution:

1 quart warm water
3 TABLEspoons sugar
1 TEAspoon salt
You can flavor it with a drop of apple juice or other fruit juice.

Kearns Entertainment
05-12-2010, 12:15 AM
so do i touch him...hold him to force feed him?

Kearns Entertainment
05-12-2010, 12:30 AM
I have no idea how to give him food or fluid.....

island rehabber
05-12-2010, 12:31 AM
If he's an adult you'll want to be careful; wear some nice thick gloves until you get a better idea of his personality. See if he will take liquid from a shallow bowl or jar lid.....if he's really out of it, you might need to squirt some liquid into his mouth (just a drop, under the muzzle on one side) to get him to start lapping it. Use a 1 or 3cc syringe without needle for that -- nothing bigger. I don't recommend 'force feeding' him at all -- he is frightened enough as it is. See if you can gently get him to take some fluids because that is the key to his survival. And getting him to a qualified person ASAP.

Kearns Entertainment
05-12-2010, 12:33 AM
ok...i'll try that.... thank you!

Kearns Entertainment
05-12-2010, 01:16 AM
The little guy tollerated being handeled pretty well and loved the sugar water.....Thank You So Much!!!!!

Mrs Skul
05-12-2010, 01:27 AM
:Welcome Welcome to TSB! :) I am glad you saved this little Fox Squirrel. Please can you take the rabbit food out of the cage. :nono It is not the right food for Squirrels. Right now he is sick and not feeling very good. But fresh vegetables will be better. He might even like a piece of apple. Your in good hans with IsLand Rehabber. :thumbsup I hope she can help you find a rehabber soon. Hang in their. God Bless You for caring for this little guy.:grouphug

island rehabber
05-12-2010, 07:01 AM
Good morning KE -- how is the little foxer this morning? Mrs. Skul is right -- she is more alert at nighttime than I am because she has flying squirrels :D. The bunny food must go. Try offering your little guy some chunks of apple, pear, or avocado -- they usually love it. Hopefully today we'll find you someone to help him. :thumbsup

Jackie in Tampa
05-12-2010, 08:24 AM
:wave123 :Welcome
I will contact two rehabbers now in your area ...
can you tell us the county or city you are in?
thank you!
Hang in there little foxer...:Love_Icon

Mountain Mama
05-12-2010, 11:06 AM
Hi! Welcome to TSB!:Welcome

I sent you an email...please let me know if I can help you!

05-12-2010, 11:35 AM
:grouphug I'm praying for the little foxer.and you to :thankyou for taking him under your wing,and a great big :Welcome to TSB

Jackie in Tampa
05-12-2010, 11:57 AM
the sq is now with a tsb member!:bowdown
thank you finders!:bowdown

island rehabber
05-12-2010, 01:27 PM
the sq is now with a tsb member!:bowdown
thank you finders!:bowdown


Mrs Skul
05-12-2010, 09:23 PM
:thankyou Thank you Kearns E. :thankyou
You all are grate!
Praying for a Full and Fast Recovery