View Full Version : Need Young Squirrel Help in Boston!

05-09-2010, 11:21 PM
Hi everyone,

Last Thursday...after some phone calls to wildlife experts and a trip to the mspca...I decided that the best thing to do for an orphaned squirrel found outside one of my work locations was to bring him home.

I work in the mental health field and visit various residential homes throughout the day. Upon arriving at one house I found out that earlier in the morning a staff member was walking up the driveway and a baby (young adult) squirrel ran right up to him and hopped on his foot. They put out a cardboard box and some food for him...and when I got there he was fast asleep. I picked him up and examined him...which might not of been the smartest thing to do...but he has ended up being the most docile wild animal I've ever encountered. I am bewildered by how friendly he is with humans. I was told by the wildlife people and the mspca to put him under a tree and that hopefully his mother would come claim him. I did that...put him on the lawn underneath the one tree in the vicinity of the house. I came out ten minutes later to find that he had fallen completely asleep right where I put him. Clearly he has no concept of prey/predator relations. I then put a box next to the tree and put him in there. Came out ten minutes later and he ran up to my leg and hopped on. I turned away and went back inside...called another wildlife expert from the basement office phone and while on the phone i turned around and found that he had attached himself to the window above my head and was staring at me. Left the room and went back outside a little bit later...and he had fallen asleep in the original box that staff had put out for him that morning. I stuck around for a couple hours to see if mom would come back...but i didn't see any squirrels whatsoever and staff hadn't seen any throughout the day. I decided then that I would bring him home and go from there.

He had mites, and I actually gave him a bath in the office sink before heading home. Of course the eco soap and water didn't clear up the mite problem...duh, not sure why I thought it would. But he was a trooper while getting a bath...far more mellow than any domesticated animal I've had. Took him home...made him a home in a medium sized dog kennel I had. He passed out for the night and into the next day. Stopped at petco on way home from work Friday and got stuff for ear mites as well as a spray to get rid of fleas...both products were for small animals like ferrets. Also got him a nut mix and some apple tree logs to chew on. Came home and spent the next hour administering the anti-mite products...followed by yet another bath. Yay...baby squirrel is mite-free. Roommates are vet interns at mspca and one of them brought home that canned milk for kittens because he hadn't eaten any of the food i left out the night before. Gave him the milk via a syringe that night since he hadn't woken up to eat the nuts/celery/etc. On saturday he started to eat the nut mix and celery put in his kennel for him...and he found the water bowl. Strangely...he had also used the small litter box I had put in the kennel (I was curious as to what he would do with it). Took him out on saturday (yes, i know i shouldn't be handling him)...let him run around a little bit and he crawled around on me. He isn't very graceful. Since saturday morning he has been sleeping a lot but has been waking up regularly to eat and drink...unlike thurs/fri. Before when he slept he was sleeping so deep that he wouldn't even wake up when i picked him up...I can't tell you how many times I thought he was dead! I stopped feeding him the kitten milk today since he seems to be up and handling feeding on his own regularly.

Soooo....now what? My roommate told me that if I take him to a wildlife refuge that there is a change that they'll put him down because he is so used to humans that they couldn't let him out into the wild. Now I know animals die in nature all the time...but not while I'm watching. If he can't go back to the wild...which I'm getting the impression that he can't...then I want to find him a home with someone who knows how to raise squirrels as pets and give them a good proper home/family. There is something a little bit off about him, and these are my thoughts on that:

1) He fell from a tree and has minor brain damage
2) He has eyesight issues
3) Another human found him as a wee baby and nursed him at home before releasing him as a young adult...which is why he is so friendly and comfortable with people.

He is a little ungraceful and wobbly...I don't know if this is his age or possible brain/eyesight issues. I don't know where to go from here but I cannot keep him (I cannot provide him a proper home due to lack of squirrel experience and I have roommates and a rabbit/dog/cat in the house)...but...I want to give him the best chance at life possible. I'm hoping that maybe someone on here can direct me to someone in the Boston/Mass/New England area that is experienced with squirrels and could give him a home? I will provide him with a home until I find a forever home for him...or someone can recommend a wildlife place that won't put him down if he cannot acclimate to living outside.

Help? :thankyou

pic of him...


island rehabber
05-09-2010, 11:59 PM
I will send you a private message with the name of a member in Boston -- she is a FANTASTIC rehabber and a wonderful person.....check your PM's shortly. :thumbsup

Ultra Peepi
05-10-2010, 01:02 AM
Hi Jackson.:Welcome Thanks for helping that little guy:thumbsup and you are definitely in good hands here as there are lots of skilled, kind and helpful people on the Board. :)

05-10-2010, 01:03 AM
If for some reason the rehabber in mass cant take him, I can. I'm not a rehabber and somewhat new to the squirrel world but have one now I am caring for and is doing awesome! I have a room set up for her so having one more isnt an issue.

05-10-2010, 10:29 AM
thanks so much everyone! i'm on the fly right now but will contact the rehabber later today! its so nice to have a supportive environment to go to with this situation...everyone off the internet just yells at me about diseases and letting nature do its thing...even if it means him not surviving.

island rehabber
05-10-2010, 10:58 AM
everyone off the internet just yells at me about diseases and letting nature do its thing...even if it means him not surviving.
Please tell them that squirrels are about the SAFEST animals you could possibly rescue; the worst you can get from them is a mite, but in 6 years I never have. They do not carry rabies or even the parasites & icky things you could get from doing dog & cat rescue, either. :)

Stick around, Jackson! We love squirrel lovers :Love_Icon Oh -- and the part about them telling you to "let nature do its thing"? Tell them YOU are part of nature too, and you're doing YOUR thing by saving the baby. :)

05-10-2010, 11:52 AM
You are awesome for taking care of this baby and caring about what kind of life he will have:Love_Icon -the world needs lots of people like you.... thank you!!! Let us know how he fares with the rehabber.

05-11-2010, 07:39 AM
what happened with the baby??? did you get a hold of anyone yet? i'm pretty sure everybody is full, cept for one rehabber i know who just got back from vacation

05-11-2010, 09:23 AM
That is one cute squirrel! I'm so glad you followed your instincts and decided to help him!
I know what you mean about people being freakish about the situation. :soapbox I had a wildlife rehabber on my facebook page, whom I had friended from a model horse forum, ream me a new one about fostering my babies. She even told me I was going to get the plague...LOL :osnap . Two of the four squirrels I've had the pleasure of fostering have been given to me by vets in my area, one of which is a rehabber!

Thank you so much for helping this guy out! :wahoo

05-11-2010, 09:46 AM
she told you you were going to get the plague, lol
wow, she should know better.
as long as you use common sense hygiene, you have nothing to worry about

05-11-2010, 10:51 AM
she told you you were going to get the plague, lol
wow, she should know better.
as long as you use common sense hygiene, you have nothing to worry about

I know right! LOL I got quite a chuckle out of it myself. She is a licenced, non-profit rehabber out west and had no experience with squirrels. She got down right abusive if I left a status update involving a squirrel, so I finally sent her a message and told her if she couldn't be an adult(this woman being old enough to be my mother), then it may be best if we weren't "friends" on FB. That is when she wrote me back telling me that she merely suggested that I get licenced b/c she was concerned for me and my family(I live by myself) that we could get rabies, hannaviarus(?) and the plague...LOL. I chocked it up to an attention starved drama queen and didn't write her back, but she did remove herself from my friends list...LOL

05-12-2010, 09:54 AM
Just got to my emails......19 baby coons, 6 squirrels and 2 coyote pups don't give me much time online!:crazy I left Jackson a voice message....I can take the little guy here! I'm only 20 min. out of Boston.......:thumbsup

island rehabber
05-12-2010, 10:05 AM
Just got to my emails......19 baby coons, 6 squirrels and 2 coyote pups don't give me much time online!:crazy I left Jackson a voice message....I can take the little guy here! I'm only 20 min. out of Boston.......:thumbsup

:thumbsup :bowdown:bowdown :thankyou Deanna we love you!!

05-12-2010, 11:10 AM
:wave123 Good job Jackson.I'm so glad your able to help this little live wire out.God Bless you.:thankyou :grouphug :Love_IconDon'T worry you are not going to catch anything from him except maybe a love bug!:rofl4 :rofl4 :rofl4 :rofl4

06-03-2010, 06:35 AM
Hi Jason,
I might be to late and if you have found some one for the little fuzzybutt, good! BUT IF YOU STILL NEED TO FIND A PERSON TO TAKE HIM, LET ME KNOW. IM JUST A PHONE CALL AWAY. i WILL ARRANGE ALL TRANSPERTATION FOR HIM:jump

island rehabber
06-03-2010, 07:26 AM
dmgualtieri did take this squirrel -- all is well! Sorry I forgot to update and so did they. :thumbsup

Jackie in Tampa
06-03-2010, 07:40 AM
:bowdown :thumbsup :alright.gif