View Full Version : Bleeding mouth problem...advice??

05-03-2010, 12:45 AM
My 2 squirrels babies Wally and Chester are about 6 weeks and have been doing great. They now get about 8 cc's of esbalic every 5 hours. The last 2 feedings I noticed a very small amount of blood in Chesters mouth during feeding...just wondering if this is normal?? Maybe more teeth breaking through, I would appreciate any advice.

Just joined the board
- Jake

Jackie in Tampa
05-03-2010, 06:23 AM
:Welcome :wave123 Welcome to TSB!
are you using a nipple? if so poke more holes in it, they maybe sucking too hard, also teething could be involved...I have seen this happen many times.
We love pics!, and would love to see Wally and Chester!:wave123

05-03-2010, 07:36 AM
if your feeding with just a syringe it's totally normal, they bite it sometimes