View Full Version : Advice needed...switching from Esb to FV formula

05-01-2010, 12:19 PM
Has anyone had any problems when switching from Esbilac to Fox Valley formula? After reading about the Esbilac issues, I am beginning to worry that Hope may get sick. She's never showed any signs of illness and she eats healthy foods but I am thinking she may need the FV formula instead of the Esbilac. She is old enough (1 year) to be off of formula but has never weaned herself and I want to give it to her as long as she'll take it.

Here's a little info on her diet. Little piggy gets 1 tsp. formula plus 1/2 tsp. heavy whipping cream each morning. 9 times out of 10 she drinks half and that's it. The rest of the day she has access to 2 Henry's Healthy blocks, veggies (broccoli, cauliflower, and/or snap beans) and 1 acorn.
Suppertime she gets 2 tsp. formula with 1 tsp. h.w. cream. She polishes this off before bedtime. If she hasn't stashed the HHB's in her outside cage, she gets whatever is leftover of them, plus an additional block when she comes inside for the night. For dessert, I'll give her a small amount of apple. Sometimes she eats the apples, sometimes she doesn't. She's a very picky eater.
I did go over her diet with the vet and she cringed when I told her I still added the heavy whipping cream. She said that as long as she was not getting overweight, she didn't see a real problem with it...just don't let her get too big! She looked at the pictures I had of Hope and she said she looked really healthy and to keep doing what I was doing.

Any suggestions or tips would be appreciated! Thanks in advance!!

05-01-2010, 06:21 PM
I have not had any problems switching from Esbilac to FV. I always mix 1/2 of the old formula with 1/2 of the new formula for a couple of days and I have never had problems when switching from any formulas. I have a couple of non-release grays that took a 10 cc syringe of formula mixed with yogurt at night for well over a year. I finally stopped last summer when I was swamped with babies and didn't have an extra minute of time for months! I actually was just thinking about offering to them again at night since I have more time this season. I really felt good when they were getting a little yogurt for added calcium. Hope this helps!

05-01-2010, 08:15 PM
Thank you so much for your response. It helped:)