View Full Version : Sam's nose is STILL boogery?!

04-30-2010, 02:33 PM
Okay, it will be 3 weeks since I found Sam after he apparently took a tumble and landed on the asphalt. The roof of his mouth seems to have healed fine and the only real issue is the boogers. Each morning and afternoon his nose is clogged with boogers, which I then pick for him, so that he can breathe better. He seems fine otherwise except for still being terrified of the big cage.

I called one of the rehabbers here on Tuesday, and she hasn't gotten back with me.:shakehead The other sent me an email today saying that he may need another round of AB's. What do you guys think? Has anyone seen this type of injury before and is this a normal time of recovery?:dono

Also, his top teeth were not even when I found him, but now they are so I take it that he is wearing his teeth down. How do I know when or if his teeth need to be trimmed?

04-30-2010, 08:46 PM
Just giving this a bump...

04-30-2010, 08:49 PM
Normal squirrel teeth:


Hope this helps!

04-30-2010, 09:31 PM
If he can open nuts, his teeth may be fine.
If you do go with some AB's, you might consider
also feeding a little all natural yogurt to aid digestion.