View Full Version : How to get him to eat?

marvin's mom
04-30-2010, 07:27 AM
Marvin refuses to eat his formula ( I just got Fox Valley 2 days ago). He won't touch it! The only thing I can get him to eat is oranges...and he is still self nursing?! I don't know what to do...like I said he's eating oranges and drinking plenty of water but he's 7ish weeks old. What are some other suggestions for food - I want to make sure his diet is balanced and gets the right nutrients...He kinda sorta chews on broccoli (but doesn't really eat it).:thinking :dono Please help my little one, I love him so.:Love_Icon

04-30-2010, 07:30 AM
Marvin refuses to eat his formula ( I just got Fox Valley 2 days ago). He won't touch it! The only thing I can get him to eat is oranges...and he is still self nursing?! I don't know what to do...like I said he's eating oranges and drinking plenty of water but he's 7ish weeks old. What are some other suggestions for food - I want to make sure his diet is balanced and gets the right nutrients...He kinda sorta chews on broccoli (but doesn't really eat it).:thinking :dono Please help my little one, I love him so.:Love_Icon

No more oranges! He is self-nursing because he's hungry.

Try mixing a little orange juice with his formula. Then gradually reduce the amount of orange juice.

Nancy in New York
04-30-2010, 08:01 AM
Marvin refuses to eat his formula ( I just got Fox Valley 2 days ago). He won't touch it! The only thing I can get him to eat is oranges...and he is still self nursing?! I don't know what to do...like I said he's eating oranges and drinking plenty of water but he's 7ish weeks old. What are some other suggestions for food - I want to make sure his diet is balanced and gets the right nutrients...He kinda sorta chews on broccoli (but doesn't really eat it).:thinking :dono Please help my little one, I love him so.:Love_Icon

Can you try mixing in a little fruit into the FV...I mean baby food fruit, just a tad...mix it really good and let him taste it, put it on his lips...:dono

marvin's mom
04-30-2010, 08:49 AM
I have some organic applesauce baby food - will that work? I only gave him oranges after he hadn't eaten - tried 4 different times he wouldn't even suck down half a cc. I tried nipples on the syringe, dipping the end in molasses...which he LOVED the molasses but after it was off the syringe it was game off! I'm feeling like a pretty bad squirrel mom right now.:Cry

He's still active though and still wants to play which is good.:)

04-30-2010, 09:00 AM
Yes, add fruit baby food to the formula. Add some molasses to the formula to sweeten it if he likes the taste of that.

Is it possible that he has gotten dehydrated from no formula and that is why he doesn't want to take it? Why don't you try replacing his formula with pedialyte, either store bought or homemade for the next few feedings (warm it just like formula) and then try some of the sweeter, fruity yummy stuff after that?

Rehabbers? Opinions on that?? Please?

Nancy in New York
04-30-2010, 09:02 AM
I have some organic applesauce baby food - will that work? I only gave him oranges after he hadn't eaten - tried 4 different times he wouldn't even suck down half a cc. I tried nipples on the syringe, dipping the end in molasses...which he LOVED the molasses but after it was off the syringe it was game off! I'm feeling like a pretty bad squirrel mom right now.:Cry

He's still active though and still wants to play which is good.:)

Oh, your not a bad squirrel mom at all...sometimes that happens and we just have to think and think to see what works...maybe keep dipping the syringe in the molasses...:dono How old did you say he is? I will go look through your thread...Yes to the apple sauce, see if that will work:thinking
OK I just saw a picture of him...he still should be on formula....I know you're trying :tilt

marvin's mom
04-30-2010, 12:49 PM
I guess my husband has the magic touch...he got him to eat 3cc's this morning and 5cc's just a little bit ago!:multi We have an idea what the problem is, he likes it cool (room temp). Hopefully that's the ticket. He liked the Esbilac warmed up....but the FV must taste better cool. Wish us luck!!!


Nancy in New York
04-30-2010, 12:53 PM
I guess my husband has the magic touch...he got him to eat 3cc's this morning and 5cc's just a little bit ago!:multi We have an idea what the problem is, he likes it cool (room temp). Hopefully that's the ticket. He liked the Esbilac warmed up....but the FV must taste better cool. Wish us luck!!!
