View Full Version : Roxy has pus in her eye and I know her teeth need trimmed
04-29-2010, 11:04 PM
Yesterday she started getting puss in her one eye. I can tell she hasn't felt good for the past few days and she couldn't pick her babies up when she tried to move them. She was still eating, but now is not eating as much....
She just lays on the limb close to the babies.
I tried to catch her before, but I don't know how to trim them myself???
I'm going to try to get her to a vet tomorrow. Have a call in to find out tomorrow???
Anyone have any advice???
Woody is also my little boy who just had the Abcess, he's sleeping a lot,
just sent Carol a note about it, may have to change meds. Will let you know what I find out in AM Thanks
04-30-2010, 08:07 PM
Wow!! Got the teeth trimmed with help of another rehabber I found here in town!! 20 yrs. experience and raising 8 babies right now!!
She told me Roxy eye infection was from an eye injury..... She didn't get poked or anything that I saw and it came on slowly, one day, drooping or tired looking eye, then next day, kind of glazed, then next day, glazy with the start of yellowish puss and then today it was nasty yellow puss.
This lady put some ointment in her eye after soaking it with an antibiotic was, compressing it. The ointment is Terramycin.
It been a couple hours and I just saw Roxy, here is a picture of how her eye looks, she can't see out of it either???? What should I do??
04-30-2010, 08:36 PM
Please check your email ASAP.
04-30-2010, 09:14 PM
Ok, I think the second rehabber screwed up by scrubbing the eye and using terramycin...any other rehabbers out there agree?
I am the first rehabber that helped out with Woody. :wave123
I think Roxy needs Neo/Poly/Dex drops and ointment ASAP!
04-30-2010, 09:16 PM
OMG! Don't give her any more clindamycin! My boss told me not to use that one because it can cause bad reactions! (sorry folks, working through slow email and see that she's logged on here)
You can give her the same dose of amoxicillin you are giving Woody.
Can you meet me tonight?
04-30-2010, 09:29 PM
Rocky is on her way to meet me tonight. Roxy will be getting eye ointment and drops as well as amoxicillin since it's safe for her even while nursing.
Everyone say a prayer for poor Roxy... And please say a prayer for me that I don't call this other rehabber and REEM HER A NEW ___________!!!!!$%*#(@
Mrs Skul
04-30-2010, 09:53 PM
:wave123 Hi J Sounds like her teeth were really long. :eek: OH! Your poor Baby!! Did they put a hole :hurt in the ruff of her mouth?? :dono
You need to start her on some BAYTRIL or SULFA-TRIM!!!
:( Please DON"T use steroids in her eye!!! :nono
You need some Trioptic P OPTHALMIC Ointment! Some kind of Antibiotic eye Med. Let me know if I can send you anything!! :nurse I hope CritterMom can help you out. :help
:Phone2 Call me if you need anything. :Phone
Your in my Prayers Roxy!! :CM918
Mrs Skul
04-30-2010, 10:36 PM
:bowdown :bowdown :bowdown :bowdown
:thumbsup Thank You Critter_Queen!! :thumbsup Julie, Your in Good Hands with Critter_Queen. Lets Pray the other rehab person did not mess up Rocky Eye. Good Luck!
PS Sorry Quitter_Queen :hidechair I was typing one thing and thinking another!!:D Did not mean Type Mom! I will see if someone will fix it for me. I started typing this and then posted. You had already posted your stuff. :D Boy am I slooooooooowwwwwwwww
05-01-2010, 12:17 AM
Finally got home with the meds, will be up early to get Roxy better......
Please keep her and babies in all of your prayers, she's such a good squirrel!
Will post in the morning with more details and pictures of how she is doing!!
05-01-2010, 09:16 AM
Confused, is she staying with u or going to CQ?
Do not know why the rehabber compressed the eye putting pressure on anything infected will make it spread deeper unless she held a warm damp cloth on it lightly?
What was the antibiotic wash called?
make sure you use nothing that has steroids in it! (anything cortisone)
What eye sav are you using now? From the looks of her eye in that pick there is no way she will have 100% vision in that eye. Probably scarring on the lens. Poor Baby.I would get her on some oral abs as well to be safe.
Ok, I think the second rehabber screwed up by scrubbing the eye and using terramycin...any other rehabbers out there agree?
I am the first rehabber that helped out with Woody. :wave123
I think Roxy needs Neo/Poly/Dex drops and ointment ASAP!
You're absolutely right! Never scrub the eye. I would use Neo/Poly/Bac after rinsing the eye several times and then blotting it dry with sterile saline solution.
05-01-2010, 09:32 AM
I'm just sick. Haven't seen her this morning............. saw one of her babies eating at the feeder. I over slept so hopefully I will see her soon!!!
05-01-2010, 09:43 AM
Why did I think she was already in capture....
I hope u find her soon! If there is an infection deeper in her eye or inside the cornea it can spread to her brain. Not trying to scare you here. I've been through this before though and to have surgery done on the eyeball itself.
Please keep us updated and get meds ready.
What meds were you able to get?
05-01-2010, 09:44 AM
You're absolutely right! Never scrub the eye. I would use Neo/Poly/Bac after rinsing the eye several times and then blotting it dry with sterile saline solution.
Oh god I hope she didn't literally scrub it. * Puke*
05-01-2010, 09:53 AM
Critter Queen gave me more amoxicillin, and Neomycin,polymyxin B sulfates and Dexamethasone eye drops and the same stuff in an ointment.
I don't see her at all though!!!! I am just sick....... to think if she is dying because of the medicing I let that lady give her and the trama of being caught and her eye....................... Oh NO what have I done???
05-01-2010, 09:57 AM
You did what you thought was right, like any animal lover would have.Don't beat yourself up. Just keep looking for her,put out treats etc.
05-01-2010, 10:02 AM
Dexamethisone has steroids in it. I would not use this in her eye.
05-01-2010, 10:15 AM
With so many different things people are telling me, how do I know what to do?????? This is the only new medicine I have now????
05-01-2010, 10:20 AM
use the oral antibiotics she gave you. Is the neo and poly in its own tube or is the Dex in the same tube and drops? Going by the pics her eye lens looks scratches and possibly ulcerated. You would have to do an eye stain to see how bad steroid drops can cause the ulcer to deepen and perforate the actual eye causing more damage.
Ask CritterQueen if she can get non steroidal sav or drops.
05-01-2010, 11:03 AM
Rehabber from Tx here, I would just warm water bath the eye if she will let you again, and use the antibioctics and it will be tough to get her to trust you but all rehabbers are human and make mistakes and your doing excellent so please do not beat yourself up just keep trying, Are you sure she is not in the nest just lying around? After 1st dose of meds they sometimes feel bad just like a human does after starting antibioctics, and with the teeth trim, How old are her babies?
I would advise to trap her AND her babies and do it in the late evening while she is sleeping with them and she will tolerate your interference better, but she will be mad at you for moving her babies but she needs to be on meds and you cannot do it just by the offchance that she will come to you, because she will not like the meds.
What is the history with her?
I also would go with senior member on advise as well, sounds like she has it together as well.
05-01-2010, 11:13 AM
What is an eye stain???? She is outside eating!!!!:jump She won't get close to me yet, but yes the ointment and drops are all 3 medicines in one.
05-01-2010, 11:27 AM
She finally came down and was eating. The teeth seem to be fine. I have raised her from about 4 weeks, she was blown out of the nest Sept 08 and broke her leg. She's been released since May last 2009. She would still come in the house, get on my shoulder, would let me rub her, but totally wild to everyone else. I am hesitant to trap the babies, they are close and I think if I work with Roxy, I will be able to get drops in and will do my best to get antibiotics in her, If I can't, then I will just cover the door of the nest box at night and bring it inside to my winter cage. She will not be happy with that, but I know I can get them all at once this way.
There is so much to learn..... up until now, I thought I "knew" about rehabbing squirrels!!! haha OMG!! It's just made me realize that it's time to get serious. Thanks for any advice and help. I will keep this updated.
05-01-2010, 11:30 AM
Oh god I hope she didn't literally scrub it. * Puke*
She just soaked the rag and then held it on her eye. She didn't scrub it. I was so nervous, that I wasn't paying close enough attention to it...... I was trying to help keep her calm and held down, plus she had bitten me and I was bleeding all over!!!!
05-01-2010, 11:45 AM
What is an eye stain????
When an eye injury is suspected, the doctor can place special drops in the eye that contain a staining dye. The stain will only stick to areas where the cornea is damaged. He then turns the lights out and examines the eye with a special light that makes the stain glow. This way he can see the tiniest scratch or injury to the cornea.
Hope this helps.
05-01-2010, 11:51 AM
Ok, I do want want to sound harsh here but I am going to be cause you need to understand how serious this is. As soon as you can get your hands on her you trap her and keep her inside until that eye is better. If her babies are old enough and eating on their own they will be fine just watch for them.
She needs antibiotics every day. There is no if I can ...YOU MUST.
Use a towel, burrito her if you need pry her mouth open and squirt it in.
That eye is bad and if it is ulcerated or infected there are a few things that can happen.
1 . she can die from the infection and fast
2. If it will not heal or infection will not go away she may need it removed.
3. If the squirrels are nursing and she has an infectioin her body its not healthy for the babies.
I am glad she is eating but this is serious and you need to trap her. She can go back out when she is healthy. If the babies are too young, trap them too. If you want to help her this is what you need to do.
05-01-2010, 11:58 AM
OK, I will trap her.
05-01-2010, 12:55 PM
OK, Roxy's babies were born March 13, that makes them 6 wks, 3 days old.
Do I need to trap the babies when I trap Roxy? Or will they be ok on their own??? What do you suggest is the best size cage? Something small like a carrier or her winter cage?? 4x4x6??? I haven't caught her yet and she may be nursing with the babies because none of them are out either.
05-01-2010, 01:00 PM
Six weeks is too young to make it on their own. You'll need to get momma and babies too.
05-01-2010, 01:06 PM
Will she freak out and hurt the babies or anything if I cover the nest box hole and then take the whole box down out of the tree?? It's only 2 or 3 screws and I can get help from my dad to hold on to the box??
I'm just not 4 sure that they are all in the box together, but there is no sign of any of them..... so they should be all together!! Right???
05-01-2010, 01:09 PM
She won't hurt them but she may be scared and defensive so be careful. If she is in there with the babies they are more then likely all in there with her. Larger cage is better as long as you can catch her.
05-01-2010, 01:11 PM
oh and by the time they are ready to go out on their own she should be good enough to release(as long as its not that serious and she needs further care) Then they can go out together and still be ok.
05-01-2010, 02:12 PM
She just came down to eat and I got her inside the house, and in the bathroom, she finally let me rub the ointment on her eye and then I got the drops on top of that and she did get the antibiotics orally too!!! She even layed on my shoulder and let me rub her. She kept opening her mouth like she was yawning. Like it hurt maybe, I rubbed her jaw and all around her sore eye. She knows I am trying to help her.
She is eating good, even took some butternut squash and she hasn't wanted that for awhile... That rehabber also trimmed her nails!!! She couldn't hardly grip my jeans??? It was so confusing when she was working on her and I was bit and bleeding, but I just thought she knew what she was doing!!!!
05-01-2010, 02:20 PM
Why would she cut an outside squirrels nails!!! Where in heck did you find this rehabber! Thats making it harder for her to climb and getaway from predators as fast.
Where are the babies? Please do NOT use the eye drops and sav you have!
05-01-2010, 03:04 PM
Ok, let me start by saying that yes, in MOST cases you wouldn't want to use eye stuff with steriods in it, but in this case, YOU CAN SEE HER WHOLE EYEBALL and the part around that is actually the underside of her lid! She NEEDS the dex in these eye meds.
I had a fall baby last year that came in with an eye so full of maggots I had to clean them out multiple times (even from behind the eyeball). Once the maggots were gone he needed the meds with the dex in them to keep the swelling to a minimum. I used them on him three times daily for MONTHS before he was able to get off all meds. He is a happy heathly boy now, despite the fact that he's blind in that eye from the maggots eating 2/3 of it away. The neo/poly/dex drops saved his life.
I have told Rocky that many rehabbers will have differing opinions, but I have absolute confidence in what I'm telling her to do. I have asked my boss and co-workers (I'm a vet tech) and they agree.
I don't think Rocky should trap her and the babies unless it becomes absolutely necessary. The fact that she was able to get the meds in her today, if she can do it again tonight, I believe Roxy will keep coming back. She trusts her Momma and I think it sounds like Roxy thought the ointment and rub of her head felt good.
If you trap her and the babies, she will likely not continue to nurse them under so much stress. Not that Rocky couldn't raise them, but those babies are best off with their mom, in the wild. Roxy will likely come down with mange in addition to her other problems if captive. The stress of captivity could also slow her recovery. Stress is an immune system depresser.
I hope that someone who remembers me from a few years ago will pipe up and say that I know what I'm doing. I would NEVER tell someone to do something with a squirrel with confidence if I haven't done it myself and seen positive results with zero negative side effects. I have made plenty of mistakes and learned the hard way rehabbing my own critters.
For those of you who don't know me, I'm a licensed rehabber and vet tech in east central Iowa. I've been rehabbing for five years and plan to get my master's license next year.
:grouphug to everyone, but I really feel like Rocky needs to listen to me in this case.
~ CQ
05-01-2010, 03:26 PM
Look I can tell everyone how I have been a vet tech for years now as well etc . Some people here know me as well. Opinions are one thing but as a tech you should know in general (fact) that with an eye this bad , and looking ulcerated you do not put steroids in it. Steroids can make this eye so much worse! That eye should really be stained and looked at. You have your experience and I have mine but lets go by fact. No vet will prescribe steroids to an eye looking like that or let it go with out being stained.
I am not saying you do not know what you are doing so don't take it that way.
The babies are 6 weeks and starting to wean ,and the squirrel was raised by her. She won't be as stressed as a typical wild squirrel especially if she knows the house and cage. . That eye is bad, can be infected and spread easily, meds should be given and not chanced. The "if" she can catch her twice a day is way to risky. Why chance it.
To the OP ,you do what you want. I wish you luck and the squirrel luck. I am stepping out of this thread as I don't feel its being taken seriously.
Again good luck
05-01-2010, 03:34 PM
Huh. Not sure how to respond to that. So, I'll leave it at that.
Roxy is my only concern here. I have nothing to gain (and I realize the same for you). Are you able to provide Rocky with the needed vet visit and meds? I'm the closest thing she's got to a real vet visit. We don't live in a perfect world. there are very few vets in our state that will even LOOK at a wild animal, let alone an adult...especially when Rocky isn't licensed.
If the eye looked like it did prior to the terramycin ointment, I would agree that NP ointment alone would be best. My intent with the dex is to reduce swelling and hopefully allow her eye to close. The vision is probably gone, that's not my biggest concern. I want to save her life.
Look I can tell everyone how I have been a vet tech for years now as well etc . Some people here know me as well. Opinions are one thing but as a tech you should know in general (fact) that with an eye this bad , and looking ulcerated you do not put steroids in it. Steroids can make this eye so much worse! That eye should really be stained and looked at. You have your experience and I have mine but lets go by fact. No vet will prescribe steroids to an eye looking like that or let it go with out being stained.
I am not saying you do not know what you are doing so don't take it that way.
The babies are 6 weeks and starting to wean ,and the squirrel was raised by her. She won't be as stressed as a typical wild squirrel especially if she knows the house and cage. . That eye is bad, can be infected and spread easily, meds should be given and not chanced. The "if" she can catch her twice a day is way to risky. Why chance it.
To the OP ,you do what you want. I wish you luck and the squirrel luck. I am stepping out of this thread as I don't feel its being taken seriously.
Again good luck
05-01-2010, 03:52 PM
Rocky doesn't need to be licensed for you to take it to a vet if you are licensed.
I'd be willing to send meds yes and if they were here yes get it to a vet which I have done for many on here.
Obviously she won't have 100% vision but she may not be able to have an eyeball in general if you perforate it with steroids. Oral anti inflammatory can be given for swelling and after the infection is cleared swelling should leave.
As I said you two do what you want and I wish everyone luck.
05-01-2010, 11:27 PM
listen to CQ she is amazing, one of my many mentors never led me astray. She has helped you b4 and is here for you now:thumbsup And she has experience in a similar case.
She used to be a regular Emergency thread poster and really active ont he board but as she said she is a vet tech and between that and rehab she doesnt get online much.
*hugs CQ*
Mrs Skul
05-02-2010, 10:28 PM
:Flag Hi Rocky :wave123
How is Roxy doing today? I wish you all the best.:grouphug How is Woody doing? He should be doing much better by now. I know you have your hands full. Let me know if I can help. I sure will. :thumbsup Is Critter Queen Still helping you:dono? Please don't let some of the confusing talk overwhelm you! :shakehead We will always be hear to help you. Please Don't go away. :eek: We care about you, Roxy and her 4 babies. Oh! Wood To.:D Did you ever get any help for posting the VIDEO? :dono I hope all is well at your house today. Have a good night and if you need anything give a yell. :Phone2 Christal :Phone
05-03-2010, 12:45 AM
Hi Christal,
It's just been so hectic!! I did get medicine in Roxy's eye 2 times and 2 times antibiotics. Am downloading pictures now, so will try to get it on here.
Roxy lets me rub her neck and face. It seems like her mouth is still sore??
I feel so sorry for her, she moved the 4some to my attic nest that I built for her last year!!! So they are all doing well. Lots of prayers for Roxy please!
Woody is definately doing lots better!!!
Also got my new little girl for a nice birthday present!! Her name is Charlie!!
Raised from days old til now 2 months and they wanted someone who could give her more room and ready her for release!! She is adorable!!!
Will try to get pictures of the nest box to you tomorrow and the plans if I can!!! One of these days maybe I'll get caught up!!
Jackie in Tampa
05-03-2010, 07:03 AM
I have a sq currently, I have decided his best life is as a NR due to an injury very very similar to this one.
I advise trapping and treating, making sure the babies get nutrition whether from momma or RockyRocko...
This eye injury will lead to blindness...I am almost 100% sure.
I used oral baytril and lots of hydration per my vet...
with a weepy eye, hydration is a must must must!!!!
Dr.L also told me to not use ointment initially at all if I remember right.:thinking
I will ask admin to bring my thread outta the closet so we can ck back. BAD MEMORY...eek!
Sarasota Lucky{I think}
One of two things will happen, and that eye is gonna look alot worse before it's better...
first thing is eyeball can pop and deflate...or eye will slowly heal and go gray/white due to injury..and at this point, no one can predict outcome!
IMHO, trap this sq and sweeten up your relationship with her, unless you believe that one eyed sqs are releasable...:shakehead
If she were my release, she would be trapped, medicated for infection and kept as NR!:peace
This injury will take awhile to heal, and everyday will change...
When Lucky was going thru this, everyday I was mortified and awed by the constant changes...however, it was not a fast healing process.
I am a slow typer...but if anyone needs anything...I will share my number!
Good luck RR and Roxy:Love_Icon
Jackie in Tampa
05-03-2010, 09:59 AM
Rocky doesn't need to be licensed for you to take it to a vet if you are licensed.
I'd be willing to send meds yes and if they were here yes get it to a vet which I have done for many on here.
Obviously she won't have 100% vision but she may not be able to have an eyeball in general if you perforate it with steroids. Oral anti inflammatory can be given for swelling and after the infection is cleared swelling should leave.
As I said you two do what you want and I wish everyone luck.
pretty sure lucky was given metacam also...the anti inflamatory properties are excellent the pain aide.
but def not METACAM if using any form of DEX!:nono
wish my memory was better...
I hope she gets well soon....:Love_Icon
05-03-2010, 03:53 PM
I didn't see the mentioning of metacam. I really hope both are not being given. I'm glad someone else agrees with trapping. I don't think OP understands how serious. I know I said I would back out of this thread but after seeing that picture, I really think that eye should be stained and looked at. Sometimes the removal of the eye is best,less painful, less stressful, and saves a life. This should really be seen by a professional.
Jackie in Tampa
05-03-2010, 04:20 PM
here is my Luckys initial thread...
It says we started him on baytril per Dr>lights..
I remember her saying that surgery was last choice, that the eye would do one of the two things mentioned above...
I emailed pics of him to her everyday for a week or so and then less as time went by, but it did take a while to heal...and then oone day..I walked i n and his eye had shrunk in size...I was wow'ed! Like it went down overnight and was no where near as frightening looking...
I just cannot remember about the metacam because I did not have him immediately after his accident. He was hit by a car and immediately taken to a vet and given two injections that were never confirmed what they were.:dono
We can probably guess, but by the timew I got was a mess.
He turned circles for awhile, nuero circles and sight circles I think...
He is still here a year later:thumbsup
Jackie in Tampa
05-03-2010, 04:28 PM
Lucky pics...very similar!
05-03-2010, 04:41 PM
A kitten adopted us after a chain of hurricanes several years ago with an eye that looked exactly like your sqs, Jackie.
He (Stormy) kept the eye but lost the sight. They (vet) had to surgically remove the part that was sticking out. Then they stitched the eyelid closed until it healed. Once healed they unstitched it. His eye has healed nicely although no sight.
05-03-2010, 05:25 PM
Not saying removal is what it needs but depending on stain might need surgery.
Our chinchilla had something very similar and although he kept his eye and lost sight needed surgery in order to keep it as the cornea was to ulcerated and was letting infection spread deeper leading to the brain. For all we know she might do fine with even nothing but I guess I just don't understand why a licensed rehabber cannot get a stain done and have it looked at and be put on the right meds. Doesn't need to be exotic vet. Any vet can do a stain and recomend which is best option.
I would also be putting on Baytril, Metacam, and on steroidal drop or sav.
Jackie in Tampa
05-03-2010, 06:32 PM
can you use steroidals with metacam?:shakehead I was told no.
Metacam labeled NSAID.:dono
RR, One more quickie thing...
when a sq has an injury like this...not only are they in some pain, but he is nervous, his sight has changed and he needs to be approuched slow and in clear light...maybe not bright and in his eyes, but well light so as not to scare him. He will be naturally defensive, he is injured and feels prey. Probably best to limit noises too. Covering his container will help him feel secure.
I would feed him well and as much as he will eat of anything and lots of fluids. Natural stuff too.
Does he act normal mentally?
Jackie in Tampa
05-03-2010, 06:44 PM
:peaceI was just told about woodie!?
Does he have a thread?
poor have two babies with booboos:grouphug
05-03-2010, 06:57 PM
can you use steroidals with metacam?:shakehead I was told no.
Metacam labeled NSAID.:dono
RR, One more quickie thing...
when a sq has an injury like this...not only are they in some pain, but he is nervous, his sight has changed and he needs to be approuched slow and in clear light...maybe not bright and in his eyes, but well light so as not to scare him. He will be naturally defensive, he is injured and feels prey. Probably best to limit noises too. Covering his container will help him feel secure.
I would feed him well and as much as he will eat of anything and lots of fluids. Natural stuff too.
Does he act normal mentally?
I meant non steroidal. My KB is screwed up and skipping everything. I have to pound the spacebar justto get it to work . Sorry bout that.
05-03-2010, 06:58 PM
I would also be putting on Baytril, Metacam, and on steroidal drop or sav.
Baytril, Metacam,and non steroidal drop or sav
Metacam and any steroid = DO NOT MIX sorry about the confusion.
Jackie in Tampa
05-03-2010, 07:02 PM
sorry so many posts...but I was PMed about your sqs...because I have Lucky.
I see CQ and SASG are helping...they both are great rehabbers.
So glad Woodie is better:thumbsup
You have been given great advise.
Meg, sorry for confusion, I did not realize she was already treating sq Rx, I was recommending a treatment Rx. Sorry for butt'in in!:hidechair
05-03-2010, 07:09 PM
I do not know of her other sq , sorry you have 2 needing help.
Jackie, she is getting advise but conflicting advise and confused as to who to listen to. I'd appreciate if the experienced members would chime in or pm her with their input and what meds SQ should be on etc.
I think everyone here knows mine already :x
Jackie butt in as much as you want, as far as I know this is a public forum and the more input and opinions the better especially from experienced members such as yourself
05-03-2010, 07:11 PM
I do not know of her other sq , sorry you have 2 needing help.
Jackie, she is getting advise but conflicting advise and confused as to who to listen to. I'd appreciate if the experienced members would chime in or pm her with their input and what meds SQ should be on etc.
I think everyone here knows mine already :x
Jackie butt in as much as you want, as far as I know this is a public forum and the more input and opinions the better, especially from those experienced such as yourself.
Sorry guys I am not sure whythe double post.
Mrs Skul
05-03-2010, 10:25 PM
I do not know of her other sq , sorry you have 2 needing help.
Jackie, she is getting advise but conflicting advise and confused as to who to listen to. I'd appreciate if the experienced members would chime in or pm her with their input and what meds SQ should be on etc.
I think everyone here knows mine already :x
Jackie butt in as much as you want, as far as I know this is a public forum and the more input and opinions the better, especially from those experienced such as yourself.
Sorry guys I am not sure why the double post.
:wave123 Hi ShesAsquirrelyGirl
Yes Rocky has a Fox squirrel and is called Woody. He is in the Non Life Threating. He had a abscess. RR Took him to CQ and she drained the abscess. Put him on amoxicillan. :thinking He has been doing OK. She did lock up mama and babies. I have not heard anything to day.
Rocky how is ROXY doing today? I tried to call!:dono
I did ask Jackie to jump in. I know she has Lucky, He has a eye injury just like Roxy. I Wish CQ wood set up a Vet app to look at Roxy eye. :shakehead She must be in a lot of pain.:hurt :Cry I am praying she get better soon.:grouphug Julie I know your hands are full right now. Hang in their it will get better!:grouphug
05-03-2010, 11:09 PM
Woody's doing Great!
Roxy has been getting atibiotics twice a day and ointment on her eye. It looks bad. She did seem to be more active today! She is still outside with her babies, but I can get her in the house and she is so good when I put the medicine on her eye. She takes the antibiotics without much struggle and once she gets the taste, it's gone. She lets me rub her head and jaw and I try to comfort her a little and then she's ready to head out the window to see her babies.
There are 5 now!? I origianally thought she only had 3? I'm wondering if maybe two are orphans? There was another momma out here a week or so ago? This is the 3rd night she's stayed in a different nest box!! And it always seems not all the babies are in one nest, except for last night when they were in the attic nest??
Carol is getting a vet appt for either tomorrow or day after. So for now, all is going as well as it can, will let everyone know what happens at vet.
Jackie in Tampa
05-04-2010, 06:22 AM
Woody's doing Great!
Roxy has been getting atibiotics twice a day and ointment on her eye. It looks bad. She did seem to be more active today! She is still outside with her babies, but I can get her in the house and she is so good when I put the medicine on her eye. She takes the antibiotics without much struggle and once she gets the taste, it's gone. She lets me rub her head and jaw and I try to comfort her a little and then she's ready to head out the window to see her babies.
There are 5 now!? I origianally thought she only had 3? I'm wondering if maybe two are orphans? There was another momma out here a week or so ago? This is the 3rd night she's stayed in a different nest box!! And it always seems not all the babies are in one nest, except for last night when they were in the attic nest??
Carol is getting a vet appt for either tomorrow or day after. So for now, all is going as well as it can, will let everyone know what happens at vet.
Please ask for Baytril for this injury! It is best choice!
Glad she has vet appt!:alright.gif
THe 'cillans' are not choice meds for sqs...ask for extra baytril CQ and have on hand!
If vet does not have oral baytril, ask that it be compounded by pharmacist and it will last longer in fridge than if you make yourself with 22.7mg tablet.JMO.
Jackie in Tampa
05-04-2010, 06:27 AM
I have no formal training, so I cannot say what treatment is right. I do work with sq friendly vets and the one that coached me with Lucky, prescribed Baytril as AB.
In the several years that I have been hanging out with sqs, I have never been given any of the cillans from any of the several sq friendly vets I use.:peace
Just thought I would share that info:)
05-04-2010, 10:34 AM
Thanks for your help, Carol is still helping me and I'm just waiting to see when we can take Roxy into vet? Should be today or tomorrow.
Mrs Skul
05-04-2010, 03:37 PM
:wave123 Hi RR Can't Wait to see how Roxy is doing. She sounds like she is a excellent Mama Squirrel!! :Love_Icon Taking in Orphans!:grouphug That what My Rocki Does. She loves her babies.:Love_Icon Glad Woody is doing good. :thumbsup Hang in there. Christal
05-04-2010, 06:17 PM
I have no formal training, so I cannot say what treatment is right. I do work with sq friendly vets and the one that coached me with Lucky, prescribed Baytril as AB.
In the several years that I have been hanging out with sqs, I have never been given any of the cillans from any of the several sq friendly vets I use.:peace
Just thought I would share that info:)
The correct ab for this injury would indeed be baytril. I NEVER put sq's on any type of cillan. I do know one rehabber who does but her vet is a dog and cat vet who knows jack about squirrels...go figure
05-05-2010, 01:25 PM
Hi Everyone,
Here are pics from yesterday and today. Got her to take baytril and am taking her to see Critter mom Thurs 7am. Not sure if she will see vet or if Carol is just going to check her out?
She is so good when I bring her inside for meds. Eating well and staying close.
05-05-2010, 01:55 PM
oops here are pics
Mrs Skul
05-05-2010, 05:03 PM
:wave123 Hi Rocky :grouphug Hi Roxy, You are a good Mama squirrel. Her eye looks nasty, but it is still their. Time and AB will work wonders. Oh! and your Help to SquMommie RR. :hidechair I am glad to hear she is taking her med like a BIG squirrel.:D You can tell she is healthy and feeding her babies. Keep up the good work. Let me know what CQ or Vet say.
:grouphug Hang in their. Good Luck! Still preying for Roxy health.:Love_Icon
05-06-2010, 06:30 PM
Have to wait until tomorrow to take Roxy, she was pretty active today.
BUT!!!! 4 of the babies are gone!!!! Only one male left??? Another momma was in the tree today, could she have taken them?? Could the baytril treatment have made them sick?? I saw them this morning but didn't take head count?!! Roxy has gone to each nest looking for them?? Her eye looks better today, but I have yet to treat her. She has kept her distance when I try to get close, but she will come down one more time tonight. She was cleaning her eye and looks like she knocked a scabby piece off, It looks better. What do you think about the missing babies?? We don't have racoons that I ever see and did not hear and distress sounds or birds squauking?? I checked all the trees near "Home Tree"?? Poor Roxy~!!
05-07-2010, 07:10 PM
Got Roxy to vet, cleaned off scabs and put ointment in it. She is feeling a lot better.
4 babies were out there last night, only one seems to be staying with Roxy all the time.
Things are looking better each day. :jump
05-08-2010, 10:01 AM
Roxy's eye the day after seeing vet.
05-08-2010, 10:02 AM
05-08-2010, 05:01 PM
Her eye looked much better ,but then looks a little worse?Might just be scarring now though. Time will tell. Did they do a stain? what was said at the vet?
05-10-2010, 03:50 PM
The Doc just cleaned her eye. Said he thought about stitching it shut to heal, but did not know how she would react to that.
It looks much better today, but the eyeball is all white now. Poor girl. She has misjudged the ledge and fell twice, so I've put up a security rail for her and bags of leaves to cushion any future fall from the kitchen "balcolny".
Mrs Skul
05-10-2010, 04:25 PM
:) Hi RR
Should have had it stitched closed. It might heaved helped heal much faster, less pain.:shakehead Then you would have to keep her locked up for a little while. She still needs to be locked up. Predator can get her allot easier now. (VERY VONERABLE!) Did her babies ever show up yet? Been busy, turned Rocki loose Thursday. Seen her Saturday. Still not yet today, Looking for her again. Wild Pigs showed up 2 days after we turned her loose. Roxy looks good with body wt. You will need to keep her on AB until after the eye heals. :thinking Watch, you night even have to chang the AB if the infection does not get better. How is Woody doing? do you have any picture of him? Take careRR.:wave123
05-10-2010, 05:15 PM
I wish you lived closer!! That vet should have done a stain. Thats standard procedure. UGH! How she doing today?
Mrs Skul
05-11-2010, 05:00 AM
:wave123 Hi RR
:dono Do me a favor. Keep an eye on the pimple looking spot right below her eye, above her nostril. It has been in all the pictures. It looks like, just a spot at first. Now it is a small cyst like pimple! :thinking It is very noticeable in the pictures. She is stressed really a lot. :shakehead (BAD timing with a weaken immune system.) Watch for pox please. If you can get some Echinace Extract. This will boost her immune system. Will help make her a little more healthy.:thumbsup
Supports Natural Resistance
Just add 1 capsule to 1 gal. of water. Shake it up, letting it dissolve. let all the out side squirrels drink it. It sure helped my POX squirrels. I think it will help Roxy a lot. Just to give her the extra boost she needs right now. Thanks for the up date Julie. Call me if you ever need. :grouphug Give Roxy and kids, and Woody some Hugs from me. :grouphug Christal
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