View Full Version : Marvin not peeing?

marvin's mom
04-28-2010, 07:06 PM
Okay I'm not really sure, but it looks like Marvin has been chewing on his you-know-what again....last time it scabbed over but came off after we applied the neosporin. but this time I can't tell if if's scabbed over. I haven't seen him pee, but i've only been home from work for an hour. I gave him a little bath in the sink but can't tell if he peed or not. BTW I just got his FV formula in the mail today. Any suggestions?

04-28-2010, 07:36 PM
How old is Marvin? If you soak him I think it has to be 30 -45 min and then rub gently with cotton ball to slough off any scab tissue.

I have seen bitter apple recommended and also more frequent feeding.

04-28-2010, 07:43 PM
Did you try the moist cotton ball to stimulate him?? If he is scabbed, soak him and gently rremove the scab. You can apply a triple antibiotic ointment w/hydrocortisone to decrease the swelling. If you try bitter apple DO NOT apply on the raw area...it will sting him.

Hope this helps.

04-28-2010, 11:26 PM
Is it possible a bladder infection may be the cause?

Just a thought.

marvin's mom
04-29-2010, 08:00 AM
Okay he did pee!! Yay!:alright.gif But he still won't leave it alone:dono AND he's not interested in his formula!?!?! He's about 7 weeks old...is that too early to not have formula?:thinking

island rehabber
04-29-2010, 08:15 AM
Make sure the formula is warm enough -- some babies hate lukewarm formula and like it almost hot. If he's more interested in, say, flavored Pedialyte then dip the syringe of formula into the flavored stuff so he thinks that's what he's getting. Most of the time, as soon as they actually taste that Fox Valley they LOVE it. It's like the old "No no no noooo....hmmmm.....hmmmm?....YUMMMMY!!!! slurp slurp!" :D

04-29-2010, 08:18 AM
Okay he did pee!! Yay!:alright.gif But he still won't leave it alone:dono AND he's not interested in his formula!?!?! He's about 7 weeks old...is that too early to not have formula?:thinking

Way too early.

If this is his first taste of FV, mix it half and half with the old formula, and at every feeding increast the ratio of FV and decrease the old until you have just FV. You can try dipping the tip of the syringe in molasses or even a little pancake syrup to get him interested, too.

Get some of the bitter apple and a very small, pointed paintbrush. Apply neosporin JUST to the raw, sore part of his little peenie. Then, apply the bitter apple areound that area but so that it is not touching the raw part, and blow on the whole artwork to dry it. That way you have meds on the sore part, and bitter apple around the area to discourage him from nursing.

marvin's mom
04-29-2010, 12:59 PM
So do you guys think their are any other reasons for not wanting to eat? Does anyone ever use nipples on the syringe or bottles? I just want to do whatever I can. I thought i read somewhere that molasses have calcium. And if he's on formula is he getting enough(calcium)?

Sorry for all the questions but I am sooo new to this it's making me a little crazy:crazy

04-29-2010, 01:38 PM
So do you guys think their are any other reasons for not wanting to eat? Does anyone ever use nipples on the syringe or bottles? I just want to do whatever I can. I thought i read somewhere that molasses have calcium. And if he's on formula is he getting enough(calcium)?

Sorry for all the questions but I am sooo new to this it's making me a little crazy:crazy

Questions are good!

Look at the syringe and nipple on this page of this site: http://www.henryspets.com/categories/Rehab-Supplies

Now I didn't use a nipple for my little guy but most do and Marvin may prefer them. The 1cc syringe is also the correct size.

If this is different than his regular formula it may just be that he needs to adjust to the taste - see my transition above. You can tweak it a little to get him to eat it though. A drop of molasses to sweeten. A little smidge of heavy cream to make it richer tasting.

If he is on formula he is getting EVERYTHING he needs!

marvin's mom
04-29-2010, 02:34 PM
Do you think this would work? That way I can just pick it up and not have it shipped. It looks bigger than 1CC, but I'm sure it would work great, I'm used to how fast (or rather slow, lol) he eats...little bit at a time!


Thanks for all the great advice!!!:bowdown :thankyou