View Full Version : Found a baby flying squirrel! Help me!

04-22-2010, 10:29 PM
There was a baby flying squirrel in our couch so my friend and myself caught it, we named it Sir Edwin and i looked up what we should and shouldn't feed it, the problem is that there is far too much contradicting so i want to know the straight forward answer of WHAT IS BAD FOR FLYING SQUIRRELS? Also i predict the squirrel is between 6 and 7 weeks because it seems like a mini flying squirrel and it is squinty.

Help me please? =(

Jackie in Tampa
04-22-2010, 10:49 PM
fox valley is a great formula and a young flyer needs formula!

:Welcome :wave123
I feed my flyers yogurt, pecan halves, mealworms, raw dry oatmeal, black seed, a large variety of veggies and fruits. I offer them Chicken chips[dog treat]boiled eggs..cooked cleaned chicken bones and HHBs[Henry's Healthy Squirrel Blocks}.
Your flyer should be on formula for another month minimum if he is 5-7 weeks old...
what does squinty mean?
can you post a pic? we have many flyer members and they will be on soon to help you with yours.:Love_Icon
Welcome to TSB:Welcome

04-22-2010, 10:52 PM
Listen to Jackie's advice... she is the best! I rescued a flyer in March and had many questions also... this is absolutely the best place to get the answers you are looking for. I read thru alot of the flyer threads and picked up alot of info there also.:Welcome

Jackie in Tampa
04-22-2010, 11:08 PM
www.nfsa.com (http://www.nfsa.com) is a greatforum, strictly for flyers..

Tsb has a flyer forum also

and our nutrition forum

we also have a baby squirrel forum, which gives advise on how to feed, age and sex baby sqs...It will show you cage options, feeding tools and alot of great info...:thumbsup
and I have a thread about my flyers and their habitat!
:poke now you have some reading to do!:D
Can you post a pic?:worthless