View Full Version : Hello All
04-22-2010, 12:20 PM
Hello All,
My name Is Peter and I am Bruce almighty's I have been his tree since october 2009 and what an amazing adventure it has been. I Have always loved squirrels and it wasnt until I found a native northern flying squirrel that I decided I would dedicate myself to being a squirrels tree. The baby northern I had found in the spring of 09 is native to our state and unable to keep him as a pet I turned him over to a local rehabber. I then spent the next few months researching breeders and diets and everything I could find and a desicion was made to purchase a southern which I could legally have in our state. I used Helens Little Critters for my pet. I would will and always recommend her as it the purchase was the most enjoyable one I ever made.
Bruce Is almighty he owns my studio/office and his night time cage in there as well but he spends only a little time in there when I go to bed for the night also mostly nocturnal myself he spends usually less than 4-5 hours at a time while I sleep in his cage.
His personality is amazing, his likes and dislikes constantly amaze me. He does not bite me but occasionaly will nip the wifes fingers I dont think its hard really she just has very sensitive hands.
My favorite thing is Squirrel Kisses as I call them I get these every morning he grabs each finger and gives a little lick, he also will give these to me occasionaly on my upper arm or face or ear. In my opionion there is nothing Sweeter than Squirrel Kisses.
Sincerely Bruces Tree "Peter".
04-22-2010, 12:42 PM
Thought I should include some picts of Bruce For you all..!/photo.php?pid=30513495&id=1307161613&fbid=1165164011743!/photo.php?pid=30513496&id=1307161613&fbid=1165164051744!/photo.php?pid=30749594&id=1307161613&fbid=1272712620391
Pointy Tale
04-22-2010, 01:12 PM
Peter and Bruce— :Welcome
Bruce is a cutie pie.:Love_Icon
Secret Squirrel
04-22-2010, 01:14 PM
:Welcome Peter and Bruce...and wife too:Welcome
You have come to the right place for squirrel loving people.....we are squirrel crazy around here. It's all about the squirrel no matter what type of squirrel, it's all about them. We are just lucky enough to have been squirrel smitten...others just don't understand:thinking and I feel bad for thier empty squirrel existance.
Bruce sounds like a real good boy..I just love flyers. I don't have any flyers right now...ususally in the fall I get them due to a traumatic situation.
I raise them or doctor them back to health and then release them back into the wild. Flyers are so sweet even wild ones can be...however I have had a few chompers in my rescues too. I love them all even the biters...LOL!!!!!
Good luck with Bruce, do you have a exotic vet lined up? Just in case you need one in an emergency. It's better to have one ahead of time.
PS...keep the toilet lid down at all times :tilt
04-22-2010, 01:21 PM
Thanks all,
Yes Vet lined up Did all my homework before Volunteering to be a tree. Nice thing also Helens provided us with papers showing that he was bred by legal breeder and validates that he is not a native squirrel to our state so that if any questions were to arise we have proof. Only native squirrels and chipmunks are not legal to keep as pets..I found TSB when we found the northern flyer. and have been hooked ever since..Thanks all for such a great and helpful fun site..
Momma Squirrel
04-22-2010, 02:01 PM
WOW sounds like you and your wife have it as bad as the rest of us owned humans :rotfl
Thanks for sharing the pics and your story.:thumbsup
04-22-2010, 02:08 PM
Welcome to TSB, VB. Always good to see another much-loved fuzzer with his/her human. :D
island rehabber
04-22-2010, 04:01 PM
:wave123 and :Welcome !!
No flyers here, but I've got six orphaned baby greys and one adult injured grey so it's never un-squirrelly :rotfl.
04-22-2010, 07:51 PM
:WelcomeTo The Squirrel Board,Peter, Bruce &Wife..may we have her name, as well?:D:thumbsup
Sounds like an exciting TV Show....reminds me ..of my house..never a
Rachel & Bean
Ps,Can you.. share some, pictures..please??:poke
04-22-2010, 08:31 PM
Better yet, make some of these:
04-22-2010, 08:43 PM
:Welcome Peter and Bruce!! Glad you found the board!! Be sure to go over to the flying squirrel part of the board and make Bruce his own thread so we can read all about him. Of course you HAVE to have tons and tons of pictures!!:D :poke How old is Bruce? He is soo cute.
I'm owned by a flyer myself, Cricket. You can find her thread in the flyer section. In case you need help finding that part scroll down to the part that says breed specific, then click breed specific, then click flying squirrel forum, then click general flying squirrel squirrel discussion and that's where you can start a thread for him.:thumbsup
Hope to see some more pictures soon.:D
04-22-2010, 09:14 PM
Welcome BRUCE ( and your family of servants ) HA.
You will find yourself getting addicted to all the INFO and LOVE shared on SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO many of the Threads on TSB.
Hope to see some more photos ( one a day would be nice).
My KING, and Soverign, is Rama Rota, a Costa Rican,Varirgated Tri-Color squirrel. He's a HOOT he thinks he is the KING of Costa Rica.
Like all the other wonderful FUZZ-HEADS here, you will get to know and love so many different critters with so many personalities.
ENJOY the Journey.
Stosh >>> Keeper of the KING
04-22-2010, 11:00 PM
Thank you all for the Wonderful Welcome I took Crickets advice and Bruce has started his very own Thread that he promises to update and add Pictures as I am able to snap them for him. There are some pictures there now as well once I figured the GUI out. I love everything I read here and have learned so much about these little angles.
I do want to say to the people looking to become a tree. Use and live by and learn by what you read here and you will do fine.
I have made one mistake with the little guy I moved him into a cage that he shouldnt have been in thinking it was going to better while we waited for the correct cage because I was worried he was becoming cramped at night while I slept in the pet carrier that his nursery had come in.
As a result of this mistake and he lost a toe and had a visit to the vet. So read All the must reads for squirrels and other fuzzy angesl. I am still horrified and guilt ridden by this mistake and take every precaution and then some to insure my privaledge to be a tree. If I had waited a Few more days The correct cage that I ordered would have arrived and in reality he would have been fine the 3 days and I would have saved both he and I the trauma of the experience.
Ultra Peepi
04-23-2010, 10:12 PM
:Welcome Hi! He's a sweet little guy!
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