View Full Version : Hello!!!! :-D

04-20-2010, 09:00 AM
hello, I m a 26 year old canadian. I found myself googling squirrel care on my blackberry for the past 3 days and came across this forum. I found it interesting as people asked questions that I had wondered as well.

I have 3 orphaned squirrels (2 black, one grey): 2 boys and one female. They are 5 weeks old and two of their eyes opened today. Anyway, thats just a little bit about me and my "nutty" situation LOL

Momma Squirrel
04-20-2010, 09:12 AM
Welcome Lia glad you found us. Lots of good info and help here.

How did you come about these babies??

We would love to see pics :poke :D

If you have any questions, don't worry, there is never a dumb question so just ask away.

Check out the baby squirrel section and nutrition, great info there.

Jackie in Tampa
04-20-2010, 09:18 AM
:Welcome Welcome to TSB!
here are a few links to ck out!

the first is full of baby info and the second link is about diet!
glad you found TSB!!!!!
yep...we love pics!:wave123

04-20-2010, 09:24 AM
thank you!! I have a lot of pictures I would LOVE to share... I just dont know how to upload them yet (i dont use forums for anything)... so I have to figure it out a little bit...

They were found at my aunts place- mother was no where (not sure what happend)... but my dad brought them home... and of course I have been the one caring for them (maybe with a LIL help!!) Im so excited tho: 2 of their eyes opened today...

And... My cat cuddles with them (i have pics of that too)... What bout you guys, how long u been rescuing squirrels? have any at the moment??

04-20-2010, 09:39 AM
OK i think i figured out how to upload some pictures...

04-20-2010, 04:19 PM
:Welcome to TSB, Lia!
Many of us here are state licensed )or studying for the test:D ) Many of us have one or more pet squirrels. We are all about caring for all our babies. Feeding is so extremely imprtant to their future welfare.
Love the pictures of your babies, they are gorgeous! And look very well cared for:thumbsup . :thankyou So very much for saving these babies and caring for them. Let us know if you have any questions or worries.

04-20-2010, 04:24 PM
Hi Anne. So glad you came by TSB..Your babies are beautiful..:wave123 :Welcome

Ultra Peepi
04-25-2010, 11:24 AM
:Welcome awww, those babies are adorable! you definitely found the best place to make friends, learn necessary information and share with fellow nuts that love squirrels. :D