View Full Version : Hold Me!

04-15-2010, 11:00 PM
Hey all - I have been caring for these babies for about 4 weeks and blogging every so often - Tonight I have a new question.

Has anyone noticed that their baby squirrel seems to LOVE to be held? It's like if I have them out of theie home for a few minutes and put them back in, they are all over the front of the home climbing and making noise...maybe trying to get out?


04-16-2010, 09:27 AM
I've had a couple that loved to be held. I had one that stayed in my bra a lot as a little one to keep warm, and as she grew she didn't want to get back in her cage and would climb under my shirt and sit on my belly and go to sleep there. She just hated the cage is all, and felt comfy inside her "mama's" shirt all nice and dark and warm. It was so sweet. I haven't seen her in a year, she was released and went her own way. I hope she's ok, but I'll never know for sure unless she comes back. Yesterday I released 4 more into the wild. I leave their door open so they can come back in any time they want to. And they all came back last night to sleep in their cage. I hope they come back tonight again :-)