View Full Version : SHOULD I start on milk?

04-14-2010, 11:48 PM
I picked up a little squirrel in good condition but a bit thin.
About 6-7 weeks old and weighs 125 grams.
Fed her warm pedialyte and gave her a small amount of avocado.
She can grasp food with her hands.
I was wondering at this age, should I start trying to give her fox
Valley milk replacement or not.
Would appreciate any advice. Thanks Vali.

04-15-2010, 01:06 AM
Yes, she will need formula for at least another 10 weeks. Fox Valley is the best. Don't rush the solids; they really need formula at that age.

island rehabber
04-15-2010, 10:13 AM
Yes, she will need formula for at least another 10 weeks. Fox Valley is the best. Don't rush the solids; they really need formula at that age.

Gently clarifying what 4skwerlz said above: baby squirrels need to be on formula until they are AT LEAST 10 weeks old. Yours have another 4-6 weeks to go before they wean themselves. :D