View Full Version : safe way to mark prior to release?

04-11-2010, 11:28 AM
We are getting ready to release a squirrel and wondered if there was a safe way to mark him so we could identify him and monitor his well-being. I don't think any kind of band would be safe and worry about getting caught on trees. I have thought about food coloring, but that might come off. I'm sure I am not the first one to want to do this. I would appreciate any ideas hat have worked in the past. Thanks!

Jackie in Tampa
04-11-2010, 11:52 AM
cut some hair off tail...just enough to mark him...
maybe cut the end square ...
don't everyone panic...it's ok and safe and will not danmage his ego or balance:peace :D
:nono never paint, pierce or dye sqs, no ribbons, collars or anything attached to sq...:nono
run free baby sq, have fun and be safe!!!!

04-11-2010, 12:14 PM
I was wondering the same thing now that my babies are getting closer to release. I did try to dip my biters tail in green food coloring for when I went to Tampa, so my husband would be able to tell which one to avoid. Well the food coloring didn't work at all, it didn't "stick". My husband got bit 14 times in about 5 minutes by him poor hubby. I didn't want anything lasting on him because I didn't want to release him with permanent color on him. But no worries, it didn't even work. I think I'll cut squares in their tails like Jackie suggested.

04-11-2010, 01:52 PM
They make some sort of 'magic marker' for marking cattle - I've seen it at Tractor Supply, I believe. I have no idea if it would be OK for squirrels, as I didn't pay much attention to it.
