View Full Version : Meet Twiggy

my Twiggy
04-05-2010, 11:36 PM
I have been a member for a couple of weeks now, but have not got to post any pictures of Twiggy yet, so I am going to try, and thought this would be a good place to start. A few of you have heard about Twiggy, she was sick on me a couple of weeks ago, no one, not even the vet really knew what was wrong, but I got a lot of good information here, and which ever thing worked, Twiggy is feeling better. These pictures were taken on Saturday. She turned 1 yr. old Sunday April 11th. Thanks to everyone I have met and helped out, and Hi to those I have not met.

Nancy in New York
04-06-2010, 02:58 AM
Oh Twiggy is just beautiful. She is such a wonderful size and her coat looks good too! Glad that you found us, and please stick around, even if Twiggy is 100% back to normal, we would love to follow her adventures!!!!
Thanks for sharing her photos, she is a beauty...glad that she found you!!:grouphug

my Twiggy
04-06-2010, 09:21 AM
Thanks so much Nancy, I'm not going anywhere. I am glad I found this board and have met some wonderful people. Twiggy means the world to us!! :)

04-06-2010, 10:19 AM
Aah, there she is.
I've been following her thread in your other forum.:)
Sounds like the folks helped out a bit.:thumbsup

my Twiggy
04-06-2010, 01:21 PM
Thanks for keeping up with Twiggy. Everyone was a lot of help!!!! This board is GREAT!!!!! :flash3 :flash3

04-06-2010, 01:57 PM
Oh she looks like a beautiful little girl! Welcome!:Welcome

Momma Squirrel
04-06-2010, 03:01 PM
:Welcome Twiggy and human to Twiggy. Twiggy you are a very beautiful squirrel and sounds like very lucky squirrel to have a mom that cares and loves you so much.

Look forward to many more pictures and birthday :crazy

04-06-2010, 08:17 PM
:Welcome Hi Twiggy & Twiggy's Mom.

Twiggy looks very happy & healthy; cute name:wave123

I see she is also a fellow Aries...Happy (early) Birthday Twiggy!!:hb1

my Twiggy
04-06-2010, 10:23 PM
Thanks everyone for the kind comments about Twiggy, we have lots of critters around here, but will say Twiggy is super special to us. We love her dearly. I have got to try to get a picture of her wiping her mouth. When she was a baby, after getting her formula, I would use a towel and wipe her mouth. To this day, when ever she eats or drinks, she will wipe her mouth on whatever is around, your hair, your clothes, her blanket, whatever is closest. It is so funny and cute. I will try to get a picture sometime, but most of the time if she sees a camera, she wants it, so sometime it's difficult to get the pics I want, but I'll be trying. :flash3

04-06-2010, 10:30 PM
Hooray for Twiggy!

my Twiggy
04-08-2010, 10:31 PM
Had to take Twiggy to grandma and grandpa's house. They keep her whenever we have to go out of town. My dad feeds her and takes care of her for us. We are in Columbus Ohio for Equine Affaire. I was soooooo glad Twiggy was better, because I did not want to leave had she not gotten better. Whenever we have to go out of town, we miss her more than any of our other critters. We can't wait to get back home to her. Talked to dad and he said she is doing good. I will be trying to get some more pics. up soon!!!

Nancy in New York
04-09-2010, 01:52 PM
Had to take Twiggy to grandma and grandpa's house. They keep her whenever we have to go out of town. My dad feeds her and takes care of her for us. We are in Columbus Ohio for Equine Affaire. I was soooooo glad Twiggy was better, because I did not want to leave had she not gotten better. Whenever we have to go out of town, we miss her more than any of our other critters. We can't wait to get back home to her. Talked to dad and he said she is doing good. I will be trying to get some more pics. up soon!!!

Oh yes...we always love pictures...let's us know the little ones we are falling in love with...:Love_Icon :grouphug :Love_Icon

04-09-2010, 03:03 PM
Had to take Twiggy to grandma and grandpa's house. They keep her whenever we have to go out of town. My dad feeds her and takes care of her for us. We are in Columbus Ohio for Equine Affaire. I was soooooo glad Twiggy was better, because I did not want to leave had she not gotten better. Whenever we have to go out of town, we miss her more than any of our other critters. We can't wait to get back home to her. Talked to dad and he said she is doing good. I will be trying to get some more pics. up soon!!!

I am so glad Twiggy is doing better - I was worried and not having access to the internet wasn't helping.

What do you do horse-wise?

04-09-2010, 05:41 PM
Oh wow, I want to pet and love on Twiggy! So precious!

my Twiggy
04-10-2010, 12:53 AM
Thanks everyone for the nice comments on Twiggy!!!!!! CritterMom, Horse wise, we have a 53 acre farm, where we board horses and my husband breaks and trains horses of all breeds, but specializes in training and showing natural flatshod walking horses. I give riding lesons. We have around 52 horses on our place, with customers horses. I also show. My husband will be exhibiting at the World Equestian games in Lexington Ky. the end of Sept, and the first couple days in Oct. He was very excited to be 1 of 10 horses chosen to go, to represent the National Walking Horse association. We also enjoy trail riding, but have not been in awhile, just no time. On our farm we have 5 dogs, 8 cats, in the house, we have 2 rabbits, and of course our most prized and cherished Twiggy!!! A couple years ago, I raised a baby deer. We kept it for about a year, and then found a wildlife sanctuary that had 3,500 acres of guarded protected land, and sent it there. I know he is happier there than living in our barn. I can't refuse any critter in trouble!! :peace

Ultra Peepi
04-10-2010, 05:03 PM
:Welcome hi! this is a great place, so glad you found it! :D we may be in somewhat close areas of the region, i'm moving to a place ne of columbus soon... small world.

the horse farm and your lives sound very interesting/challenging/fun and more.

twiggy is so very cute!

my Twiggy
04-10-2010, 09:55 PM
Ultra Peepi, We are in Columbus for the Equine Affaire, so if you are here now, we may be close, but we are from Kentucky (Southern part) it takes us about 5 1/2 hours to get to Columbus, but we do come up this way a couple times a year for horse shows. We have to go to Springfield in June to a show. We have had a fun weekend, but I am looking forward to getting home and going to pick up Twiggy!!!!!!!! :crazy "Grandma" and "Granpa" says she's doing fine!!! :)

04-11-2010, 01:56 PM
Thanks everyone for the nice comments on Twiggy!!!!!! CritterMom, Horse wise, we have a 53 acre farm, where we board horses and my husband breaks and trains horses of all breeds, but specializes in training and showing natural flatshod walking horses. I give riding lesons. We have around 52 horses on our place, with customers horses. I also show. My husband will be exhibiting at the World Equestian games in Lexington Ky. the end of Sept, and the first couple days in Oct. He was very excited to be 1 of 10 horses chosen to go, to represent the National Walking Horse association. We also enjoy trail riding, but have not been in awhile, just no time. On our farm we have 5 dogs, 8 cats, in the house, we have 2 rabbits, and of course our most prized and cherished Twiggy!!! A couple years ago, I raised a baby deer. We kept it for about a year, and then found a wildlife sanctuary that had 3,500 acres of guarded protected land, and sent it there. I know he is happier there than living in our barn. I can't refuse any critter in trouble!! :peace

Twiggy is just adorable!! We absolutely NEVER tire of seeing pictures. So glad you and have taken her in and fallen in "squirrely love". I, too, discovered this special love when Wayne and Garth came into my life in September last year. They are hyperactive, destructive, spastic, picky, lovable, cuddly, and trusting. I can't imagine life without them. Congrats to your husband for being selected, sounds exciting. Hope he places, best of luck. So happy you found this place.:Welcome

my Twiggy
04-12-2010, 09:12 AM
Went and picked up Twiggy from "Grandma" and "Grandpa's" yesterday when we got home. She is doing GREAT and we were so happy to get back home to her.

my Twiggy
04-12-2010, 09:15 AM
Oh, and yesterday was Twiggy's 1st Birthday!!!!!!! :flash3 :jump

04-12-2010, 09:38 AM
Twiggy looks so very sweet in her photos, hope you can continue to spoil us with them. She is a real cutie.

Nancy in New York
04-12-2010, 01:42 PM
Oh, and yesterday was Twiggy's 1st Birthday!!!!!!! :flash3 :jump

Well Happy Birthday sweet Twiggy....:alright.gif :alright.gif :alright.gif

02-05-2011, 12:48 AM
Hihi thanks for posting twiggy online. She looks wonderful! Keep it coming tinfoil tinfoil

:jump :jump

02-05-2011, 06:45 AM
Twiggy is adorable!! Happy to hear that she is getting so much better!!