View Full Version : I need advice
Furry Friend
10-20-2006, 07:41 AM
I am a nature lover... and have fed birds and squirrels for many winters... BUT, about a week ago two of my little gray buddies found a hole to enter the roof/attic of my studio building.... (under a huge oak tree presently "bombing" the roof with acorns much to their delight I am certain.)
I realize I have to block the entrances but would first like to be certain they are out. Is there some clever, harmless way to discourage them out of their new winter residence? I have used live traps in the past for mice and such.... but I thought maybe some easy spray? ...smoke bomb? ??? whatever would make them uncomfortable enough to find a better location. (My email is
10-20-2006, 08:45 AM
A live trap would work, but I would suggest a trap-door type thing over their entrance/exit hole that will allow them out but not back in again. If they JUST started nesting in there, I don't think you have to worry about babies...BUT, just in case, I would go up there and look around for anything like a nest...if not, be on the listen for anything that sounds kinda like a baby bird cheeping after you trap off the exit...that would indicate babies that haven't had their mom around awhile and you would want to take them to a rehabber to raise at that point, probably.
Sometimes really loud music (put a radio up there on HI volume) will do it...but that doesn't work for everyone.
Good luck!
island rehabber
10-20-2006, 09:12 AM
A live trap would work, but I would suggest a trap-door type thing over their entrance/exit hole that will allow them out but not back in again. If they JUST started nesting in there, I don't think you have to worry about babies...BUT, just in case, I would go up there and look around for anything like a nest...if not, be on the listen for anything that sounds kinda like a baby bird cheeping after you trap off the exit...that would indicate babies that haven't had their mom around awhile and you would want to take them to a rehabber to raise at that point, probably.
Sometimes really loud music (put a radio up there on HI volume) will do it...but that doesn't work for everyone.
Good luck!
If the loud music doesn't make them want to relocate, try a few rags soaked in ammonia, full strength, all around the area where they've nested. That should be unpleasant enough to get them to call their real estate agent. :D
10-20-2006, 09:14 AM
If the loud music doesn't make them want to relocate, try a few rags soaked in ammonia, full strength, all around the area where they've nested. That should be unpleasant enough to get them to call their real estate agent. :D
Good idea, IR... you are the guru! :D :bowdown
island rehabber
10-20-2006, 09:26 AM
The third and final part of this humane method of getting rid of squirrels in your attic (or bats in your belfry!) is pretty awful: if the loud music AND the ammonia rags don't do the need to put some nice, fresh, stinky dog poop up there. :eek:
...i'm told this works.......i've not had the pleasure of trying it myself.
Momma Squirrel
10-20-2006, 09:40 AM
Hope you guys have better luck with the loud music and the amonnia, Squerly has done both, they are still there. The only thing that happened with the amonnia is Squerly smelt really bad for a couple of days :D and the music is still playing and they are still up there. I know when people come to our house they wonder why the music and where is it coming from?? Oh well everyone in the neighborhood knows were nuts anyway :crazy
island rehabber
10-20-2006, 09:42 AM
...guess it's time to bring on the dog poop......:jump
Momma Squirrel
10-20-2006, 09:59 AM
EEEWWWWWWW I'll keep the critters :crazy
Furry Friend
10-20-2006, 11:59 AM
Thank you all for humor and advice....
a PS to my initial note: the squirrels are in a very narrow area between a cathedral ceiling of tongue + groove pine and the roof so I cannot view if there is a nest... but I doubt there's one yet...or babies. There is a ridge vent with might allow some to be sprayed. and I didn't think of loud music but I did think of a recording of my dogs barking.... My neighbors would "love" that...
10-20-2006, 12:58 PM
can you put a nesting box in your big tree with some nuts in for when they have to relocate?
It would make it easier on them?
Secret Squirrel
10-20-2006, 01:15 PM
There was a post about a strobe light...I don't know :dono if that works but maybe someone else will remember that exact post....:thinking ...anyone!!!!
Momma Squirrel
10-20-2006, 02:22 PM
SS I do remember the post but never heard if it actually worked ?? Not a bad idea about the nesting boxes but ours have never taken to using nesting boxes. Squerly just found this morning where they had chewed a whole through one of our downstairs bedrooms, nice size and the insulation was on the floor. They are between the upstairs and downstairs floors so it makes it tough to see what they are up to. Gotta get those little rascals out of there this weekend, had people look at our house to buy today and this is what they saw. I don't think they had a problem with it and the realtor says they are squirrel friendly, good thing :D
10-20-2006, 03:40 PM
Ok People, I figured someone would have already mentioned this but since most of you are sitting there scratchin your heads,here goes. Go to wall mart or a home improvement store and get one or two of those electronic devices that you plug in that gives off sonic sounds. It will keep all rodents and usually roaches as well out of your house. I use to use them in my house to make sure the roaches stayed out and had no problems with them or rats or anything but since it says on the package that they are not good if you have pet hamsters, mice, rats, etc. I had to stop using them once I acquired several rodents ( especially my darling Timber ). Now you normally plug these in a wall socket but a neighbor of mine was having some problem with them getting up in her attic so we strung an extention cord up to the attic and put one in there. Squirrels, rats which ever it was left. So we closed any and all hole that wet thought that they might have beengetting in through and no more problems. It does not kill them but they can't stand those sonic waves. They are undeticable to human ears but will give a rodent a bad headache. I can't think of the name of them right now but when I go to Wally world later this evening I will see what they are called for sure.
10-20-2006, 03:53 PM
but ours have never taken to using nesting boxes.
MS Rippie & BG wouldnt use it thats who we put it up for.
Mind you as soon as R2 & Jazzi went outside a few weeks ago they moved right in!:thumbsup May have something to do with the timing..coldness moving in, Maybe Floridian squirrels fiqure they dont need them..independant little fuzz balls.
Momma Squirrel
10-20-2006, 04:11 PM
Timber, we had actually thought of those devices before but always either had Chipper or babies inside somewhere and was afraid to use them as long as we were occupied by babies. But I do believe all babies have gone out on their own by now and it would probably be safe. I really hate to do it but I would rather know that they have moved out and made a home outside of my walls and attic before I leave and the people who move in might not be as understanding and do something really bad to them. Guess that is what they call Tough Love. Still warm enough here in Florida that I think they will be ok and have plenty of time to find a new home.
Squerly could always turn his enclosed car hauler into a great big nest with lots of next boxes so when we do move to NC they will already be inside the trailer and all we have to do is hook up and drive off :D :D
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