my Twiggy
03-29-2010, 09:17 AM
some of you I have already met, because I posted in the help needed forum first, because our squirrel Twiggy was sick. So this is to them and everyone else. Twiggy is much better, and back to her old self again. Yesterday was her last day of antibiotics, (she will be happy about that)!!!!! For those of you I have not met yet, Twiggy was 3 weeks old when we rescued her. A friend of ours worked for a tree company and were still cleaning up trees in May after an ice storm we had, had last winter, and thery cut one limb and 2 baby squirrels fell out. One hit the ground and ended up dying, the other was hanging on by poison ivy. He got this one, and called my brother to see if he knew anyone who would raise a squirrel. My brother called me, and Twiggy came to us. We will have had her a year this may and we LOVE her SOOOOO much!!!! We have a really big (3 story) cage for her, and she has her own room in the house, and we let her out and play with her everyday. We have a 53 acre horse farm, where I give riding lessons, and my husband breaks and trains horses. We also board other people's horses. We have cats, dogs and 2 rabbits, and we love them all, but Twiggy has her very own very special place in our hearts. We were sick with worry ourselves when she was sick, and floating on cloud nine when she got back to herself. Everyone that offered advise was so helpful when Twiggy was sick. With your alls help, and the help of our vet, Twiggy is doing great, and I Thank You All!!!
some of you I have already met, because I posted in the help needed forum first, because our squirrel Twiggy was sick. So this is to them and everyone else. Twiggy is much better, and back to her old self again. Yesterday was her last day of antibiotics, (she will be happy about that)!!!!! For those of you I have not met yet, Twiggy was 3 weeks old when we rescued her. A friend of ours worked for a tree company and were still cleaning up trees in May after an ice storm we had, had last winter, and thery cut one limb and 2 baby squirrels fell out. One hit the ground and ended up dying, the other was hanging on by poison ivy. He got this one, and called my brother to see if he knew anyone who would raise a squirrel. My brother called me, and Twiggy came to us. We will have had her a year this may and we LOVE her SOOOOO much!!!! We have a really big (3 story) cage for her, and she has her own room in the house, and we let her out and play with her everyday. We have a 53 acre horse farm, where I give riding lessons, and my husband breaks and trains horses. We also board other people's horses. We have cats, dogs and 2 rabbits, and we love them all, but Twiggy has her very own very special place in our hearts. We were sick with worry ourselves when she was sick, and floating on cloud nine when she got back to herself. Everyone that offered advise was so helpful when Twiggy was sick. With your alls help, and the help of our vet, Twiggy is doing great, and I Thank You All!!!