View Full Version : weight?
Mrs. Byrd
03-23-2010, 09:09 PM
does anyone know of a chart or anything that shows around about how much a baby should weigh at certain ages?
03-23-2010, 09:32 PM
If you have the book Wild Mammal Babies, the first 48 hrs. and beyond...they have a chart of weight up to 8 weeks of age
03-23-2010, 09:35 PM
It is a partial chart, but this is what the book lists.
lBirth 15 - 35 grams
2 weeks 35 grams
7 - 8 weeks 175 to 250 grams.
8 - 10 approx 250 grams
Mrs. Byrd
03-23-2010, 09:41 PM
what about for a 5 week old baby?
03-23-2010, 09:43 PM
Unfortunately it didn't have a wight listed for that age; only the ones I listed are the ones given. Sorry, I couldn't help.
Mrs. Byrd
03-23-2010, 09:48 PM
thanks anyway =]
03-23-2010, 09:48 PM
What species is that for? Eastern grey?
03-23-2010, 09:49 PM
Mrs. Byrd
03-23-2010, 11:16 PM
i'm trying to figure out how much Oaty SHOULD weigh, he's 5 weeks old just opened his eyes, but i can't seem to find it anywhere >.> he seems to be underweight =( so we're gonna start adding heavy cream to his FV. anyone know around about how much he's suppose to weigh?
03-23-2010, 11:30 PM
I have two Eastern Greys who opened their eyes Sunday and they weigh 130 grams today. What does yours weigh?
Mrs. Byrd
03-24-2010, 11:20 AM
:shakehead he's 62g we're starting to add heavy cream today
03-24-2010, 02:02 PM
Mrs. Byrd, I also saw that you were transitioning him to the FV 20/50 and that is the lower fat version - I would either stick with the 32/40 plus cream or if you must use the 20/50, you will need to add even more cream.
I think you will find that the taste of the cream will make Oatie want to eat more - it really boosts the flavor.
Mrs. Byrd
03-24-2010, 02:52 PM
would it be safe to switch straight back to the 32/40 or do we need to wean him back into it? also how much water do we need to replace with cream for each kind?
03-24-2010, 03:26 PM
I am going to try to get you other help, but...
The reason for going back to the 32/40 is the higher fat content, plus you need to boost it further by using 17% fat whipping cream, subsitituted for part of the water.
I always make changes gradually. I would do 50/50 for a few feedings, then 75/25 for a few more, then all FV 32/40.
For the cream: I would also add this in gradually, while you are also changing back to the FV 32/40. Don't wait - I really want to see some chunk on this little one. For the first couple feedings (I am going to use teaspoons as a measure because it is easiest) use 1 tsp. powder (which in your case will be a combo of the two kinds of FV), 2 teaspoons water minus 1/8 teaspoon (dip that water out of the total and replace it with the 17% cream. If he is still pooping properly after a few feedings, the next time you mix it up, remove 1/4 teaspoon of water and replace with the cream. I don't think you should go more than 1 part powder, 1.5 parts water and .5 parts cream, and you want to up the cream slowly so you don't run into any problems with bloating or pooping. Take a couple days to complete the transition. Make sure you are replacing the water with the cream - don't just add a splash of cream to already mixed up formula or the nutrients will be diluted more than they should.
The cream is very yummy - I think Oatie will respond.
Nancy in New York
03-24-2010, 04:20 PM
I agree completely with CritterMom...
Just want you to see what little Oatie should look is one of my little ones at the same age as remember the last two were after he ate:D :D ...Oatie will look like this in no time. Glad that you came here with questions...that's how we all learn. You are such a good mama...:grouphug
I could send you some Ultra Boost if you want, it's basically the same thing as the heavy cream...whichever you feel more comfortable with is fine....
Kiss that little peanut for me...:Love_Icon :Love_Icon (¤t=Picture186.jpg) (¤t=Picture193.jpg) (¤t=Picture195.jpg)
Mrs. Byrd
03-24-2010, 08:27 PM
Any pictures of his lil belly after he eats? we feed oaty till he looks like he is going to pop, how much should he gain daily?
03-24-2010, 08:39 PM
The rule of thumb is to feed a baby squirrel 5-7% of their body weight.
That is why it is so important to have a gram scale & weigh them daily.
In my experience, they usually gain 2-5 grams per day & this can change how much you feed them.
So, at 62 grams, he should be given 3.1 - 4.3 ccs at each feeding.
03-25-2010, 11:58 AM
I cut my babies off at 5% and I only feed every 4 hours (5weeks old). They would willingly eat twice that amount. After a feeding they look full but not at all distended or bloated looking. With this schedule they eat better, don't get diarrhea and they gain on average 5 grams per day.
Mrs. Byrd
03-25-2010, 01:20 PM
do you feed them throughout the night at that age?
03-25-2010, 01:31 PM
At this age, if they are thriving, I make them go 6-7 hours at night. However, I have had some tough cases (infections, injuries, etc) where they needed feedings throughout the night. I would classify Oaty as a wake up in the middle of the night case. I'm worried about his body condition. I think you need to add the heavy whipping cream asap. I add heavy whipping cream with all my babies not just the thin ones. Do you have a gram scale?
Mrs. Byrd
03-25-2010, 02:02 PM
At this age, if they are thriving, I make them go 6-7 hours at night. However, I have had some tough cases (infections, injuries, etc) where they needed feedings throughout the night. I would classify Oaty as a wake up in the middle of the night case. I'm worried about his body condition. I think you need to add the heavy whipping cream asap. I add heavy whipping cream with all my babies not just the thin ones. Do you have a gram scale?
we just started adding heavy cream yesterday, and we bought a gram scale the other day, we weigh him before and after every feeding and after each feeding he's gaining a good 4-6 grams. when we started out weighing him before the heavy cream he was 56g and this last time we weighed him, after adding the cream, he was 67g. like i said, he seems to be gaining weight fairly quick just since yesterday
03-25-2010, 02:18 PM
Excellent, I'm glad you have a scale. You only need to weigh once a day. Should be before a feeding and at the same time every day. Record all weights in some sort of diary.
Mrs. Byrd
03-25-2010, 02:21 PM
Excellent, I'm glad you have a scale. You only need to weigh once a day. Should be before a feeding and at the same time every day. Record all weights in some sort of diary.
i have a notebook i keep it all in, and then at the end of the day i average all the before weights together and then the after weights and then i average those to get an overall daily weight
03-25-2010, 02:24 PM
It's better to stick to once a day weight. There is too much fluctuation throughout the day (eating, urinating, etc). Besides, who wants to do all that math?
Mrs. Byrd
03-25-2010, 02:25 PM
It's better to stick to once a day weight. There is too much fluctuation throughout the day (eating, urinating, etc). Besides, who wants to do all that math?
... i like math. lol its the nerd in me i reckon
04-02-2010, 02:53 PM
... i like math. lol its the nerd in me i reckon
Mrs. Byrd, the nerd.
Sorry, I couldn't resist.
I'm a nerd, too.:grouphug
Where do you get a gram scale?
I'm curious about my Munchkin, too.
Don't know how much he weighs, he looks healthy but I can feel all his little bones.
Is this normal?
Mrs. Byrd
04-02-2010, 09:14 PM
we got our scale at target, try looking there
and how old is your baby?
and :wott for the nerds :alright.gif
Mrs. Byrd, the nerd.
Sorry, I couldn't resist.
I'm a nerd, too.:grouphug
Where do you get a gram scale?
I'm curious about my Munchkin, too.
Don't know how much he weighs, he looks healthy but I can feel all his little bones.
Is this normal?
04-05-2010, 08:15 AM
we got our scale at target, try looking there
and how old is your baby?
and :wott for the nerds :alright.gif
We don't have a Target near by but I'll check at WalMart next shopping trip.
I'm guessing Munchie is about 6 weeks.
He was tiny when I found him last Tuesday, probably the runt of the litter and there is no telling how long he had wandering in the yard alone without food.
He is doing better. This morning he drank 6cc of formula - up from 3. Saturday, I gave him some pecans to nibble on and that seemed to perk him up a lot.
He feels heavier in my hand and has a nice fat belly. His tail has gotten real bushy and fluffy since I found him and he curls it up over his back.
Tooo cute!
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