View Full Version : Feeding Avacado

03-03-2010, 08:04 PM
My MonkeyButt is about 5 1/2 to 6 weeks old. His eyes opened 6 days ago. He is on Fox Valley formula and in the last couple of days, I have been providing him with rat blocks and cheerios. He chews on the rat block some. Today, he held a cheerio for the first time and nibbled on it. I only have these available when I am there with him as I am afraid of him choking.

Today, I let him try avacado. I cut a small wedge out and from that wedge, cut a small piece about the size of a nickel. I held it for him and he licked and nibbled on it. Seemed to enjoy it. It turned to mush from me holding it so I put that piece away and got another non mushy piece for him. Well he got upset when I took it away from his mouth and when I held the other piece up to him to nibble on, HE INHALED IT!! I think instead of nibbling on it, he suckeled it like he does his formula in the syringe. It was up on the roof of his mouth and his tongue was up on it, like it was stuck there.

I used a fingernail to pry out some of it but he had a fit and protested loudly. I didn't know what else to do, so I used a double pointed bamboo knitting needle (rounded and smooth on the end) and held it close to the edge as if it was just an extension of my finger. I opened his mount and got the avocado out. I could not believe how much was in there! He was very upset with me.

I later got on this board and found that the recommendations for avocado was 1/2" square piece.

Should I lay off the avocado for a while?

At what point can I give him some treats unattended? He does not sit up on his own yet. He tries but kinda rolls over.


Michele in Tampa

03-03-2010, 08:12 PM
As you just found out, they REALLY like avocado (NO skin and NO pits, ever)! It should also be completely ripe - not firm, but soft and buttery.

I found that my Mister P got good with food when he was finally able to sit up on his little haunches like a regulation squirrel and hold it with his hands without tipping over. It will happen any day now if he is working in it.

Secret Squirrel
03-04-2010, 01:14 PM
Yes..avocado is like crack for a squirrel. Because he wants to suckle on it....I would wait and not give him more until he is a bit older. I would be afraid of him choking on it.

He needs to nibble on hard foods...like rodent block. He needs formula until he is older...11 to 16 weeks as long as he wants the formula is a win win for his developement...and strong bones too:thumbsup
Those two foods alone make up a very good diet...oh yeah...monkey biscuits if you can get them.
No need to make him a picky eater...formula and rodent block..short and simple.!!!
Good luck...he sounds just precious:grouphug

03-04-2010, 03:17 PM
I did let him have some avocado last night, but it was a big piece. He was so funny. He laid down and started nibbling at it, his paws getting so messy! The piece of avocado would move around and he would scramble, while laying down to catch up to it.

When I decided he had enough or rather, had made enough of a mess, I took it away, picked him up to use a damp paper towel on his mouth and paws. He had a little temper tantrum! Just stared at me in disbelief and made these little "uhhh uhhh uhhh" sounds.

He has just accomplished being able to hold on to a cheerio and nibble on it. He chews on rat blocks also. Right now, I will limit the avocado to only when I am there monitoring him with a nice, big, firm piece!

I have decided that when I feed him his formula, I am going to go ahead and use a couple of syringes each feeding. I have been using one 1cc syringe with nipple and with the first couple fills, he gets very impatient when the formula runs out and he has to wait while I refill it. The other day he had a little tantrum when he could not get any more formula out of the syringe that he spit the nipple out using his paws to help pull it out and at the same time, he kind of jumped up about and inch and shook his whole body while making those "uhhh uhhh uhhh" sounds. When he stopped, he just looked at me as if to say "more more more" NOW.

I can't believe how much I love him!

Michele in Tampa

03-04-2010, 03:45 PM
You are :owned