View Full Version : Pomegranates

02-28-2010, 08:19 PM
I notice pomegranates on the list of can haves..they are mostly seed, that's ok for squirrels? I know we usually avoid seeds in fruit, that's why I am asking..

02-28-2010, 08:30 PM
I notice pomegranates on the list of can haves..they are mostly seed, that's ok for squirrels? I know we usually avoid seeds in fruit, that's why I am asking..

They don't seem to be toxic to humans. Although the juicy red covering is the best-tasting part; not the hard part inside. Try one or two and see what happens.

02-28-2010, 08:37 PM
I do love them too..a great nibble snack..

Also, TT loves artichokes, and I have found the minis..how many of those can I give him per day? and on the big or regular sizes, how much of that should be givin per day?

I have been peeling apples, is that needed for TT?

02-28-2010, 08:42 PM
I do love them too..a great nibble snack..

Also, TT loves artichokes, and I have found the minis..how many of those can I give him per day? and on the big or regular sizes, how much of that should be givin per day?

I have been peeling apples, is that needed for TT?

You don't need to peel apples; the skin has a lot of vitamins and healthy fiber.

Artichokes (love the minis!) you can give him one a day in season (a couple of weeks). Just don't get feed any one food every day for too long. Variety is key!

02-28-2010, 08:48 PM
Hey TP! How's the family? Artichokes???? Kibbles LOVES em. I went thru the list of healthy veggies last week and went shopping to get some stuff she doesn't usually get (cause it costs more than any food we eat but that shouldn't be a surprise). I bought an artichoke thinking I'd eat it if she turned up her nose (and I was REALLY looking forward to an artichoke feast). She loves artichokes as much as avocado and she loooooves avocado.

02-28-2010, 09:46 PM
We get artichokes year round..the minis...?....this is the first time I saw them that size..up till then, I never knew there were mini artichokes..At the moment TT's eating his block..

02-28-2010, 10:01 PM
You don't need to peel apples; the skin has a lot of vitamins and healthy fiber.

Artichokes (love the minis!) you can give him one a day in season (a couple of weeks). Just don't get feed any one food every day for too long. Variety is key!

Hey 4s ... do you cook the artichoke first for your fuzzer? Do you steam it?

02-28-2010, 10:47 PM
Hey 4s ... do you cook the artichoke first for your fuzzer? Do you steam it?

No need to cook it for them.:) But for YOU, steam gently 'til tender, then tear off the leaves one at a time and dip each leaf in a dish filled with melted butter-salt-lemon juice. Scrape the tender part off with your teeth. Then, when all the leaves are gone, cut the stem and core into pieces and dip again.... OMG, there's nothing more delicious! :D

03-02-2010, 02:13 AM
Everybody knows that they like
But may be Unsalted, raw sunflower seeds (not a nut, but they like them!) is very good for their health

03-02-2010, 12:09 PM

island rehabber
03-04-2010, 10:17 AM
I was taught that no peels are ok for squirrels; they are a choking hazard and may contain pesticides and toxins. You'll notice wild squirrels don't eat the peel of anything -- they scrape the fruit off the inside of the peel.

Sorry semiferger, BUT:
Sunflower seeds are NOT GOOD.
Peanuts are NOT GOOD.
Chestnuts should be cooked, not raw, because they can produce mycotoxins which will kill the squirrel.

Mickey's Mom
03-05-2010, 02:07 AM
IR, can you say more about the dangers of chestnuts? I've been feeding them raw occasionally as a treat, and never heard about the danger of mycotoxins. Is this similar to the aflatoxin that can be found in peanuts? Is it more serious?? And how would you cook the chestnuts?
