View Full Version : Baby Gerbil- Help Needed!

02-27-2010, 05:55 PM
My friend just brought over an 8 week old baby gerbil whose mother or father killed the siblings. The baby is very cold and acting weak we are working on warming her up. We were told to feed her kitten milk but I'm not sure how much or how often. Please help!!!

island rehabber
02-27-2010, 05:59 PM
I'm sure someone who is familiar with gerbils will have better advice for you, but right now DON'T FEED her anything until you have really warmed her up, and start with hydrating fluids, not formula. Use the recipe for homemade Pedialyte or use Pedialyte from the store, warmed up of course.

Jackie in Tampa
02-27-2010, 06:10 PM
hoping someone will be here soon to help:Love_Icon

02-27-2010, 10:51 PM
Update- we put the baby on a heating pad and as soon as she warmed up, she opened her eyes back up and started acting perfectly fine! She even ate seeds and drank water. So I guess it was a false alarm after all.

island rehabber
02-27-2010, 11:05 PM
goo dnews -- keep her on heat for at least a day. Just in case. :thumbsup

Jackie in Tampa
02-28-2010, 08:42 AM
I have supplies if you need anything ...
just around the corner too!:wave123
were you able to use the cage you found?tinfoil
How's your new human sweetheart baby?
....and Tails!?
:Love_Icon hope all is good,:poke holl'r if ya need anything!:wave123

02-28-2010, 04:15 PM
Thanks for the replies!

Jacki- Tails and the Baby are doing good! I took Tails to see Dr. Lightfoot because I though his teeth looked too long but she thought they seemed okay and told me what to look out for.

The cage was gone when I drove back by... I thought maybe you had picked it up! I still have a cage I need to get rid of. Its maybe a 2ft x 2ft cube and it does not have a bottom tray to catch litter. My husband keeps asking me to throw it away... Do you want to come see it and see if you want it?