View Full Version : squirrel bitten by cat

02-14-2010, 10:52 AM
working with a rehabber....

Have a 4-5 week old baby...got her one a half weeks ago. She had been bitten by a cat (two punctures through back leg)
Put her on antibiotic SMZ .1 cc twice a day and have been feeding her...she opened her eyes and is doing well, all except for the back leg...it is VERY swollen and infected...since day 1 I have washed with diluted peroxide and been putting Neosporin on it hourly...but it isn't getting better. Just last night tons of yucky infection stuff was coming out. My rehabber changed her .05 Baytril last night...Her name is Angel, and she is a real fighter. Again...eating very well, eliminating fine, and active....just this big knot on the joint on back leg...
Any suggestions on a drawing solution or another antibiotic that would target this better. I have heard there is a powder that draws out infection.

02-14-2010, 10:57 AM
working with a rehabber....

Have a 4-5 week old baby...got her one a half weeks ago. She had been bitten by a cat (two punctures through back leg)
Put her on antibiotic SMZ .1 cc twice a day and have been feeding her...she opened her eyes and is doing well, all except for the back leg...it is VERY swollen and infected...since day 1 I have washed with diluted peroxide and been putting Neosporin on it hourly...but it isn't getting better. Just last night tons of yucky infection stuff was coming out. My rehabber changed her .05 Baytril last night...Her name is Angel, and she is a real fighter. Again...eating very well, eliminating fine, and active....just this big knot on the joint on back leg...
Any suggestions on a drawing solution or another antibiotic that would target this better. I have heard there is a powder that draws out infection.

Both SMZ and Baytril are good. I don't know the weight so can't check dosage, but I'm sure your vet knows what he or she is doing. My only comment would be that the peroxide is not a disinfectant. You might try flushing with a diluted betadine or solution or Nolvasan (chlorhexidine) instead and keeping silvadene cream on the would.

02-14-2010, 11:06 AM
Will this infection eventually go away? It wont kill her will it? I keep thinking that if it was going to kill her, it would have done it by now...Do you think we should keep gently squeezing out this pus stuff?

02-14-2010, 11:13 AM
In my experience once a cat bite gets this far a drain/wash tube, and flushing the abcess internally with chlorhexadine is neccessary.


Jackie in Tampa
02-14-2010, 02:03 PM
:thumbsup I agree with baytril and smz-tmp, they are top shelf ABs.
also agree with betadine wash..
no peroxide:nono
keep an eye on urine...if color or smell changes, contact vet asap.
I sometimes will add yogurt/probotics to diet when using ABs long term for serious wounds.
I like Panalog/Animax as a topical, as well as triple antiB...
I have never used silvadene, but many swear by it!:thumbsup
Good luck and I am in Tampa if I can help.:Love_Icon
Get well little squirrely!

island rehabber
02-14-2010, 02:22 PM
Great advice from all above; try the Silvadene if you can get some from a vet. Baytril is perfect for cat-caught mammals; hopefully it will kick in soon.

02-14-2010, 08:13 PM
Thank you for the replies...this squirrel is very special to me. All my previous rehabs and release have been special, but my 3rd grade students are extremely attached to Angel, and it would devastate them to lose her. I am switching to the Betadine....putting her BACK on SMZ as the vet said the sulpha is a bit better, and looks like she will be on it for at long time.

THe comment on the drain...do you think using a syringe and flushing it with some force would work?

02-14-2010, 08:30 PM
Thank you for the replies...this squirrel is very special to me. All my previous rehabs and release have been special, but my 3rd grade students are extremely attached to Angel, and it would devastate them to lose her. I am switching to the Betadine....putting her BACK on SMZ as the vet said the sulpha is a bit better, and looks like she will be on it for at long time.

THe comment on the drain...do you think using a syringe and flushing it with some force would work?

The object is to keep the wound open so it can drain. Yes, flushing it rather vigorously will work, but you need to keep it moistened so that it doesn't scab over, trapping the pus inside. You asked earlier about squeezing the pus out, and yes, I think you need to keep removing as much as you can and then flushing the wound. Right now (I hope) it's a localized infection. You don't want it to become systemic--getting into her blood system. If you can't get ahold of the silvadene cream, use triple antibiotic to keep the wound moist so it can drain. If you can give us an accurate weight, I can check the dosage on the SMZ-TMP--just in case.

A couple of asides:

While the sulfa drugs are a bit easier on the beneficial gut bacteria, you might want to give it some Benebac while it's being treated.

I assume since this baby is 4-5 weeks old it's still on formula. PetAg (Esbilac) has had some problems with its processing that have resulted in the deaths of some squirrels. We recommend Fox Valley formula. Here's the website where it can be ordered. Foxvalleynutrition.com

02-15-2010, 05:19 AM
When I get in severe cat attack bunnies with swollen limbs to the point they can't bend them, I have used both sulfa-trim and Baytril together with great success. With bunnies it seems one or the other isn't strong enough for the severe infections, but both together do the trick. Not sure, but I would think the same would go with squirrels.

02-16-2010, 10:25 AM
Just looking for updates.

02-16-2010, 06:16 PM
BIG DAY!!! This morning when I awoke, and I fed Angel, I used a warm cotton ball to soften her scab....WOW!! It was like a volcano...shot a foot and a half in air with pressure of infection...totally gross. I panicked. But I have parent in my room who is a dermatologist. I emailed her and she gladly came by at the end of my school day, and she opened the wound (after anesthesia). She was going to culture the infection...but no pus pockets found. I think the exposion this morning was the final one...anyway..she gave me a super strong antibiotic gel that kills all types of infection. Angel seems more active and the wound is now definitely open to drain.We tried to wrap, but where it is...impossible...will watch her close tonight...thank you for all your posts....All seems good right now...will update.

02-16-2010, 07:10 PM
Thanks for the update! I'm hoping your baby is all better soon! Please keep us informed and become an active member of the board. You can learn a lot about these fascinating little creatures!

02-16-2010, 08:58 PM
Thanks, PBlueJay...I have raised over 50 squirrels...many that looked worse than Angel....and released all of them....this was a hidden horrific case. I am so attached to her, I cant tell you...love her to death...what a fighter...I think all is going to be well. I love this forum. Ill keep you informed...by the way...raised many a blue jay also...my fav baby bird.

02-16-2010, 09:30 PM
Thanks, PBlueJay...I have raised over 50 squirrels...many that looked worse than Angel....and released all of them....this was a hidden horrific case. I am so attached to her, I cant tell you...love her to death...what a fighter...I think all is going to be well. I love this forum. Ill keep you informed...by the way...raised many a blue jay also...my fav baby bird.

Ha! That's where I got my name--from a baby Bluejay I found and raised. I wasn't implying that you didn't know what you were/are doing or that you might not be able to contribute as much as you gain, so please don't take what I said that way. I'm now raising my 161st and 162 baby, not counting the car hits, the cat/dog attacks, the adult "pets" who had MBD, and so forth that I've rehabbed (some on here have raised/helped many more), and I learn something new about them and their care each and every day (much from the discussions on this board)! And yes, it's the hard cases that I get most attached to because I hope so desperately that they will survive. One of my hardest cases was an adult that I rescued--lethargic, couldn't void her bladder, fearful (of course). I eventually won her trust (a little). She came to realize I was the one who fed her and relieved the pressure on her bladder. I spent over two weeks trying to make her better, but it just wasn't to be. I was devastated when she died (necropsy revealed kidney failure). Another was a paralyzed adult (wild) who also came to trust me but whose paralysis never got better. Another was last year, a pinkie with a hernia in her lower abdomen. Another was also last year, a pinkie whose anus stayed dialated. Another was a "head plant" who sprayed blood when he sneezed for over a week. Another was "Maggie," a baby who came to me with maggots crawling out of her anus (she was released!). The list goes on. I can't remember all of the squirrels I've raised or tried to help, but I will never forget those I learned so much from trying to help or especially those I ultimately could not help. Every day I learn, and every day I'm reminded I know very, very little.

02-18-2010, 09:26 AM

03-01-2010, 02:18 PM
OK!!! What a story this has turned out to be....last week the other puncture site, that healed over in the beginning, and looked so wonderful (compared to the other site)...formed a cyst looking lump under the skin and fur. It came out of NOWHERE!! I have been so busy expressing the infection out of the one site, I was in shock. Now the kicker...one of my parents at my school is a dermotologist. She came in and lanced both areas, and treated them with antibiotic gel (dr. strength) and packing. I have had to remove the packing and put new packing in once a day for 5 days now....we also added Baytril to the SMZ....Angel is making unbelievable progress....just yesterday, I had to go get a 66 quart tub for her because she was "running" yes running around her smaller tub....she must FEEL BETTER. I am so happy....but until the hole is closed and a week or two go by with NO infections....I will celebrate....the doctor also cultured the infection and we should hear what was in there any day now...Without this doctor doing all this...I would have probably lost her.... I will post a picture of her soon.