View Full Version : greenery

02-03-2010, 12:52 PM
Ok Knothead is getting bored....I purchased two small bushes/trees for him one is a Lemon Cypress the other is a small cypress of some sort. You think these will be ok for Knottyhead to chew or climb on?

Secret Squirrel
02-03-2010, 04:32 PM
Yes, they do get bored very quickly...don't they ! I don't know about those types of trees...are they outdoor trees in pots ? Are they in his cage or in his room ??
Not sure of Knotheads set up. So maybe you can fill me in.

I use grapevine branches...the ones in the woods, all curvy and fun for squirrels to run around on. I get them from the woods and they are 2'' in diameter and fresh cut. They dry out nicely too. So I don't use actually greenery...except for fresh branches in the cage for pre relaseables. Oak mainly...Live, Water or Pin oak will do.

I also have carpeted cat trees I made 12 ft tall and lots of jumping room. I let the older kids out for romp time 2 times a day...and boy do they have fun. This room is for them only to play and sleep in thier own cages.
Boxes, oatmeal containers with each end cut out to make tubes. Tape a few of them together to make a big tube. Hang a pair of old jeans and put nuts in the pockets. He will run through the legs of the jeans too. Rope strung across the room, with a few rope drops for added fun. Hanging basket..without the dirt of course...oh geez I could go on and on.:D
Just a few ideas. I hope this helps.

02-03-2010, 04:41 PM
Ok Knothead is getting bored....I purchased two small bushes/trees for him one is a Lemon Cypress the other is a small cypress of some sort. You think these will be ok for Knottyhead to chew or climb on?

I will check my list when I get home. For some reason, the site I use for plant toxicity is blocked as "entertainment" here at work - yeah, what FUN, plant toxicity! Yahoo!!

Regardless, if they ARE you need to do the following before they come in:

First, hose them down thoroughly so they are soaking wet - easiest to do this outdoors. The put some dishwashing liquid and water in a spray bottle - you want it pretty concentrated, so use a good squirt of the soap. Completely saturate the trees with soapy water - use LOTS - you want every surface saturated. Let it sit for a good half hour, then spray again, let it sit, and then rinse, rinse, rinse with clear water until all the soap is gone. It will kill any bugs, and wash away any insecticides or fertilizer on them.

02-03-2010, 07:06 PM
I will check my list when I get home. For some reason, the site I use for plant toxicity is blocked as "entertainment" here at work - yeah, what FUN, plant toxicity! Yahoo!!

Regardless, if they ARE you need to do the following before they come in:

First, hose them down thoroughly so they are soaking wet - easiest to do this outdoors. The put some dishwashing liquid and water in a spray bottle - you want it pretty concentrated, so use a good squirt of the soap. Completely saturate the trees with soapy water - use LOTS - you want every surface saturated. Let it sit for a good half hour, then spray again, let it sit, and then rinse, rinse, rinse with clear water until all the soap is gone. It will kill any bugs, and wash away any insecticides or fertilizer on them.

I'm quoting myself...

Can't find anything about cypress being toxic, but PLEASE do the scrubdown I describe. Commercial growers dump all manner of gawdawful stuff on their plants...