View Full Version : Australian in Germany
02-02-2010, 03:34 PM
Hi, this site is gold. I have two chippies (Tamias sibiricus) Lola and Benny and they are already benifiting from this site.
At first they weren't too happy about their reduction in nuts and seeds but their long term health is more important.
Great to see so many kind hearted squirrel lovers!!!
In Gremany I worked and lived at a wildlife station literally, on 24hr standby for 8 months last year.
Was a wonderful experience to get up close with a lot of new animals I hadnt come across in Australia before.
In my time there i looked after about 9 or 10 red squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris) babies from around 3 weeks upto around 3 months of age. About the best experience in my life.
Im not too much of a talker, but love to have a read, I will definately spend lots of time here checking out the latest squirrel tunes :morning
02-02-2010, 03:45 PM
Momma Squirrel
02-02-2010, 03:51 PM
:Welcome is there a name we could call you, not even sure how to pronounce yours :D
What are your chippie's names?? Would love to see pictures of them and your surrounding squirrels.
Sounds like you have had some wonderful experiences with the wildlife. YELP you will love the nutty things that go on around here :crazy
island rehabber
02-02-2010, 04:08 PM
I believe his name is German for "chipmunk" :D and means "striped squirrel" ? We don't wanna call you "Strife" for short, though.....:rotfl
Anyway, :Welcome to the Squirrel Board Streifenhornchen -- glad you found us!
If you haven't guessed already, we LOVE pix so please don't hold back.
Good grief!! An Aussie in Deutchland!
I guess it'll be alright. Neither one of them speak proper English. :rofl4
02-02-2010, 04:34 PM
Wow, thanks for the warm quick responces. at the moment I only have one not so great pic of my female Lola, she is a cinnamon (Zimt in german) colour, my male Benny is white with faint stripes. ill post some of my red squirrels, lola and benny pics tomorrow when ive got them from the other computer.
my name is andrew and probably would have been a better choice than streifenhörnchen. very true it is the german word for chipmunk - direct translation is striped squirrel yep...
02-02-2010, 04:37 PM
Good grief!! An Aussie in Deutchland!
I guess it'll be alright. Neither one of them speak proper English. :rofl4
yes yes funny funny, thats me.
Welcome aboard, Andrew.
Here's a smile for you.
Toowoomba ANZAC
02-02-2010, 05:20 PM
[QUOTE=Skul]Welcome aboard, Andrew.
Here's a smile for you.
Oh wow, that is certainly nice to see. ANZAC day, with the marching and all. Good old Toowoomba too.
English, Australian and New Zealand flag side by side, wow thats great!
psychotic feather
02-02-2010, 05:50 PM
What kind of chipmunk is that? :confused:
It looks like an eastern chipmunk :x
02-02-2010, 07:24 PM
What kind of chipmunk is that? :confused:
It looks like an eastern chipmunk :x
thats true but its just a trick of the photo, its a Siberian though.
So a few pics of the lovely red euro squirrels. Girlfriend in a
few shots too wahoo
02-02-2010, 07:38 PM
just a few more pics.....also another shabby pic of Lola my Siberian.
psychotic feather
02-02-2010, 08:29 PM
OH MY GOODNESS look at those fuzzy ears!!!!!!!!
OMG!!! I love those ears!!! beautiful, beautiful!!! The chipmunks are adorable and so shiny and the little crazy-eared red squirrels, they're so cute too.
I had to come on and say "welcome,welcome - good on'ya mate!"
(i'm from Brisbane, now toronto):D
I love the name streif... well I can't spell it ... but it's very cute! And German squirrels ...:D :Welcome
02-02-2010, 09:00 PM
WELCOME!!!! u have adorable fur kids!!!!
02-03-2010, 05:34 AM
Grüße, Streifenhörnchen! Und Lola und Benny -- they look like very nice chipmunks! :)
It must have been amazing to work with the Eurasian red squirrels. We have very few tassel-eared squirrels in the US -- I've always wanted to see one. The two you posted have different colored tails and tassels to match -- so weird.
02-03-2010, 06:13 AM
Wow, very beautiful chipmunk and squirrel photos. Hope you can keep spoiling us with more. What are the laws there regarding keeping squirrels as pets?
02-03-2010, 08:15 AM
THOSE EARS:eek: are awesome...I want some of those here in Georgia
Momma Squirrel
02-03-2010, 08:18 AM
Andrew is much easier :D OMG I just love Lola, look at those ears :Love_Icon
Hey, Peter, those are red-phase Aberts squirrels....honest.:D
Andrew, I've been doing ANZAC in Toowoomba for the last ten years.
Had a one of your countrymen I served with living there.
02-03-2010, 09:51 AM
THOSE EARS:eek: are awesome...I want some of those here in Georgia
Aren't they??! They look completely surprised all the time!
02-03-2010, 11:43 AM
Andrew, Ella and I would like to welcome you too. We are also the new kids on the block. Love the long ears. Bet you think our squirrels look funny with their tiny ears.
psychotic feather
02-03-2010, 12:27 PM
More photos please :D
02-03-2010, 01:15 PM
Funny these brother and sister dark/black and red came from the same nest that fell during high winds at about 3 weeks of age .
The laws over here may vary a little from state to state like most countries but generally speaking you are not allowed to keep/take any animal from the wild. You can take care of squirrels that require help eg. injured/young so long as you are in a satisfactory position to do so.
Some people breed unreleasable squirrels and sell their young. As far as I know there is no law against selling captive bred red squirrels. On squirrel selling websites I often see youngsters for around the equiv of US$150-300.
At the wildlife station I was at we practised realease and successfully realeased all 9 or 10 of ours successfully back to the wild from last year.
I fell in love with everyone of them and was naturally attached to the little fellas. Although
02-03-2010, 02:04 PM
Hey, Peter, those are red-phase Aberts squirrels....honest.:D
Andrew, I've been doing ANZAC in Toowoomba for the last ten years.
Had a one of your countrymen I served with living there.
I was in Toowoomba one time while travelling northwards on a 7550km car 'cruise'. Stayed at a persons house I knew. Really nice to know you had been there on ANZAC the last 10 years. Thats what I call showing some real respect. I was going to ask if it was a personal photo of yours. Great to see it up here :thumbsup
Andrew, Ella and I would like to welcome you too. We are also the new kids on the block. Love the long ears. Bet you think our squirrels look funny with their tiny ears.
Hi There :)
Thanks for the welcome, the grey squirrels have a real trendy short back and sides style to them, real slick and have major a cuteness appeal!! and true, realy tiny ears lol!
OMG!!! I love those ears!!! beautiful, beautiful!!! The chipmunks are adorable and so shiny and the little crazy-eared red squirrels, they're so cute too.
I had to come on and say "welcome,welcome - good on'ya mate!"
(i'm from Brisbane, now toronto):D
I love the name streif... well I can't spell it ... but it's very cute! And German squirrels ...:D :Welcome
Nice to see an aussie squirrel lover here! Almost non existent back home. Heard a few stories of the chipmunk colonies over in WA but never seen them. In NSW i came in contact with a breeder of indian palms. It took me over a year to finally make ground and find anyone who had a squirrel. I was close to obtaining a breeding licence for them but then changed my plans.
Im yet to put on Benny here, a cheeky chippie albino with light cream stripes.
As for the 'crazy ears' they really are too cute! Every now and then one will catch my eye while having a stretch in the snow.
Ultra Peepi
02-03-2010, 02:58 PM
Hi Andrew!:Welcome Nice to see pics of some of the critters you have or are helping, thanks.:D
02-03-2010, 03:02 PM
Hi, Australian in Germany! :D My, what cute squirrels you have. :thumbsup
Welcome to TSB!
02-03-2010, 03:44 PM
:Welcome Andrew! I love your pictures, More Please!
I cannot speak or pronounce German, so I am very glad I can call you by a name other than Streifenhörnchen:D Eurasian Red Squirrels are extremely adorable! I have never seen one face to face since I live in New York, but I can't get enough of pictures!
Your chipmunks are cute too, I'm looking forward to seeing a pic of Benny.
Pointy Tale
02-03-2010, 06:25 PM
Streifenhörnchen—Hallo und willkommen! Von welchem Teil Deutchlands kommen Sie her? ich spreche kein Deutsch. Haha
Lola is adorable. Great pictures of you and your girlfriend with all your red squirrels. Great picture with the red one and big ears. What is his/her name?
Gute Nacht!
Nice to see an aussie squirrel lover here! Almost non existent back home. Heard a few stories of the chipmunk colonies over in WA but never seen them. In NSW i came in contact with a breeder of indian palms. It took me over a year to finally make ground and find anyone who had a squirrel. I was close to obtaining a breeding licence for them but then changed my plans.
Im yet to put on Benny here, a cheeky chippie albino with light cream stripes.
As for the 'crazy ears' they really are too cute! Every now and then one will catch my eye while having a stretch in the snow.
I didn't even think we had squirrels back home?
Indian palm squirrels in Australia? wow. (by the way we have at least one on this site "chickoo" who lives in India.
oooo well, i'll wait for Benny to make his appearance.
02-04-2010, 09:49 AM
hello.very beautifull your squirrells :p
02-04-2010, 12:40 PM
Welcome Welcome!!!! WE NEED MORE PICTURES! Oooooh--Lola is beeeeee-U-tiful!
02-05-2010, 08:57 PM
:Welcome Those fuzzy-eared squirrels sure are cuties! Glad you joined us!:D
02-08-2010, 12:42 PM
Thanks everyone for the welcomes, glad so many liked the pics I put up. Ill see what else I have from the 'crazy ear' squirrels, I think I have some videos also, maybe I can try and put a few up. Not sure how many more pics Ive got but ill check it out! - I make clear they were no pets, they had all lost their mummies and needed a bit of a hand until they were strong enough to fend for themselves. I naturally fell in love but was happy to let them go back nto the wild. I also don't like the trade of the cute guys that goes on here in Germany.
(Pointy Tale) - Ich wohne in Niedersachen, Göttingen in the naher von Hannover. Da gibt viele Berge, wäld und manchmal eichhörnchen auch
Machts gut. :)
No code language - just i live in Göttingen. :dono
Stopping by to see if anything was new.
Put away the tucker, mate. You've a thread to attend to.:D
02-16-2010, 08:24 PM
Hi great photos, i love Lola (would like to see a photo of Benny too) and the squirrels, look forward to more pics. Some pics of UK Squirrels
I saw Eurasian Red Squirrels in a captive breeding programme but have not seen them in the wild. Sadly they are endangered here but people are trying to save them. There are a few places that are Red Squirrel only but you have to travel abit to see them, one day i hope to see some wild ones. (The picture was not very good i didn't have a digital camera then).
The Eastern American Grey Squirrel, are very common where i live. Two and sometimes three visit by bird table often. There was one who used to take nuts out of our hands and in the parks they will often take food from hands. The main danger to our Red Squirrels is the Squirrel Pox virus.
It is illegal to keep Grey Squirrels in captivity here and if captured from the wild they cannot be rereleased. With Red Squirrels they cannot be keep in captivity unless part of a breeding programme at a wildlife park.
02-16-2010, 10:54 PM
:Welcome :Welcome :Welcome
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