View Full Version : Collecting Info for Faq's page

02-02-2010, 11:28 AM
Hey you Nutters!

I am going to try to start this thing were I regularly come up with a bunch of questions that new squirrel owners would have, and hopefully get answers from some of the experts on here for each. After a week or so of each thread being out I will submit it to the mods here so that the can put it in FAQ area where people can get to it right away. Hopefully this will make the information easier to find then searching through hundreds of pages of pictures of our babies :jump

These questions do not have to pertain to any particular breed of squirrel, but please post what breed you have with whatever question you are answering. This is important in that some breeds (flyers for example) might be more sensitive to some things then others. For this thread please just answer the questions, if you have a question you think would be good to include in the next round feel free to PM me it and I will give you credit for it when I ask it!

Without further ado here is the first round of questions!

1. When bringing things in from the outside world for your squirrel to chew on or play with(sticks, pine cones, bark, dirt, really anything you can think of) what are the most effective methods of sanitation. Now I know some people prefer to bring it in exactly as is(especially for those who plan on release) but this questions is for those who would like to make it as safe as possible.

2. What materials do you use to clean your squirrels cage, and safety precautions with each. Do you use diluted bleach or a natural remedy, how do YOU clean up after your babies????

3. How often do you clean out a cage(include how many squirrels as well so we can figure a decent squirrel to cleaning time frame), and the water bottle if you use one?

4. When nursing a baby there seems to be some recent occurrences of Esbilac causing diarrhea in babies. I have seen Fox Valley as being the recommended alternative. So is Fox Valley THE formula we should be recommending for all babies, or just an alternative if you run into trouble with the new Esbilac formula?

5. What full spectrum lights are acceptable for your squirrel, and which do you think is the best. How many are needed per cage, or will one do?

6. What kind of a litter box do you have for your squirrel, and do they use it enough to make it worthwhile?

7. Do you use any kind of bedding on the bottom of the cage or just have a waterproof layer, if you do use a waterproof bottom on your cage what is it?

8. Do you use a glass or plastic water bottle, do either leak often? If not a water bottle do you use just a water dish/bowl and if so how messy does it get? Which do you think a squirrel would prefer?

9. Do you bathe your squirrels at all? Should a squirrel ever get a bath?

10. What kind of material do you use to make beds/hammocks/anything out of for their cage. I know I have heard of some materials(like towels) being bad for them, that they can catch toes in it. So whats good and whats bad?

Thanks ahead of time for all the GREAT answers I KNOW you will give ;)

And again feel free to PM me any questions you think would be helpful for new people to be able to see quickly and easily.

:squirrel1Sky and Shykj:squirrel1