View Full Version : Extreme appetite & hunger of Nos!

01-25-2010, 02:49 AM
The last few days when I let Nos out to exercise; he is OUT of CONTROL! Anything that smells like food makes him GO nuts! Tonight, he got into a bag of Pepperidge Farm Gingerbread Cookies. I went to remove a cookie from him, he went NUTS! Of course, he bit me. I thought I was going to pass out from the pain. This was nothing like his last one a few weeks ago that I posted about. He penetrated my finger deeply! I went through my Living Room trying to "remove" everything that he wanted to eat. He went after a Godiva Chocolate Santa. He goes NUTS for Dove Chocolate. Bread even! Live tulips! A Luna Bar. Lightly frosted shredded wheat. To me this seems to be EXTREME hunger for him to act this way. He has never quite been this way previously. Is it becos he has his "big" Boy Balls now? They just fully arrived a couple of weeks ago. I always give him "3" HHB's. Some greens. A raspberry or grape. A couple of acorns. Of course, I have never noticed any parasites in his stool but obviously realize they could be microscopic. What do I do to stop his EXTREME hunger? As my finger is throbbing, I am at the end of my rope! Thank-you!

01-25-2010, 03:17 AM
Oops, I meant to say I give him a couple of Almonds daily NOT acorns!

01-25-2010, 07:16 AM
The last few days when I let Nos out to exercise; he is OUT of CONTROL! Anything that smells like food makes him GO nuts! Tonight, he got into a bag of Pepperidge Farm Gingerbread Cookies. I went to remove a cookie from him, he went NUTS! Of course, he bit me. I thought I was going to pass out from the pain. This was nothing like his last one a few weeks ago that I posted about. He penetrated my finger deeply! I went through my Living Room trying to "remove" everything that he wanted to eat. He went after a Godiva Chocolate Santa. He goes NUTS for Dove Chocolate. Bread even! Live tulips! A Luna Bar. Lightly frosted shredded wheat. To me this seems to be EXTREME hunger for him to act this way. He has never quite been this way previously. Is it becos he has his "big" Boy Balls now? They just fully arrived a couple of weeks ago. I always give him "3" HHB's. Some greens. A raspberry or grape. A couple of acorns. Of course, I have never noticed any parasites in his stool but obviously realize they could be microscopic. What do I do to stop his EXTREME hunger? As my finger is throbbing, I am at the end of my rope! Thank-you!

If, as it is believed, squirrels eat approximately their body weight a week, you might not be feeding it enough (I'm going on what you listed). Give him a larger amount and greater variety of healthy vegetables (see food data chart in link below). Offer a small chunk or two of several kinds. Another (larger) nut such as a pecan or walnut might keep him happy also. You can also give him Harlan Teklad rodent block (he can have all he wants). Try to cut down on the fruits and sweets. He's probably too young to have diabetes, but excessive hunger is a symptom.



PS: It's always a good idea to get them checked for parasites.

01-25-2010, 11:51 AM
First, I would definitely do as PBJ recommends - more veggies, fewer fruits, and maybe up his daily HHB ration a bit. Then, you need to get rid of ALL FOOD in the areas he hangs out in. Closing the box or rolling up the bag won't do it - these guys have the best snifers I have ever seen (if they would make carrying a pecan in your pocket mandatory when wilderness hiking, a squirrel team could put the bloodhouds out of business pronto). Put them where they won't be smelled - refrigerator or inside the microwave works - and don't take them out while he is roaming around.

And the first rule of Food Club is don't EVER take food away from your squirrel unless you just consider all of those fingers optional... It is a lot easier to lock up the naughty stuff than to get it away from him, as I believe you now know.:osnap

01-25-2010, 11:55 AM
Well my Henry, sweet as he was, was like a vampire if yummy food was around. Even though he was very well fed. ALL food had to be put away in the pantry/fridge if Mr. Piggie was out.

As long as Nos doesn't gain too much weight, then he can eat all the healthy foods he wants. As others said, watch the fruit and sweets. And definitely get him checked for parasites.

01-25-2010, 03:04 PM
thank-you all! yes, i have learned unless it is a lethal food that i will NEVER remove it from my squirrel's mouth & grasp! when he bit me, he would NOT release my finger! i had to take my other hand and pull him until he released! he was NUTS!

i will take some stool to the Vet for a parasite check to be sure!

he isn't real crazy about veggie's but will keep trying!

this squirrel "mommy" thing is very trying at times! lol

again, thank-you so much! last night, i felt as though i was going NUTS!

Dana & dear Nos!

01-25-2010, 04:12 PM
I think California is an illegal state. Check on this( or somebody here can confirm. If so, DON'T take the squirrel itself, just the stool sample (as fresh as possible) and tell them you have a pet rat.

01-25-2010, 04:22 PM
yes, it is an illegal state but my vet is OK w/it.

01-25-2010, 09:02 PM
Ok, after my incident w/Nos last evening; it obviously puts the WILD in wildlife!

01-25-2010, 09:08 PM
He could be in heat, too. I'm a little scared of my guys when they are in heat, because they get aggressive and unpredictable, sweet little boys that they are most of the time.

01-25-2010, 09:22 PM
OMG, I never thought of that yet! I am just getting use to him being a MAN now! His testicles are definitely well developed and hanging now! No doubt, he is a MAN now! I miss my little boy when I gave him his bottle! How often do they go into HEAT? Does anyone ever castrate little boy squirrels to mellow out their personalities?

01-25-2010, 09:57 PM
They go into heat about three times a year. If he isn't being aggressive except about food, I wouldn't alter him.

Check out Bean's thread. Bean is famous for his cohones. But, he is the mildest little squirrel with Rachel, letting her kiss him and hug him and even put clothes on him, but he will attack Vincent, her son, if he gets too close to his Mom when Bean is out. Bean requires quality time with his Squirrel Goddess, meaning all to himself!
Most squirrel owners don't alter them, though. Jeffrey also has his furstickles and he is still ok. Even the girls freak if you mess with their food.

He shouldn't be biting you, so bad, though. Some of the people on TSB have ways of urging their little buddies "to be gentle". Just voice control, nothing physical.