View Full Version : Babies have me worried
01-19-2010, 07:46 AM
I'll start by saying that I am in no way experienced at raising young, let alone fragile squirrels, but god knows I'm trying my best until our resident wildlife rehabilitator/family friend gets back. So I have two what look to be about 1 1/2 week old squirrels. Aptly named marshmellow and chap
Anyways, they came to me chilled, dehydrated, and bloated. Chap is doing best, but marshmellow is still a little dehydrated looking. They are both very alert, very warm, but I think I messed up. I was a tad rough with the first feedings, and feel I may of aspirated them. Though not constant, they make a faint clicking sound after eating. They still seem very energetic, chap being a bit more of a lazy butt, but he gets around, marshmellow acts like she could power a city with her energy. However, the last two feedings, they seem to not take food very well. They will sip, but they used to literally dig in to the syringe. Chap urinates frequently, and poops 2-3 times a day. Marshmellow just started urinating frequently this morning, and seems to only poop once a day, but it is a very large poop. Both seem to have semi solid stool, with a little yellow sticky bit coming out with it.
I'm currently feeding them esbilac. At a ratio of 1 part esb, 3 part water, .5 part yogurt, .5 part heavy whipping cream.
I had been feeding them jackies goat milk recipe, but decided to switch when they seemed to refuse it this morning. My last feeding was 40 minutes ago, and they barely ate. Still very active and mobile though
What do you think guys? I'm seriously a hypochondriac to animals, ironic because I walk everything off when it comes to myself, every slight twitch has me pulling hair out. If anyone here can help me, or wants to call (just tell me)4 and instruct me on how not to kill these guys, please please do.
I just ordered fox valley food, and am waiting for it to get here. I alternate marshmellows feedings between hydration and nutrition.
01-19-2010, 08:20 AM
someone will be on in a few minutes.... hold tight...
Jackie in Tampa
01-19-2010, 08:28 AM
would you like us to find someone to take them for you?
or are you looking for instruction?
we are here for you:)
I will help with anything that i can.
01-19-2010, 08:34 AM
I would love to take care of them myself, as I said, huge animal lover. If I can help it, I will. In this reality though, I won't be selfish and say I'm fit for it, despite how much I care. If you or anyone here thinks they can help me not find these guys an early grave, then I would love to experience raising em and getting to release em. However, there's hardly any vets in my area that will agree to look at them, I have no prior experience to this, and as I said, I'm extremely afraid I might of already aspirated them. I have a guy who will take a look at them on thursday, but I'm scared to see how fast aspiration pneumonia can floor a newborn squirrel (grey)
If it's in their best interest, and if being with me is a good way to kill them, then yes, please find a capable hand to care for them. I'd rather lose the experience then lose 'Mella and chap
island rehabber
01-19-2010, 08:36 AM
Erix I am concerned about your fear that you 'may have aspirated them', and the subsequent fact that they are off their normal feedings now, not taking the amounts they should. This is typical of the onset of aspiration pneumonia, I'm afraid. Can you get the babies to Jackie? They need to be with someone who can administer antibiotics and who has dealt with possible pneumonia babies before. Right now it may be just the beginning but these littles can go down very fast.
01-19-2010, 08:41 AM
give me a location, and dammit I'll find a way. Tampa isn't to far, despite how much crap I was supposed to do today ^^;;
island rehabber
01-19-2010, 08:46 AM
You're my hero of the day, the squirrels! :bowdown :D
01-19-2010, 08:57 AM
give me a location, and dammit I'll find a way. Tampa isn't to far, despite how much crap I was supposed to do today ^^;;
:thumbsup :grouphug :Love_Icon :grouphug
01-19-2010, 09:11 AM
Erix, you're a freakin' hero!!
You CAN continue to participate, you know - Jackie has all sorts of threads here where she puts up pics and progress reports, so while it won't be hands on, you can still follow along.
The teeny, teeny babies like you have are SO difficult. You got thrown into the deep end of the pool with these little guys. I am so glad you have a life saver - literally - to grab!
01-19-2010, 09:56 AM
give me a location, and dammit I'll find a way. Tampa isn't to far, despite how much crap I was supposed to do today ^^;;
Look at it this way, you'll have alot less to do after because critical babies are VERY time consuming!! :D
Jackie in Tampa
01-19-2010, 10:07 AM
erix and I spoke...
We think they are making mouth noises and are fine!:thumbsup
He has been given very detailed info!
and is on poop watch!
:bowdown Erix has been reading and is a very 'nervous over do'er':D like me!
these two should be fine, he has my number as a back up, we are less than hour apart...
can't wait for pics!:Love_Icon :Love_Icon
01-19-2010, 10:08 AM
erix and I spoke...
We think they are making mouth noises and are fine!:thumbsup
He has been given very detailed info!
and is on poop watch!
:bowdown Erix has been reading and is a very 'nervous over do'er':D like me!
these two should be fine, he has my number as a back up, we are less than hour apart...
can't wait for pics!:Love_Icon :Love_Icon
Excellent! :thumbsup
01-19-2010, 10:10 AM
erix and I spoke...
We think they are making mouth noises and are fine!:thumbsup
He has been given very detailed info!
and is on poop watch!
:bowdown Erix has been reading and is a very 'nervous over do'er':D like me!
these two should be fine, he has my number as a back up, we are less than hour apart...
can't wait for pics!:Love_Icon :Love_Icon
Great, Jackie. Thank you and Erix!
island rehabber
01-19-2010, 10:13 AM
JIT I was mostly concerned about them not taking much formula. This has always been a warning sign for me with babies, even before I actually heard clicking. Just making sure Erix is keeping a close watch on this. :peace
01-19-2010, 10:19 AM
Well, I talked to Jackie, and she assured my I was being a hypochondriac. I was mistaking normal mouth noises for clicks. After about an hour we decided I'm going to keep them and do my best, but if it looks like for even a moment they are in danger, they will take a one way trip to Jackies to receive more professional care. They ate at their last feeding, very well. they are breathing good, going to the bathroom regularly, and still squirming like the dickins
Sorry to worry you all. I promise I will do my best for lil Chap and 'Mella, and if not, Jackie will
Here are the two rascals.
Jackie in Tampa
01-19-2010, 10:20 AM
I am thinking switching them from GM to esbilac with pedialyte home made as well as store bought may have something to do with small appetites...and also a big dropper and 3 cc syringe are not the easiest way to feed a pinkie, or measure either. I am sending supplies today, syringes and nipples!:thumbsup
Yeah,, and like IR said:D :poke try to get them to take a little more with each feeding, also some babies are tempurature sensitive, they want their formula very warm...but not hot!:nono
Watch the poops very carefully Erix!:D
good luck and have fun! :grouphug
01-19-2010, 10:21 AM
I see she beat me here. Anyways, thanks all :) :D
Jackie in Tampa
01-19-2010, 10:21 AM
awe they are so tiny!:grouphug
:Love_Icon :Love_Icon
01-19-2010, 10:39 AM
You simply MUST keep us up to date on these little cuties.
01-19-2010, 10:43 AM
I'll make a thread in the nursery section :)
Pointy Tale
01-19-2010, 10:43 AM
Erix3423—Hi! Welcome to TSB, you’re so definitely in the right place for Squirrel Love and support. Chap and Marshmellow are so cute. I really look forward to watching them grow and learning with you. Oh, I noticed in post #15 you mentioned “sorry to worry you all”, oh my goodness, don’t ever think that way, everyone is more than helpful and are great, so remember it’s always better to be safe than sorry and ask! I love that you wrote “the two rascals” reminds me of what Bob Ross would say, hehe
Again, I so cannot wait to follow your progress with them. Sending you lots of positive energy. Oh, don't forget to enjoy the moment!!! They grow so fast!!!
Be well.
01-19-2010, 10:43 AM
Oh, so tiny! They can be so tough that young, but you have THE BEST behind you, so I know it will be ok! Jackie is AMAZING!!!! (Everyone here is wonderful!!!) Seeing them brings back memories of my little Thor.....a pinkie I raised years precious!
01-19-2010, 10:55 AM
Absolutely - don't EVER worry about asking questions - everyone here would rather have a thousand false alarms than one missed call. Being over-careful is the best tool you have in your toolbox. Listen to the little voice...
Pointy Tale
01-19-2010, 10:59 AM
Anyone interested in following Erix3423, Cahp and ‘Mella, they have a new thread!!! Check it out!:)
The Squirrel Board > General > The Nursery > Chap and 'Mella (pinkies) (
disclaimer: hehehe, I'm the worst linker!
Good luck to all.
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