View Full Version : help with Pee-a-boo release Stephanie
Stephanie K Zon
10-11-2006, 01:50 PM
here are a few pictures of my daughters back yard where I would release Pee-a-Boo the weather is still kind of nice going to be in the 80s but at night it gets cold about the 30s and 40's I don't know if you know it but I don't think our squirrels get as big as yours ours are very small maybe that is why she looks so youg I'm not sure. as you can see she isn't locked up much I don't even lock her at night and I don't know if that is good for her I just can't stand to see her pace the inside of the cage trying to get out it breaks my heart because they are wild. I hope I am doing the right things I want her world to be great. Like I said I treat them like a real baby except change dipers and burp them HA HA. like I said I don't feel whole now unless I have a baby well got to go get this sent thank you all Stephanie:thankyou :dono what to do
10-11-2006, 02:09 PM
awww, what a precious little girl. Do you know what age she is?
If you are planning on releasing her you have to try to stop handling and keep her inside her cage. Get a big enough cage for her to run around in, and make sure she gets used to the outside. Put her in the backyard for a couple hours during the day and continue to increase the time spent outdoors.
It is important that she isn't too friendly with people. If she comes up to a neighbor wanting food, the person might panic thinking it is a "rabid" squirrel and kick her (or worse!). A lot of squirrels have been harmed that way, so make sure she isn't so imprinted by the time she is released. I know it is hard, especially because she is by herself. But please try!
so basically (so far): get her acclimated, cautious of people, and release her at the right age
10-11-2006, 02:18 PM
Do you have a large tree in your yard you could hang a nesting box?
That was she wouldnt have to build a nest right away.
Somebody's Mother
10-11-2006, 04:18 PM
she certainly is beautiful. this is my opinion. and whatever you decide is fine and i will not criticize. but i think she is so little i would try and keep her over the winter and release her in the spring. i personally could do the wintering part but would be unable to let her go in the spring.
good luck. i hope you get some educated advice. you have done a great job with pee-a-boo.
Stephanie K Zon
10-12-2006, 11:14 AM
Oh you guys are so great thanks for answering so quick. Boy yesterday was a drag, for some reason she desided she would attack me I don't know if it was something she ate or what but it lasted for about an hour and then she got like she was real sleepy then she went to sleep and when she woke up she was her self. I tryed to take a picture of her release cage to see if it was big enough but it didn't turn out I will try again. And that is second time I have been told to .keep her through the winter so I guess I will.I love her so much and it is very hard to let them go but her to be happy and normal is all I want I have tryed to help people all my life and most don't get it so I have taken up the squirrels they never steal or lie to you wish I would have done it years ago I would have saved alot of money we have a 5 bed room home and rented rooms out now I want to start rehabbing the babys I don't know any one here that has any so if you know any one in the area, that would be a help to go see how some one esle takes care of theres. This morring she is back to normal thank god she scared me and I didn't want to hurt her tring to get her off me befor she ate me up and I have found they can run up and down you in a second and bite you 5 or 6 times in no time:wahoo :wahoo :wahoo Should I let her out of her cage when I put her out side? When I had Missy she would come back and after about 25 days she had made her own home some times I think it is her outside but there are so many I can't tell if it is realy her.I will take a piture of her release cage and put it on line and you can tell me if it is big enough for the winter if not I will have to build her another one . Will it be to cold on her out in the garage? I kept Missy in the house until I released her but if I keep her though the winter and have to have a bigger cage I won;t be able to keep her in the house and then she wouldn;t be around people as much because she is with people all the time and she dose jump on you or who ever is tallest. well better get this sent and get ready to go to the Dr's . Thank every one so much for your help God Bless you all :thankyou :D
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