View Full Version : Need help
10-11-2006, 11:21 AM
Yesterday afternoon I found my dog with a squirrel. It appears that the squirrel has a broken or dislocated shoulder. I can't tell if her spine is injured but she does seem to have some displacement when you get to her shoulder area. I nursed it through the night with sugar water with a baby aspirin mashed in it. When I awoke this morning she had white milky stuff in her eyes. Pearl (what I have been calling her) looks to be a grown cat squirrel that may have babies somewhere as she has small bags. She just lays there hardly moving and sometimes makes weird groaning like noises. Any help or advise on what to do? I would like to see her jumping from tree to tree again or keep her as a pet if that is not possible.
10-11-2006, 11:28 AM
You need to contact a rehabber as quickly as possible. Here is a link ( lists rehabbers and hopfully you will find one in your area. If not, please contact a vet and ask them for assistance. It sounds to me that this squirrel needs immediate medical attention.
10-11-2006, 11:40 AM
let us know if you find help or if you need someone to help you?
10-11-2006, 11:46 AM
Thank you for your help I am trying to contact a rehab for her now! I hate to see any animal suffer...
10-11-2006, 11:54 AM
Oh:thankyou your a good person watching out for a helpless little squirrel.
island rehabber
10-11-2006, 11:55 AM
Yesterday afternoon I found my dog with a squirrel. It appears that the squirrel has a broken or dislocated shoulder. I can't tell if her spine is injured but she does seem to have some displacement when you get to her shoulder area. I nursed it through the night with sugar water with a baby aspirin mashed in it. When I awoke this morning she had white milky stuff in her eyes. Pearl (what I have been calling her) looks to be a grown cat squirrel that may have babies somewhere as she has small bags. She just lays there hardly moving and sometimes makes weird groaning like noises. Any help or advise on what to do? I would like to see her jumping from tree to tree again or keep her as a pet if that is not possible.
This is obviously a VERY serious situation and this animal needs to be taken to a Wildife veterinarian immediately. If you don't know of one, please let me know what major city in TX you are near and I will try to find one. I am afraid this squirrel is in grave danger.
10-11-2006, 11:57 AM
Do contact a rehabber and STOP giving her sugar water and baby aspirin... You could potentially make her worse.
I'm sorry to say that you should probably prepare to lose her to either her own death or euthanization... She sounds pretty bad off... especially if she is a wild squirrel that allowed you to pick her up and feed her...
I'm sorry to tell you that, but sometimes it's better if you are as prepared as you can be. Always hope for the best but prepare for the worst.
Good luck and let us know how it goes. Since she is injured, you might want to put a heating pad under half of the container she's in...pile a BUNCH of old t-shirts, sheets, thermal underwear in the container too, to make it more comfy for her. Be sure to keep her in a quiet, darkend area so she can get some peaceful rest without feeling frightened by human/dog/telephone/tv, etc sounds.
Secret Squirrel
10-12-2006, 10:27 PM
Has anyone heard about Pearl and her condition??? It sounds pretty bad and I am courious of her outcome.:grouphug
10-13-2006, 07:19 AM
Oh dear. I just read this thread and my heart goes out to Pearl. She'll be in my prayers.
10-13-2006, 08:03 AM
Last Activity: 10-11-2006 11:48 AM
Fire please give us an update, weither good or bad. We are always interested to know how things turn out.
island rehabber
10-13-2006, 08:07 AM
I PMd him, too....hoping for the best but...
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