View Full Version : Hi everyone, I just discovered this board
01-06-2010, 02:04 PM
I just wanted to say hello. This world is fairly new to me and my family. Last fall a little baby red squirrel crawled up my husbands lap. As it turned out, his Momma and siblings were dead. We took him home and looked online, how to save a squirrel. I was given all the wrong advice. He was covered in bugs so like the web site said I bathed him with dawn dish soap and tried to feed him . Poor baby was cold, in shock and couldn't swallow. Luckily I found the number for a licensed rehab er and was shown how to save him. Now he is strong healthy and happy being spared his first winter outside but is looking forward to being released this spring. I wish I had found this board much sooner as I will enjoy hearing from fellow squirrel Mom's and Dad's (especially reds). I am looking forward to spring as I have been asked if I would volunteer to help more animals when the need arises. I can't wait to care for a Grey or black squirrel ( I have heard they are much easier to handle)
Could somebody tell me how to get pictures up:) . I tried to put a profile picture and aviator picture but was told that the file didn't upload. I did re size to 80 pixels as well.
Thanks in advance and I look forward to meeting everyone.
01-06-2010, 02:12 PM
Good to have you here, K4. :thumbsup And especially good to read that against all odds, the little red survived, thanks to you and your husband. Plenty of others like yourself with big hearts here at TSB.
Would love to see pics, there's more info here (
01-06-2010, 04:27 PM
Hello..welcome to TSB...What a wonderful story...If you have pictures of your squirrel, please share them...We love pictures....:Welcome
01-06-2010, 04:33 PM
Welcome to you and your baby:wave123
Nancy in New York
01-06-2010, 04:45 PM
Thrilled to have you here...I too have a little red that I am overwintering...Jeffrey. I have done many greys before and Jeffrey is my first red. He has my heart...:Love_Icon
Hope to see more picturs of your little one...
Is yours a fussy eater...?:grouphug
Lulu-Bean's Mommy
01-06-2010, 05:11 PM
Oh what a sweet story! I'm so glad that little squirrel chose you and your husband, sounds like he is in great hands! And how wonderful that you can continue to help other animals as well!
:Welcome :Love_Icon
Lady Squirrelly
01-06-2010, 05:36 PM
:Welcome :wave123 :Welcome :wave123 :Welcome :wave123 :Welcome :wave123
:Welcome To TSB - home to many.many squirrel lovers. So glad you finally found us, and very happy you found a rehabber. Now that you have been owned by a squirrel you life will be forever changed :D So nice of you to share your happy story will us. :grouphug
01-06-2010, 06:34 PM
Thanks for welcoming me with opening arms. :) Thanks for the tips on how to post the pics. I would have liked to put them in order but I think you can do that judging by his size.
Ditti is my first red squirrel so I am not sure if he is a picky eater in comparison to another. I feed him sweet potato, carrot, apple, grapes, green beans, spinach, a bit of corn and an assortment of nuts. How old is your red squirrel? Can you handle him/her? I can't pick him up anymore but he will climb on me. I don't let him out anymore (too wild) unless we are locked in a closed room. He now has a huge cage filled with pine branches. He calls me over with his grunting noises or throws a nut at me when he wants to play. He will also bring me his blanket to play We are really enjoying him, I just wish I could still cuddle him up :)
01-06-2010, 07:09 PM
Oh he's just adorable and I love the nose stripe! :Love_Icon
Nancy in New York
01-06-2010, 07:11 PM
Thanks for welcoming me with opening arms. :) Thanks for the tips on how to post the pics. I would have liked to put them in order but I think you can do that judging by his size.
Ditti is my first red squirrel so I am not sure if he is a picky eater in comparison to another. I feed him sweet potato, carrot, apple, grapes, green beans, spinach, a bit of corn and an assortment of nuts. How old is your red squirrel? Can you handle him/her? I can't pick him up anymore but he will climb on me. I don't let him out anymore (too wild) unless we are locked in a closed room. He now has a huge cage filled with pine branches. He calls me over with his grunting noises or throws a nut at me when he wants to play. He will also bring me his blanket to play We are really enjoying him, I just wish I could still cuddle him up :)
My little one is now almost 10 months. Your little Ditti is an absolute doll.
Here is the link to Jeffrey's thread...
Yes I can still handle Jeffrey and he has the run of the have to stay right on top of him or he can get into more trouble...
Glad that you're here...I know you'll like it...:grouphug
Looking forward to more photos of your little one...
01-06-2010, 08:58 PM
I was so scared to let my red run around. I had visions of him running down into my registers and not getting him back in his cage. Maybe I shouldn't have worried so much. I do know that I am going to miss him so much after release.
01-06-2010, 09:14 PM
What a perfect red, and great pictures. I can see how difficult it will be to let him go, and yet at the same time to know it's the right thing to do.
Nancy in New York
01-07-2010, 01:28 AM
I was so scared to let my red run around. I had visions of him running down into my registers and not getting him back in his cage. Maybe I shouldn't have worried so much. I do know that I am going to miss him so much after release.
I think you were wise to worry...they can get into the smallest places...I know first hand...:rotfl
Jackie in Tampa
01-07-2010, 06:56 AM
:wave123 gorgeous red!
:peace I will be honest here...Dittis cage is way toooooooo small!
He needs a bigger cage asap...he will lose all control over his muscles and when time comes to release, he will not have jumping ability...jmo:grouphug
Can you get him a bigger cage?
bigger is better and bar spacing is also important...I perfer 1/2 inch spacing, no head accidents, no broken bones or teeth either...:thumbsup
but we do love pics, and he is precious!:Love_Icon
01-07-2010, 07:16 AM
Don't worry, he isn't in that cage anymore!! Over the time I have had him he has gone through 4 different sizes of cages. He is now in a cage that is 4 x 3 and 3 feet deep. It has lots of pine branches to run and jump. He seems very happy in this cage so far.
Jackie in Tampa
01-07-2010, 07:21 AM
:bowdown :bowdown they will spend your paycheck for sure...always needing more stuff! :)
In florida we do not have keep the pics coming:Love_Icon
Don't worry, he isn't in that cage anymore!! Over the time I have had him he has gone through 4 different sizes of cages. He is now in a cage that is 4 x 3 and 3 feet deep. It has lots of pine branches to run and jump. He seems very happy in this cage so far.
01-07-2010, 08:12 AM
Luckily, I haven't had to pay for the cages. The licensed rehab er that I originally contacted has been keeping us supplied with what we need. When he grows out of his cage she always has a bigger one. :)
Jackie in Tampa
01-07-2010, 08:16 AM
:thumbsup niiiice! excellent! we need more rehabber s like her:alright.gif :poke and you!:Love_Icon
Luckily, I haven't had to pay for the cages. The licensed rehab er that I originally contacted has been keeping us supplied with what we need. When he grows out of his cage she always has a bigger one. :)
Momma Squirrel
01-07-2010, 08:37 AM
:Welcome Ditti and human family. You are beautiful and mom did a great job :thumbsup thanks for sharing the pictures. Now that you know how to post them we will want more :poke :D
Ultra Peepi
01-07-2010, 01:53 PM
awwww, so very cute, thanks for pics! reminds me of my friend Peeps that i just turned over to the Brukner Center last november so they can do a slow spring release this year. it is hard to do, but you'll know if you've waited too long to release... the reds do seem to get aggressive fast! :)
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