View Full Version : Nibbles has an upset tummy

01-04-2010, 10:06 PM
I don't want to over react, but I thought I would go ahead and post in case it turns into something more serious. Nibbles threw up her dinner completely. I'm hoping she just ate too much because she was a little pig at feeding time. Then she spun a few laps on Benji's big wheel (hanging on for the inverted spin) and climbed to the top of the cage so she could hang upside down and stare at me... and then she hurled.

I've placed her back in her own cage and gave her some water, which she drank. She still appears bright and alert. Maybe her impromptu roller coaster ride on the wheel right after eating??

01-05-2010, 08:13 AM
Bumping this to get it noticed, and a question/observation.

I used Esbilac powder to raise Mister P, my gray, since the whole Esbilac issue was not really on the radar screen at that point. I keep the powder in the refrigerator, but twice now, I have had to throw the last cup or so of the powder away because it went bad. One time, when poor little P was only about 6 weeks old, he drank some that I did not know was bad and while he did not vomit, his tummy was bad for several hours, and he moaned and fussed and was in obvious discomfort. I couldn't tell it was bad by the smell - next day I offered him fresh formula made with the old powder and he refused it. Drove to the pet store, bought new powder, made up new formula from it and he ATTACKED it with great gusto. I only use the Esbilac powder now to sprinkle on other food and I just had another container go bad on me - in fact, the plastic lid puffed up a bit. I now spoon a half cup out into a plasic container in the fridge and keep the rest in the freezer. Long winded, but is it possible the formula powder has gone bad? If you are down to the bottom of the container, I would discard and open a fresh one...

island rehabber
01-05-2010, 08:20 AM
How is Nibbles this morning? If it was just a one-time throwing up I wouldn't be too worried.

One of the things that encouraged me to switch to Fox Valley over a year before the whole Esbilac controversy was the fact that Esbilac kept going bad on me. I don't do a high volume of baby squirrels -- usually 8-10 per season -- so I wasn't burning through the canisters like some folks do. Consequently, I was always throwing it out even though it was refrigerated. FV stays fresh much longer, IMHO.

01-05-2010, 08:35 AM
Nibbles appears to be doing better this morning. She did throw up twice last night and it looked like she may have had a little bout of diarrhea. I mixed her a new batch of formula this morning and it seems to be staying down. She was very hungry but I didn't let her overdo it. I let her hang out in the neck pouch and sit with me this morning before work.

Benji drank the same formula both last night and the new batch this morning and didn't seem to have any problems with either one. I'm hoping it was just one of those baby things.

I'm gonna keep a close eye on things. If she throws up any more I'm going to bundle her up and take her to the vet over in Niceville.

Adding to say that I'm about halfway through this canister of Esbilac. It has passed the Benji seal of approval.

Mrs Skul
01-05-2010, 08:36 AM
I think your suppose to keep it in the Freezer. Just pull out what you need. Years ago when raising puppy's. I had some for over a year. It was still good.

01-05-2010, 08:49 AM
I just went online and ordered some Fox Valley 20/50. Not sure when it will arrive and wondering how Benji will take to the switch since she's a tried and true Esbilac "I don't want to wean" baby. LOL Maybe I'll let her keep her Esbilac and just switch Nibbles to the Fox Valley.

I am off to work. I will check back later.

01-05-2010, 01:19 PM
Checking in at lunchtime.

Nibbles kept down her breakfast and happily snatched a piece of pecan from me. I think she's on the mend.

No more big wheel riding after feeding time. :nono

01-05-2010, 06:42 PM
When you get the FV, mix it half and half, then 3/5 FV 1/4 Esbilac, then finally all FV. I understand it smells like french vanilla, so she may just love it.

01-05-2010, 07:00 PM
Glad your baby is doing better!

01-05-2010, 08:08 PM
Yes, little Nibbles seems all better. She got all snatchy over a little piece of pecan, ate all of her dinner and then proceeded to bite me on the lip after giving me smooches. *grumble grumble*