View Full Version : Hello/Pics of one eared squirrel
01-04-2010, 02:57 PM
I just joined the board because I was looking around for some info on squirrels. I've attached a couple of pics of a one eared squirell. I was wondering in this was common and how he/she might have lost the ear. Any info is appreciated.
Thank you!!
01-04-2010, 03:08 PM
What a cute little chubby man!! He probably lost the ear in a fight. As long as he's doing well and eating, I wouldn't worry too much, maybe treat him to a couple of pecan for his war wounds :D
01-04-2010, 03:16 PM
He does seem to get along fine without it. It appears to be fully healed whatever happened. I've seen squirrels with notches out of their ears, but never missing one entirely. I didn't know they fought so rough!
island rehabber
01-04-2010, 03:19 PM
During mating season the males will really tear each other up while trying to compete for the same female. Poor guy! He does look healthy overall, though.
Jackie in Tampa
01-04-2010, 03:54 PM
:Welcome :wave123 Welcome to TSB!
01-04-2010, 04:05 PM
Hello Thanks!
Yes, the little guy seems perfectly healthy. He holds his own against the other squirrels. He was wrestling around with one not long before this picture was taken. He seems to be fine.
01-04-2010, 04:11 PM
Welcome to you & your little guy!
That is a little odd.:thinking
I almost suspect frost-bite the previous year.:dono
01-04-2010, 04:21 PM
Can you tell if a squirrel is male of female just by looking at them sitting around? Are there any indications besides the actual reproductive organs?
01-04-2010, 04:22 PM
That is a little odd.:thinking
I almost suspect frost-bite the previous year.:dono
I thought it might have been frozen off as well. It gets really cold and their ears seem so thin. But eveything I saw prior to you saying that suggested that it ran into the Mike Tyson of the squirrel world and got his ear bitten off.
Lulu-Bean's Mommy
01-04-2010, 08:00 PM
Hello fellow Wisconsinite! :Welcome :thumbsup
I know that squirrels can get pretty rough when fighting for mates. Especially if the female is highly thought of. But the whole ear? That does seem a little odd, but like everyone else has said, it seems like the little fella's doing well without it. Certainly looks like it's eating well enough!
01-04-2010, 08:04 PM
Hi, Squirrely1 :wave123 !
I've never seen a one-eared squirrel -- I'm glad he's doing OK in spite of it, though.
As far as sexing wild gray squirrels, the males and females are pretty similar, so looking at external reproductive organs is probably best. Note that the testes sometimes recess into the abdominal cavity in young males.
Some differences show up in the average characteristics of males and females, such as females generally have longer tails than males, but I don't know of any other stark differences that are useful for sexing. As far as behavior, males are more likely to scent mark by rubbing their cheeks on branches, but I suppose it's possible a female might scent mark too.
Secret Squirrel
01-05-2010, 11:22 AM
Girls have beads around their neck......:D
When the squirrels sit up on their haunches to eat...a males penis will be visable, about mid belly. Winter fur is thicker and may be hard to see.
The rule of thumb is....if you can't tell what it is..than it's a girl.:flash3
He is cute too...what do you call him/her?
01-05-2010, 01:11 PM
I haven't named it but he was out there today when I went home for lunch. I just missed getting a really good profile picture where you can see the whole side of his head and how it's all healed over. He's not even missing much hair but you can tell it was an injury of some sort.
I'll probably call it "Ichi" which is the Japanese word for "one".
i need a friend for my little boy so if anybody knows where i can get a female squirrel for him ,I have had him for 1 1/2 years i saved him from dog who killed his family ,
01-06-2010, 08:48 PM
Hi, I'm new here too...just registering today.
Just wanted to say I saw a squirrel once missing almost all of both ears and most of the tail.
A cat got it and chewed those parts.
Lucky for her she was saved by a good samaritan and then rehabbed and released successfully. As long as they are functioning, they are very resilient critters!
06-25-2010, 01:15 PM
Girls have beads around their neck......:D
When the squirrels sit up on their haunches to eat...a males penis will be visable, about mid belly. Winter fur is thicker and may be hard to see.
The rule of thumb is....if you can't tell what it is..than it's a girl.:flash3
He is cute too...what do you call him/her?
You can really spot from looking their undernealth.
Girl squirrel tend to be lumpier perhaps due to undue pragnancy or just after giving birth to babies.
For the squirrels I have experienced, in behavioural terms, girl squirrel are more safety oriented. They take lesser risk. Maybe because they have their babies to take care of or they are pragnanted. While the males are braver, faster, and they are the ones doing the chasing. (of course) :crazy
Also, the males sound off to let you know you are now on his territory. Whiles a female squirrel sounds off to warn its babies, and community of possible danger she detects. Females produce a higher pitched quek
Ops my picture loading failed.. otherwise I'll be able to show the flip side of a male squirrel
06-25-2010, 01:22 PM
Hi, I'm new here too...just registering today.
Just wanted to say I saw a squirrel once missing almost all of both ears and most of the tail.
A cat got it and chewed those parts.
Lucky for her she was saved by a good samaritan and then rehabbed and released successfully. As long as they are functioning, they are very resilient critters!
Oh gosh.. This is why we will always shoo away cats lingering at our squirrel park. These cats lay low and wait for squirrels to come down to bury or retrive nut to strike. The squirrels here generally don't come down land at all and we missed their interaction =(
06-25-2010, 02:31 PM
I just joined the board because I was looking around for some info on squirrels. I've attached a couple of pics of a one eared squirell. I was wondering in this was common and how he/she might have lost the ear. Any info is appreciated.
Thank you!!
[QUOTE=shea]i need a friend for my little boy so if anybody knows where i can get a female squirrel for him ,I have had him for 1 1/2 years i saved him from dog who killed his family ,
[QUOTE=sqwrlgrl]Hi, I'm new here too...just registering today.
Just wanted to say I saw a squirrel once missing almost all of both ears and most of the tail.
:Welcome :Welcome :Welcome To you all.
06-26-2010, 01:25 AM
Hello and welcome... to all the newly joined! The one eared squirrel looks really good...a bit van Gogh-ish... but healthy and happy :flash3
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