View Full Version : Life as you know it WILL change--

01-02-2010, 11:25 AM
I'm a relative newbie to the wonderful world of squirrels. I stopped being a normal person the second I saw my darling Kibbles for the first time. If you find a baby and have any delusions about keeping him/her, understand how abnormal things become once your heart is wrapped around that little miracle. PLEASE know what you are getting into. A squirrel is not your pet--you are his family.

1. Go ahead and toss or put in a safety deposit box any antiques or objects you don't want chewed up or knocked down.
2. There is no spare time. There is squirrel time.
3. Invest in wood filler as you will need plenty to patch up the chewed areas of what used to be YOUR home
4. Squirrels need ROOM. The largest room in your house should do for starters.
5. Squirrels need company. If there's only one, you have been promoted to squirrel. It's a full time job. Your duties will include, food preparation and feeding, playtime, clean up, repair detail, playtime, safety detail, playtime, search and rescue, clean up, bank robbery to pay for replacement items, playtime AND since squirrels are illegal in so many states, if you should need a vet, your job may include long distance chauffeur.
6. Squirrels are master redecorators. They will rearrange things where they want them--most likely on the floor or dragged onto a shelf--that they have cleared for that purpose.
7. Squirrels have SHARP claws and teeth. Prepare to be scratched and possibly chomped. And remember if your darling does draw blood, anger has no place with squirrels.
8. Cats sit on whatever you are working on--squirrels chew it up (are you getting a destructive undercurrent here? Good!)
9. A squirrel needs GOOD food. You can't buy cheap "squirrel chow." If you can't afford a squirrel, PLEASE call a rehabber. They can't either but they're already squirrel crazed and don't know any better.
10. Cultivate a squirrel sitter if you EVER plan to go anywhere. Squirrels are mighty opinionated and will most likely not cooperate with the pricey pet sitter you hired.

If you're ready to join the Squirrel Nation, welcome! This is the BEST place ever to help you with your labor of love.

Jackie in Tampa
01-02-2010, 11:52 AM
:rotfl cute...but so true!
the last line of number 9 is me....had to laugh!
:rotfl :rotfl :rotfl
the joys of sq love:D

01-02-2010, 12:15 PM
I'm getting the idea maybe there are a LOT of folks on this Board that No. 9 applies to (YAAAAY!!!!!!!). If there was a convention of squirrel lovers, that's one I'd go to. I go to conferences with my husband and they are boooooring! Of course that would mean leaving Kibbles--which means two weeks getting my friend who plays with her when I'm gone up to Kibbles speed--and anybody caring for squirrels is already tossing all disposable income into the black hole of squirrel care so there's financial issues AND everybody lives so far apart. Maybe we should open a convention thread with workshops and a cocktail hour with everybody at the computer instant messaging. Dadburnit Kibbles! Leave my elephant puppet alone!

01-02-2010, 01:42 PM
:rotfl :rotfl :rotfl
So funny and so true! This should be a sticky.

01-02-2010, 03:01 PM
I was already hooked by the time I found The Squirrel Board. Since Kibbles took her place with my other children (always wanted a girl) I have met DOZENS of people who cooed "Oh I'd LOVE to have a squirrel". On closer questioning they had no idea how much time, money, love, and sacrifice it takes to be owned by a squirrel. There's threads on here that break my heart since it's pretty obvious there are sweet little much loved squirrels who's people aren't in a position to care for the little guys

Lulu-Bean's Mommy
01-02-2010, 05:47 PM
I have met DOZENS of people who cooed "Oh I'd LOVE to have a squirrel". On closer questioning they had no idea how much time, money, love, and sacrifice it takes to be owned by a squirrel.

Waayy too true!
I hate when I hear "You have a squirrel?? How'd you manage that??" It's not like I went out and wrangled me up a squirrel. I took on a responsibility--a big responsibilty in little squirrel form!
My path crossed with Lulu by chance, and I took her in and raised her as best I could. I've made my mistakes, too true, but I've learned with help from this board.:thumbsup She's not an easy creature, but worth every second!

01-02-2010, 07:15 PM
This is so true!! I've only been owned for a short time now but WOW, what an eye opener. Literally, I will never be able to sleep in again. :sleep1 And let's just say I'm not a morning person. I'm sure my husband would have a more colorful way of describing it but I'll be polite and not say it here.;)

01-02-2010, 07:24 PM
Hahahaha--yup--squirrel rustlers one and all. Like I said I'm a total newbie--you might say "born again" into the Squirrel Nation July 26 of last year. I would have called a rehabber but at the time, didn't know I needed to. I was pretty much doing a squirrel a favor and when it was old enough, out she'd go. I'd done it before over the years and hadn't killed anybody. I knew to feed her Esbelac and keep her on heat but that's pretty much it. Then I started learning about the little girl I'd gone gaga over right here on The Squirrel Board. My husband says she's taking over the house--well DUH! I don't know if I HAD known there was a resource for orphan babies if I would have given her to someone way more qualified than I am. I DO know I will give her the absolute best care I can for however long she lives. She's young--not quite 6 months old. She's still developing and despite her attachment to me, there's a chance she will make it very obvious she wants to be a backyard squirrel. I've seen kids treating a squirrel baby like a kitten and have had men and women ask if I'd SELL Kibbles! I heard a very proud woman tell about "raising" a baby squirrel and "releasing" it when it was 8 weeks old because it was just too much trouble. Oh please--if you have a fer-instance of something your darling has done that would cause a sane person to get rid of the destructo-meister, share it here so those people will call somebody who CAN take care of a squirrel. If it prevents even one person from taking on a challenge he/she is not ready for (little squirrel's always the loser) it'll be worth the time.

01-02-2010, 08:11 PM
Hahahaha--yup--squirrel rustlers one and all. Like I said I'm a total newbie--you might say "born again" into the Squirrel Nation July 26 of last year. I would have called a rehabber but at the time, didn't know I needed to. I was pretty much doing a squirrel a favor and when it was old enough, out she'd go. I'd done it before over the years and hadn't killed anybody. I knew to feed her Esbelac and keep her on heat but that's pretty much it. Then I started learning about the little girl I'd gone gaga over right here on The Squirrel Board. My husband says she's taking over the house--well DUH! I don't know if I HAD known there was a resource for orphan babies if I would have given her to someone way more qualified than I am. I DO know I will give her the absolute best care I can for however long she lives. She's young--not quite 6 months old. She's still developing and despite her attachment to me, there's a chance she will make it very obvious she wants to be a backyard squirrel. I've seen kids treating a squirrel baby like a kitten and have had men and women ask if I'd SELL Kibbles! I heard a very proud woman tell about "raising" a baby squirrel and "releasing" it when it was 8 weeks old because it was just too much trouble. Oh please--if you have a fer-instance of something your darling has done that would cause a sane person to get rid of the destructo-meister, share it here so those people will call somebody who CAN take care of a squirrel. If it prevents even one person from taking on a challenge he/she is not ready for (little squirrel's always the loser) it'll be worth the time.

Wish there was something we could say or post to prevent that, but you know what they say about advice: "Wise men don't need it and fools won't heed it."

All we can do is pick up the pieces as best we can.

(See? Once you fall in love with a squirrel, you also become a rabid advocate for all squirrels. You are now, officially, considered insane by everyone you know.....except us.:D )

01-02-2010, 08:34 PM
:rotfl cute...but so true!
the last line of number 9 is me....had to laugh!
:rotfl :rotfl :rotfl

I was reading this and when I got to #9 I was going to make a smart *ss remark about it sounding like you Jackie and then I got to thinking... most of us on here are squirrel crazed and don't know any better. Hell I just went out and bought ANOTHER $40 of walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts and pecans and forgot to pick up something for supper! :rotfl

luvs squirrels
01-02-2010, 09:47 PM
:thumbsup And we wouldn't have it any other way.

01-02-2010, 10:55 PM
(See? Once you fall in love with a squirrel, you also become a rabid advocate for all squirrels. You are now, officially, considered insane by everyone you know.....except us.) --pooey that was supposed to be a quote

I consider myself in exalted company--and most of my friends already doubt my sanity!

01-02-2010, 11:02 PM
Oh--fer sure we wouldn't have it any other way!!!!!!!!