View Full Version : Is this a good diet for my 4 month old squirrel?

12-21-2009, 08:29 PM
I am new to online forums and caring for a squirrel. I have been exhausting myself with researching squirrel care and I am delighted to be a member. I need to know if the following is the right diet for my squirrel.

He is 4 months old this month. His mother was killed and we took him in at about 1 month old. We did the esbilic bottle feeding and then started him on veggies and nuts. About a month ago, we learned nuts were a bad source of their diet when he had a seizure like episode and suffered from mild paralysis. We immediately stopped giving nuts, provided calcium pills and he turned completely around in a week. His tail worked fine after the paralysis.

Today, we provide Zupreem Monkey biscuits. He gets 2 in the morning, 2 late afternoon and 1 in the evening. Throughout the day and between biscuit feedings I give 4 slices of papaya (high calcium fruit). He has quickly plumped up over the past month so I only feed 4 biscuits per day now.

Is this enough feed for him? Is it too much? He gets great exercise inside and outside of this cage. His energy is off the charts. Very playful, agile, alert, etc.

One thing that concerns me is his tail. It does not fan out and stand up like it did before his seizure. His tail operates. By that I mean it propels when he jumps and moves to the side when he approaches new things, but it is very skinny, it is not fluffy at all. When he used to eat it would stand up behind him and fan out, now it lays behind him. I am a little worried about him. Any advice is greatly appreciated.

12-21-2009, 08:48 PM
Hi Lucky1!

Check out our "Healthy Diet for Pet Squirrels" (http://thesquirrelboard.com/forums/showthread.php?t=16093). If you have questions, just ask.

It will take a while for Lucky to recover from his calcium deficiency (MBD). However, his tail problem is concerning. Sounds like a bit of remaining paralysis. Check out the "Emergency Treatment for MBD" found at the top of the Squirrel Nutrition forum and make sure you're treating his MBD properly.

You might also want to cut down on the fruit and try other healthy veggies from the Healthy Diet.

Anyhow, :Welcome welcome to TSB and I'm so glad you found us. Please keep us posted on Lucky's progress.