View Full Version : squirrel loosing weight

12-14-2009, 08:51 AM
I got the the baby hydrated like was suggested and his appetitie did pick up. He still has a good appetite but he is down to 110grams. I did switch to the foxvalley formula 2 days ago. I think my problem might have been just switching to the foxvalley completely.I should have know better. I am using 1 part formula 2 parts water. He is still very active and peeing and pooping. This morning his poop was a very light brown color. I also have been putting rodent blocks in his cage and he nibbles on them. What can I do to help him?


12-14-2009, 08:59 AM
I got the the baby hydrated like was suggested and his appetitie did pick up. He still has a good appetite but he is down to 110grams. I did switch to the foxvalley formula 2 days ago. I think my problem might have been just switching to the foxvalley completely.I should have know better. I am using 1 part formula 2 parts water. He is still very active and peeing and pooping. This morning his poop was a very light brown color. I also have been putting rodent blocks in his cage and he nibbles on them. What can I do to help him?


Their weight can fluctuate several grams from one day to the next, but if he is consistently losing, rather than gaining, he could have parasites sapping the nutrients from him. Is he still eating well? 5%+ of his body weight at least four times a day? Also, give him some good veggies to munch on, particularly those high in calcium.
