View Full Version : bunny help ASAP

12-11-2009, 08:16 AM
Help! Benny the bunny's stomach is dystended and he's not eating. He has very loose stools. When I pick him up he's very bloated and poops. Please help. Nearest vet for bunnies in this area is almost an hour away. Been in our family for 2 yrs. We love him more than most of our human family. Please help. This just started this morning with the loose stools. He is on rabbit pellet food, and is normally a very avid eater. Loves his snacks of veggies and timothy hay. Yesterday was completely fine and eating well. He is an inside rabbit and uses organic litter made of corn. Please help.

Nancy in New York
12-11-2009, 08:22 AM
Help! Benny the bunny's stomach is dystended and he's not eating. He has very loose stools. When I pick him up he's very bloated and poops. Please help. Nearest vet for bunnies in this area is almost an hour away. Been in our family for 2 yrs. We love him more than most of our human family. Please help. This just started this morning with the loose stools. He is on rabbit pellet food, and is normally a very avid eater. Loves his snacks of veggies and timothy hay. Yesterday was completely fine and eating well. He is an inside rabbit and uses organic litter made of corn. Please help.

I am going to pm someone...I am at work so I can't be on too much...I will try my best to get help

12-11-2009, 08:25 AM
Can't give advice but am praying for your baby.

Nancy in New York
12-11-2009, 08:27 AM
Help! Benny the bunny's stomach is dystended and he's not eating. He has very loose stools. When I pick him up he's very bloated and poops. Please help. Nearest vet for bunnies in this area is almost an hour away. Been in our family for 2 yrs. We love him more than most of our human family. Please help. This just started this morning with the loose stools. He is on rabbit pellet food, and is normally a very avid eater. Loves his snacks of veggies and timothy hay. Yesterday was completely fine and eating well. He is an inside rabbit and uses organic litter made of corn. Please help.

I am going to tell you the same thing that they do with squirrels..dark, quiet and cage half on and half off heat…I will still try to find someone…hold on

12-11-2009, 08:28 AM
Hoping all turns out well for your Love Bunny:grouphug

Nancy in New York
12-11-2009, 08:48 AM
I'm still trying to find help...how is the baby doing?

12-11-2009, 08:52 AM
Trying to get him to at least drink some solution of salt, water, and sugar. So far he has had two dropperfuls. Praise Jesus! He is also trying...and I do mean trying to clean his face and paws. He doesn't like to be wet, and some of the solution did get on his fur. Thanks for all the prayers. Don't quit. I believe in prayer. Thanks for all the support and prayers. If anyone knows anything else, please send. We are not "out of the woods" yet. Thanks

12-11-2009, 08:53 AM
yes keep warm, and start giving him lots of probiotics, something is off balance in his gut.
get bene bac into him asap!

12-11-2009, 08:55 AM
Is this where the intestine gets twisted? If so he will need a vet very soon. I think they can go in and sergically fix it or it will happen again.

12-11-2009, 08:57 AM
also you may want to give him some bactrim to help alleviate the gas, and get rid of the bad bacteria that is causing him trouble

Nancy in New York
12-11-2009, 09:04 AM
Have you taken your bunny to the vets before? If so, can you call him? I know that you said nearest vets about an hour away…but without seeing a vet…perhaps the best that can be done here is stabilization…This may be something that needs vet attention…

12-11-2009, 09:38 AM
Bunny digestive tracts are very sensitive, and they can go downhill very quickly. I encourage you to get him to a vet or bunny rehabber ASAP. If it's Coccidia, he'll need Albon, but if it's a gut flora problem, then he'll need probiotics. They will not tolerate a great deal of trial and error to find the nature of the problem. A vet can do a fecal test to determine if it's bacterial.

Nancy in New York
12-11-2009, 11:27 AM
How is your little one doing? I hope you were able to get ahold of a vet...:grouphug

12-11-2009, 01:13 PM
Thanks for asking about Benny. He's doing much better. Stools are starting to form. Still having to coax him to drink, but something is better than nothing. He's looking better through the eyes as well. The vet said he thinks he must have eaten something he shouldn't have. Vet said to keep doing what I'm doing which is giving him a solution to keep him hydrated and to watch his stools to make sure he is passing anything. Thanks. Plz keep him in your prayers. :) I appreciate your concern.

Nancy in New York
12-11-2009, 01:21 PM
Thanks for asking about Benny. He's doing much better. Stools are starting to form. Still having to coax him to drink, but something is better than nothing. He's looking better through the eyes as well. The vet said he thinks he must have eaten something he shouldn't have. Vet said to keep doing what I'm doing which is giving him a solution to keep him hydrated and to watch his stools to make sure he is passing anything. Thanks. Plz keep him in your prayers. :) I appreciate your concern.

Thank you for the update...sending many prayers your way...:grouphug

Lady Squirrelly
12-11-2009, 01:38 PM
I am glad you bunny is doing better.

I read but stayed out of things since I had no advice.

I know very little about bunnies.

:grouphug Hang in there little one.

12-11-2009, 03:05 PM
This sounds like GI Stasis, which can very quickly kill a bunny (I lost my bunny this summer to it, from when the symptoms started to him passing was 25 minutes.) Pain can kill bunnies. If something is off in their GI tract, they can stop eating, which will cause gas to be produced, which causes pain. Bunnies will die from pain. He needs to get to vet asap! They need to get him on pain meds, fluids and try to see if they can get him through this. This is very serious, please get him to a vet.

12-11-2009, 04:23 PM
My thoughts are it is something bacterial, maybe some of his hay or food got wet and the bacteria multiplied, hard to tell. They make something called Dri-tail for bunnies that may help if this is the case. I would give it a try and at the same time also give probiotics. You can use Bene-bac, but I am not a huge fan of using that with bunnies. I always use LA-200 made by Fox Valley, but since that can't be bought in the store, only ordered online, I would recommend going to the grocery store or even better a health food store and getting the lactobaccilus capsules and giving him some of that. You should give the probiotics (bene-bac or laccobacilus) between Dri-tail doses, NOT at the same time or the antibiotic will cancel out the probiotic.

This is a domestic bunny, right, not a cottontail? If it is a cottontail, I would think it is stress causing the issues rather than bacteria. A domestic should not be too stressed.

Also, bunnies cannot tolerate a lot of sugar, so you may want to try giving just water or if you can get it, then give Lactated Ringers orally.

Good luck, I hope the little guy recovers and quickly.

12-11-2009, 04:28 PM
Much agreed that you need to take your Bunny to the VET immediately! Bunnies can expire SO fast! Lost two last year myself. Cannot hesitate at all! It needs to be a Vet who treats Exotics and KNOWS Bunnies! Again, they are extremely sensitive & fragile creatures! Your Bunny may NOT survive unless you get it help!

12-11-2009, 05:21 PM
This sounds like GI Stasis, which can very quickly kill a bunny (I lost my bunny this summer to it, from when the symptoms started to him passing was 25 minutes.) Pain can kill bunnies. If something is off in their GI tract, they can stop eating, which will cause gas to be produced, which causes pain. Bunnies will die from pain. He needs to get to vet asap! They need to get him on pain meds, fluids and try to see if they can get him through this. This is very serious, please get him to a vet.

This is exactly what I was thinking. He needs critical care force fed , simethicone, metacam and possibly a motility drug along with belly massages. Rabbits CAN AND WILL die from pain and statis. If the gut of a rabbit stops, it will start start again with out motility drugs. I hope he gets seen soon. The vet being an hour away is no excuse to let him suffer.

12-11-2009, 05:31 PM
Thanks for asking about Benny. He's doing much better. Stools are starting to form. Still having to coax him to drink, but something is better than nothing. He's looking better through the eyes as well. The vet said he thinks he must have eaten something he shouldn't have. Vet said to keep doing what I'm doing which is giving him a solution to keep him hydrated and to watch his stools to make sure he is passing anything. Thanks. Plz keep him in your prayers. :) I appreciate your concern.

Um, I think bunny has BEEN to the vet - read above.

Loopy Squirrel
12-11-2009, 05:32 PM
What kinds of "veggie treats" are you giving the bunny? Some veggies (or too much of something) are not good for bunnies (like cabbage) and can cause gas & bloat.

12-11-2009, 05:42 PM
Benny doing much better! Stomach is going down, praise Jesus. Vet also recommended probiotics. Just gave him some. So, we'll see. He is still not wanting to eat on his own, so I am feeding him like a baby. When he's not wanting more, he turns his head. Thanks everyone. All four of my children have been praying hard, and it sounds like y'all have too. Thanks! :)

12-11-2009, 06:12 PM
I'm glad he is doing better. Did the vet actually see him or did you just speak over the phone? I was not trying to freak anyone out, but having been through it this past August (and when I said 25 minutes, I am not kidding) I just wanted to make sure he is seen. Please keep us posted.

12-11-2009, 09:33 PM
Bunnies have to always have something in their digestive system or they will have gut related issues and die. Are you hand feeding food, or just water? You will need to get food into him in under 24 hours or he will be in serious condition. Even when bunnies have surgery, they keep eating up until the surgery, not much but a little and get food right after. They are very sensitive. If I get a bunny (baby cottontail) that won't eat, I tube feed formula in younger bunnies and force feed a veggie baby food and quaker oats mixture if they are older.

12-12-2009, 05:59 PM
"um" no where does it state that the bunny has been seen by a vet. For all we know she talked to one over the phone or is just making it up. Not sure what kind of rabbit savy vet would tell them what to do with out seeing it, especially knowing about stasis. Feeding it fluids while in stasis is not good. :shakehead

I have a gut feeling the bunny never got seen and I feel bad for it.