View Full Version : Need help with release of a baby squirrel
Stephanie K Zon
10-08-2006, 01:56 PM
:dono Hi Everyone, I'm back Stephanie with hurt toe baby this last spring well I got another baby this one is about 3 months old she is starting to not take her formula her tail is bushy havn't realy seen her eat nuts yet at least not a hazel nut. It is getting winter and I don't know if she will make it on her own being so close to winter. Or dose it matter if I let her back to the wild other than her birth place I released my little Missy out at her birth place. still haven't seen her there but I don't spend alot of time there latley but others say they have seen her. Funny because when I got this one I was looking out the window for Missy kind of talking to god to see her or give me another one and that same day the phone rang and one of my friends said she knew someone who had just found 3 of them sorry to say by the time they got ahold of me 2 of them were so weak that they passed it hurt so bad I put them on antibiotics as soon as I got them and the little girl was the strongest. I thank god she made it now to get her back where she belongs Jim helped me the last time he was a blessing from god to help Missy heal so Jim if you see this maybe you will remmber me and can give me some advice again My little grandson claims this baby and her name is Peak-a-boo because she is very shy more wild than Missy. But just as much a love :thumbsup Well I better get this sent if I want a answer every one have a nice day and nice to be back on to talk you :thankyou I will try and post some pictures of her not sure if they will work:wahoo
Secret Squirrel
10-09-2006, 09:42 AM
Hi Stephanie,
Peek-A-Boo is so precious! If your photo of her is recent then she still looks young to me. How old is she? To be on the safe side you may want to overwinter her until spring. She needs nest making skills and if there are no leaves on the trees than she won't be able to make a good safe nest for the winter. It takes a good month before the squirrels can build a good secure (DREY) nest. They strip green bark from the trees to make a frame and then weave green leaves and soft twigs to create a sturdy and dry drey. If your area is already cold and has few leaves then I feel it's best to keep her until spring. I hope you don't have a problem with keeping her for a few months....wink-wink!!!;)
Anyway, good luck and God bless.
PS. A nesting box would be a good idea if you can't overwinter her.
island rehabber
10-09-2006, 09:52 AM
hi again Stephanie -- your baby looks adorable but I agree with Secret Squirrel, she does look young to be released this winter. If you could keep her in a large outdoor enclosure with a nice warm nest box that would be better, I think, then letting her go in the woods without a place to come back to.
Stephanie K Zon
10-09-2006, 08:58 PM
:thumbsup Oh thanks for writing back so soon I wrote back on the site but I think yours came up at a diffrent place I am just learing the computor so forgive me Yes I think I might have to keep her till spring but I can do that and I want to thank you so much for writing back I don't know what I would do with out all of you that have helped me and I love the babys so much I caan't wait till I get another one not that I want some thing bad to happen I just hope I can help one that needs help so I will go for now thank you guys so much :thankyou :thankyou :thankyou :bowdown Stephanie
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