View Full Version : releasing brutis

12-07-2009, 10:56 AM
I have one boy Brutis who is just pacing the end of his cage. I normally don't get to see this but for the past hour he just goes from one end to the other without stopping. He is 4 months old and I believe he needs to go. I really wanted to wait till March but he seems to be reaching out to be free. I feel terrible about this but he is acting crazy in there.....The other two are fine. Help me make a decision

12-07-2009, 11:02 AM
He won't stop pacing I hate a caged animal.....

12-07-2009, 11:04 AM
correction...I hate to see a animal in a cage that's unhappy

island rehabber
12-07-2009, 11:05 AM
I know how you feel -- I released mine after saying I wouldn't, because they were pacing and chewing the bars. Of course, mine are in NY and that made it even more scary with winter temps.
I am not familiar with Georgia weather; how much vegetation is still around outside in winter? Will he have cover from the rain and birds of prey? Can you release him in your yard so he can come and go?

12-07-2009, 11:12 AM
It's getting pretty cold tonight. There are some pine thickets and food will available for him. he won't be able to come and go because of my dog. I think I will just take himj out for awhile and see what happens. I will be here all day to ewatch him. I HATE to do it now but the pacing is just to much.

island rehabber
12-07-2009, 11:20 AM
Cut branches and other things from outside and put them in the cage to provide more mental stimulation for him. Keeping squirrels from getting bored is a real challenge, but you can do it. I would not advise letting him go, then, with the dog around....he will not be able to seek refuge back home if he needs to.

12-07-2009, 12:07 PM
I went to let them put of theor cage for awhile and Brutis jumped on me and bit me So hard. He bit me out of anger then he jumped on his brothers. Oh my goodness what else?

12-08-2009, 07:16 AM
It's little squeaky that bit me not Brutis. His pacing reminds me of a story I saw several years ago of a little homemade zoo someone had and the Lion paced backed and forth it was pitiful We are going to try to move their cage outside this weekend. I am lucky to be surrounded by 100 acres of woods. Most of the leaves are gone but there are many pine trees in there. I hate to do it to Brutis and Larry because they seem content but I can't let Sqeaky suffer. On the release week I will take vacation and BiLo (the dog) will be put up for a week. You may think this is crazy but we have a "safe zone" directly behind our house that Bilo is not allowed to go. I know he is a animal and unpredictable but so far he has never ventered into that area. I have watched the squirrels playing in that area and Bilo just sit's and watches. I am not really concerned about him as much as I am the Hawk. But their instincts should kick in and if they choose not to stay outside then they will have free access to the house. Rick is building 3 more nesting boxes and I have ordered quilt backing for them. They will be warm and have all the food and water they need. I hope I'm doing the right thing

12-08-2009, 08:14 AM
i think squirrels let us know when they want to go and i have yet to meet one that doesn't but i raise them with minimal handling and human exposure because i want them to be wild as possible.
they are defiantly old enough as long as they get acclimated to the weather have nest boxes and support food they will be so happy to be able to be in the trees and free where they belong.

12-08-2009, 12:14 PM
That's good advice but how do you keep from pinching their little cheeks? Mine are in their cage in the garage and I normally see them at 6:00 when I let them run around and play. Nut Nut was easy to release and he always came when I called him. I think because he was raised alone we were all he had. These 3 will be different because they have each other and feed off each other instincts. They are a little more "wild" than Nutter. Squeaky is more ready than the other two but they will at least be together. I am getting anxious about this weekend and dream about them at night. I had to sleep on the couch last night because of the tossing and turning

12-08-2009, 12:26 PM
it's hard not to snuggle them all the time! when they are little they get quick kissed and snuggles, then i start backing off as they become more indepent, i have to do the same with the birds.
it's not that i don't adore them, i just know what they have coming up(being wild)
i want them to fear humans, because one friendly hello from them to the wrong person could end their lives.
i have to love them from a far

Rodney Ro-Dent
12-08-2009, 06:59 PM
Virgo, how far are you from Jacksonville? I have a big cage we could soft release him in if you want to get him to me.

12-08-2009, 08:22 PM
I'm close to 8 hours from you. Oh, I am going to put him and his brother in a large cage for a couple of weeks before I open the door. Did you think I was just going to let him go? I was just hoping to do it in March of next year instead of this year.

12-10-2009, 08:38 AM
Since the secret is out that I should be on medication I will share this story,
I talked with my Vet yesterday about Squeaky's pacing and he said the pacing is a dangerous sign not only would Squeaky become agressive (duh) hence the big bite on my hand...He said the other two could be in danger as well. He said I should get them ready for release as soon as possible. Putting their cage outside would calm Squeaky because of the new surrounding then in a few weeks open the cage. My concern was the cold weather but he assured me that they have their winter coats and their instincts. I felt like I should have been laying on a couch :( I asked him if maybe I should build a second cage and only release Squeaky and he suggested they go together because in the Winter they will nest together for warmth. He assured me (best he could) that they would be fine as long as they have plenty of food, a warm place to sleep and water. he said squirrels are very inactive in the cold months anyway....I'm sure I was the talk of the office when I left. I'm still nervous but I'm nervous anyway when I release babies even in the Summer so what the heck.....:rotfl :rotfl . My boys will be fine:D

12-10-2009, 08:50 AM
Releasing is always the most bittersweet time for me. I want them to be free to be the crazy little critters they were meant to be and I never know if they are safe when they decide to quit coming around. Good luck and I truly believe you know you are doing the right thing.
Hoping all is well with you and yours.

12-12-2009, 08:20 AM
Today is the big day and I'm having second thoughts.....Take a deep breath...maybe tomorrow it's supposed to rain today

island rehabber
12-12-2009, 08:36 AM
virgo, you can do this. You raised beautiful strong babies and you live in the South. Also remember that, heaven forbid this should be necessary BUT, squirrels being such intelligent animals they will often come home to mamma if things aren't going well. Give them the chance they want so desperately -- after all, it's why we save them in the first place. :grouphug :thumbsup

PS: squirrels love the rain :D

12-12-2009, 08:42 AM
Yes I will take vacation the week I open the door and I will be available should they need me. I'm such a baby....They really are strong smart boys and will sleep better than me at night

12-12-2009, 09:01 AM
I live in Illinois and soft-released my 3 about 3 weeks ago. While I don't have a lot of experience with squirrels, I have always been the refuge for many animals. Iv'e nursed animals back to health that the vets have told me would die. So, going on that, I, like you are doing, are reacting on what 'you know' is right for the animal (probably all 3). I put mine on my covered front stoop closed and covered on top for two days. I added a nesting box which was a match to the one I put in the tree. The next day I opened the cage and they came and went for several days. I kept putting fattening food in there such as avocado and peanuts and they went back for it. They slept in the cage for about a week. I also put food out a bit further from their cage for the neighborhood squirrels...they appreciated it. I do wish they would 'drop in' and let me know how they are doing, but I have to believe that since they don't, I have truly rehabbed them to the wild. I love that you are looking to do the right thing. Your inner gut is telling you what to do.....do it.

12-16-2009, 09:04 AM
Well I didn't put any of their cage outside it was cold and blustery. Plus I really enjoy playing with them at night. That's selfish though. I will try again this weekend.