View Full Version : Diet for squirrels transitioning to outdoors

12-03-2009, 04:06 PM
Hey guys,

I'm in the process of transitioning a squirrel to the outdoors (you can read Peter's story at: http://thesquirrelboard.com/forums/showthread.php?t=20459). I've been feeding the squirrel Henry's Healthy Blocks (great food, 4skwerlz!) along with a vegetable and small treat each day, but now that Peter's been foraging outside for some (unknown) part of her diet, I'm wondering if I should transition to a different block. Also, with her increased activity outside, she's been scarfing down 4 to 5 blocks a day (from the earlier 2-3), so it's starting to get a little expensive.

Any suggestions for an appropriate diet to supplement whatever she's foraging on her own?

Thanks and Regards,
Bill Erickson

12-04-2009, 08:31 PM
You might try adding in some of the better rodent diets - Harlan Teklad or Mazuri (sp?). The prices are quite a bit lower. I am going to order some because I like to mix things up so my little guy doesn't get bored.

BTW, I am so totally stealing your indoor/outdoor tube release this spring.

12-04-2009, 09:00 PM
Critter Mom's suggestion is good (if she will eat the regular rodent block). As Peter begins to forage outdoors more and becomes more active, you don't have to worry as much about limiting things like fruit and nuts so you can feed more of those too.

12-13-2009, 12:01 PM
Well, I tried transitioning Peter to Harlan Teklad rodent block, but she just won't eat them. I tried soaking them in juice from crushed grapes,a trick we used to get her started with Henry's Healthy Blocks, but she just nibbles off the outer layer with the juice and leaves the rest.

I'm gonna give Henry's Wild Bites a try -- the higher calorie content sounds appropriate for her more active outdoor lifestyle, and they are a bit cheaper than the original formula we were using.

It's really tough regulating her diet now that she's foraging outdoors. I used to just wait until she finishes her block/veggies before offering treats, but now she just leaves the stuff she doesn't like behind with impunity since she can find other stuff to eat outside -- and I've seen some of the stuff she eats outside (ick! -- there's no accounting for taste!).

Bill Erickson