View Full Version : Little petunia has mange and winter is coming
11-12-2009, 10:56 AM
Hi everyone,
I found this site while looking for information on mange. I have a few squirrels that regularly come around the house, which is an old house in Toronto, so sometimes they fall down the chimney (but are usually fine). Petunia is one squirrel I especially love, and after she fell/crawled down into the living room in the summer, she's been coming up to me and sitting close to me while she eats her peanuts. Now, she's lost half the fur on her body and head, as well as her tail. I noticed a spot on her back about a month ago, and now her skin is pink and scabbed, and you can see red scratch marks where she's been itching. The fur on her neck is now starting to grow back, but she losing it on other parts of her body. It is currently 8 degrees Celsius in Toronto but is descends to below zero in the night (Celsius) and it will be getting vey cold in the next few weeks. I'm worried about her surviving the winter. I noticed there is a liquid medication I can give her, but I don't know if it will arrive soon enough or if it will help her in time for the winter. Sometimes she doesn't come around for several days (I think she has other places she visits). I called the humane society, as they have a wildlife rehabilitation program, and they suggested trapping her and bringing her over there for the winter. I'm worried about that, because I don't know if she'll be able to reintegrate into the wild and survive after being kept in a cage for several months. I was thinking about keeping her in the house until her fur grows back, but I think that would create the same problem, and then she would have to find a place to hibernate. Today I tried trapping her. Since there are so many squirrels around, I had to coax her into a cage. I ended up grabbing her with gloves, gently but firmly, and her sad little noises of fear just broke my heart. I got her into the cage but I was too slow closing the door and she leaped out. I followed her into the nearby tree cluster, but she was afraid of me, and wouldn't even come to the peanuts I offered. Now I am afraid she's lost my trust and I won't be able to help her. I hope she will forget, but I'm not so sure. I feel so badly, and I don't know what to do. Can anyone help me?
11-12-2009, 11:11 AM
I have successfully treated wilds with Ivermectin--putting a couple of tiny drops on a pecan half. You can get Ivermectin at Chris's
11-12-2009, 12:08 PM
Yes, that's the one I read about. But how long will it take for the fur to grow back?
There will be snow in only a few weeks...
If you still think that's the best idea, what dosage do I give and how often?
11-12-2009, 12:58 PM
It works pretty quickly. Fur will grow back in about two weeks. You can get it over night from Chris. Dosage is REAL important. The strength solution that I got from Chris calls for only 1 drop about the size of a hole in a piece of notebook paper to be placed on a pecan or walnut half. Please be sure you know the strength you receive and come back on the Board to check with a rehabber. Too much can kill them by frying their liver.
I'm so sorry she's afraid of you now. I only had one or two little ones that would actually sit next to my hands while eating, and most will not take a nut from me until they have checked to make sure that I do not have another hand hidden somewhere along side the fence to grab them. The squirrels are wise to us, and they know that we are essentially grabby apes, no matter what higher opinion we have of ourselves. (They are extremely cautious about letting even each other too close once they are adults.) You will have to work to regain her trust.
I suggest you withdraw at least 10 feet from her, but continue putting out the treats. Stand there and talk gently while she takes them and eats. After about a week come a foot closer, but stay very still. Do this as long as it takes to get within 5 or 6 feet, each week getting just a little closer to her. Finally, just sit down near where you put the goodies and start holding some out to her by slowly and fully stretching your arm out. They know when you are sitting down that you can't move fast and that when your arm is totally stretched out, you can't suddenly dart it forward any farther toward them. I also suggest verbally apologizing, since (I swear) they can read our minds even if they do not know English. And who is to say me wrong?
11-12-2009, 04:10 PM
Thank you so much for the advice! It is so helpful to me. I've ordered the treatment and I'll start giving it to her as soon as it arrives. I'll check back to get more details about dosage. Should I treat the other ones that have more mild mange? A few are losing fur on their necks...
I saw little Petunia again today (she is by far the worst affected) and tried what you said. She came within a few feet of me but was a bit wary. As long as she gets better, it's fine with me if she wants to keep her distance.
Thanks again for the help, it's great!
11-12-2009, 05:21 PM
OK. I have had more than one with mange at a time and the problem is that you MUST NOT overdose them! One of my guys gave me a fit because I had already given him his loaded walnut half and was trying to give one to another when he ran in and snatched it! So, you need to have a plan so that each gets one and only one medicated nut.
And yes, the sooner you catch the mange the better. It is a mite infestation. "Sarcoptic mite mange". Sarcoptic means "secret" or "hidden" (and -optic means eye), like a sarcophagus hides a mummy. It means that the mites are so small you cannot see them with the naked eye. But if they have ANY mange, it means they are infested with teensy weensy arachnids.
11-13-2009, 06:08 PM
That sounds very unpleasant. I wasn't thinking of it in terms of microscopic insects; I'll need to be careful because I have a cat in the house and he could probably catch it.
I am wondering if you can help me with some other things; I ordered the invermectin from Chris and I hope it comes "over night" but it wasn't here today so I guess I'll have to wait until Monday. Petunia is even worse today than she was yesterday; now she's completely bald on half of her body and the entire top of her head. Her skin is very pink and scratched. I just got home now, 7pm, and it's dark outside. And she was outside! I heard something rustling around in the leaves and this little balding squirrel came out. I thought black squirrels were diurnal...could the mange affect her sense of time? And since their predators are birds of prey, I don't think it's safe for her to be running around at night. I also noticed that when I gave her peanuts she was very hungry and had trouble seeing them. Is mange a progressive disease? Could she go blind?
Sorry about all the questions; I've never dealt with mange before and I'm worried about the little creatures. It's really very sad, and I think she must be in a lot of pain.
11-13-2009, 06:15 PM
I live in the Toronto area and I am wondering if there is anywhere I can buy invermectin or any other treatment that may help mange? I think this is an emergency...
Pointy Tale
11-13-2009, 06:33 PM
I live in the Toronto area and I am wondering if there is anywhere I can buy invermectin or any other treatment that may help mange? I think this is an emergency...
Chris’s Squirrels & More—awesome person, can really help you too.
Please try to post a picture and please do wait for a rehabber to explain how to dose.
Good luck.
11-15-2009, 10:25 AM
Squirrels are very easy to trap. They love peanut butter. If you think maybe you should trap her and then keep her until spring or until her fur goes back. But be sure she is acclimated to the cold weather before being set free. Just use a save a Hart Trap. They can be found at lowes between 20-30 dollars. I have had to trap one of mine that got away and caught him back successfully and then of course was set free in the spring. Sure she won't like be kept, but its whats best for the squirrel. I think its great that your concerned for her. min
11-15-2009, 04:28 PM
putting a couple of tiny drops on a pecan half. You can get Ivermectin at Chris's respectfully request that the prior directions on dosing ivermectin be removed. A couple drops of ivermectin is enough to kill a squirrel. I dont believe dosages should even be posted on the board. :peace
11-15-2009, 05:42 PM
The only suggestion that I have is to get some nestboxes (go to or Google squirrel nestbox for sale) and put them up and put some CUT UP old wool socks in them and maybe some CUT UP microfleece or some pet bedding from the pet store or some sawdust. I have some nestboxes, and I just cleaned out my winter sock drawer for socks that had holes in them, cut them up lengthwise into 3" strips, climbed up there with my trusty ladder and stuffed them in. She needs to have some protection from the cold or she may die from hypothermia.
Put them up as soon as possible.
The ivermectin should have come to you overnight. If you send me your address on a PM tonight, I will send you by overnight mail tomorrow what is left of a bottle that I have from Chris.
If she is as bald as you say, a havaheart trap may be your only option, even if she hates you forever for it. They sell them at Home Depot. Home Depot may also have some clean sawdust for you.
11-15-2009, 06:05 PM
I respectfully request that the prior directions on dosing ivermectin be removed. A couple drops of ivermectin is enough to kill a squirrel. I dont believe dosages should even be posted on the board. :peace
I don't that's correct. The dosage for sarcoptic mange is .14 mg/lb according to my med book, and Wild Mammal Babies calls for approximately 1.2 ml/lb of diluted 1% Ivermectin to 99 parts propylene glycol, which, if I'm not mistaken, would equate to administering .012 ml/lb of undiluted 1% solution The "tiny drops" I use are from the end of the hypodermic I use to draw the stuff from the bottle, which I don't think would even near .012 ml.
JLM27 said "The strength solution that I got from Chris calls for only 1 drop about the size of a hole in a piece of notebook paper to be placed on a pecan or walnut half." I don't think the size drops I use would equal that. I apologize for not being clearer.
11-15-2009, 06:33 PM
I was going to say that maybe we should dig up the thread we have on this subject from last year, but on second thought, I think it is better that Petunia's Mom PM or have a phone conversation with a qualified person after she gets the ivermectin in her hand. I am not such a qualified person. I do not think I have killed anyone yet with the ivermection, but I want only the best information myself, so I would want to defer to one of you licensed folks.
11-15-2009, 08:16 PM
I was going to say that maybe we should dig up the thread we have on this subject from last year, but on second thought, I think it is better that Petunia's Mom PM or have a phone conversation with a qualified person after she gets the ivermectin in her hand. I am not such a qualified person. I do not think I have killed anyone yet with the ivermection, but I want only the best information myself, so I would want to defer to one of you licensed folks.
I want the best information myself! I hope/think we all do! But I've treated a few wilds this way, and it worked, and I recognize a couple locally that are still around. If I'm wrong, I'm wrong! And I'll thank anyone for showing the error of my ways!
11-15-2009, 08:45 PM
Yes, my idea is just that we want to avoid confusing directions as has sometimes happened before; so Petunia's Mom should work with just one licensed rehabber from the Board in a private exchange, so that we do not get anyone confused. You could be that one licensed rehabber:)
11-18-2009, 04:54 PM
This is a lot to think about. I heard from Chris that they don't ship invermectin to Canada due to regulations and its potency. I don't know what is available here that I can give her (Toronto). I will post a picture I took last week. She is worse now, so I am going to try and put out a wintering box. The problem with trapping is that there are about 10 squirrels that live here and are always foraging around the house, and she is more timid so I think I would catch them before I catch her. I can try it, though.
Does anyone have any ideas??
11-18-2009, 05:50 PM
Here are the pictures from last week
11-18-2009, 06:51 PM
I pm'd Pet. about the dosage. I dont believe any dosage about ivermectin should be posted here period. End of subject.
11-18-2009, 08:27 PM
I pm'd Pet. about the dosage. I dont believe any dosage about ivermectin should be posted here period. End of subject.
I respect your opinion and the fact that it's the "end of subject" for you.
01-06-2010, 01:28 PM
We recently caputured a mange squirrel who had less than 25% of its fur left. We posted a thread on this site and many replies came. The best advice was to find a licenced rehabber to take the baby to. They took our baby in We donated the cage and blanket. These folks know know to rehab and medicate mange. There are rehab listings on this site. When winter is over the baby will come back and be realeased. We live in michigan very cold here. It is a process to catch these babies.We put the cage outside of our porch with a bowl of food in the cage. Leave the door open they will get in to eat when the mange baby gets in tap the door with a stick baby is now caught and in cage ready to be transported to licensed rehabber. I have read alot of feedback on your site. The rehabber also sold us medicated walnuts to give to the 2 other mange babies in our yard. I agree with these folks about meds if u dont what your doing let a rehabber help u. As far as how to get the mange baby only to get the medicated nut your going to have to stand by the door and wait. When the ok guys come simply open the door they will leave until the mange baby comes. God bless u for your efforts to help yet let the experts handle meds. Folks picture you outside no coat on thats how it is for these babies. It takes time yet they may not like the captivity yet they cant make it in winter they are much happier in cage properly medicated and warm in the hands of a licenced rehabber. Here are some pics of 2 babies who have been getting correct meds yet are to furless in my opinion to make it in this cold weather also a pic on my cage catching idea it has worked for us I hope it works for others. It is nice to know others care for these babies as we do good luck all jeff and teresa
01-06-2010, 01:47 PM
here are the pics of a manage squirrel. sorry dont have the pic of the cage that we caught the other squirrel in.100510
Squirrely in Alabama
01-25-2010, 04:52 PM
You can also use Revolution for kittens. It is an Ivermectin derivative, use only three drops on a 1 pound squirrel. I use this on my babies I release to keep the fleas and ticks off them. This product also gets rid of ear mites. You do not need an Rx in Canada for this product.
Poor baby Petunia, she needs a sweater!
05-17-2011, 11:21 PM
I am wondering if you can help me with some other things; I ordered the invermectin from Chris and I hope it comes "over night" but it wasn't here today so I guess I'll have to wait until Monday. Petunia is even worse today than she was yesterday; now she's completely bald on half of her body and the entire top of her head. Her skin is very pink and scratched. I just got home now, 7pm, and it's dark outside. And she was outside! I heard something rustling around in the leaves and this little balding squirrel came out.
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05-19-2011, 08:31 AM
sending prayers CM918 ..CM2289 :bump
05-22-2011, 10:54 PM
I am wondering if you can help me with some other things; I ordered the invermectin from Chris and I hope it comes "over night" but it wasn't here today so I guess I'll have to wait until Monday. Petunia is even worse today than she was yesterday; now she's completely bald on half of her body and the entire top of her head. Her skin is very pink and scratched. I just got home now, 7pm, and it's dark outside. And she was outside! I heard something rustling around in the leaves and this little balding squirrel came out.
Poor Petunia...
I am not sure what help you are looking for?... - how to dose ivermectin that Chris sells?...
I hope someone knows because I don't know what kind she sells.
When I treated mange in my wilds, I used two varieties of ivermectin:
1. tablets that I got from henryspets. com
2. horse paste.
Both worked, although, the tablets seemed to be faster and more effective.
As for horse paste, common instructions are:
1. squeeze the entire tube into a container and mix well. I didn't always do that, but it is suggested because, sometimes, the liquid part separates inside. So, squeeze it out and mix well.
2. put the dose of the size of an uncooked rice grain on a piece of nut and give it to the squirrel.
3. Repeat once a week for three weeks. Make sure it is exactly one week between the doses, not less. (one day later is ok, but no more than that. It is very important that the doses are spaced one week apart for most effectiveness).
If mange does not disappear after that completely, wait for a couple of weeks and repeat the treatment.
When you get thet Chris' ivermectin, post here what kind it is (liquid, tablets, etc) and concentration and people will help you dose it.
Correct dosage is of utter importance because ivermectin is a very potent medicine and overdose can cause death.
And it will be better if you post this in either Emergency forum or Non-Life threatening forum, because it will get faster and wider attention there.
This forum is mostly informative.
05-22-2011, 11:09 PM
Chris's ivermectin is 1% solution and I use it ONE DROP at a time (the size of a hole in notebook paper) on a pecan nut or a walnut or even in a piece of avacado to have them take it orally,. You have to get that in them once and then another dose 8 to 10 days later and maybe even another after that. But it works. If you know where she lives, then try to leave some cut up fleeceand put it nearby so that she can steal it to put in the nest with her, Her biggest danger is hypothermia, better yet if you can stuff it into her nest yourself.
05-23-2011, 12:12 AM
Chris's ivermectin is 1% solution and I use it ONE DROP at a time (the size of a hole in notebook paper) on a pecan nut or a walnut or even in a piece of avacado to have them take it orally,. You have to get that in them once and then another dose 8 to 10 days later and maybe even another after that. But it works. If you know where she lives, then try to leave some cut up fleeceand put it nearby so that she can steal it to put in the nest with her, Her biggest danger is hypothermia, better yet if you can stuff it into her nest yourself.
I had a wild squirrel just like this one 2 winters ago. I did what JLM27 has described . It worked perfectly. Just do not over dose. 1 drop only (small drop) is all you need. Remember what you are using is dosed for a horse. 1 small drop on a pecan or other nut will do. Repeat as described above.
Marty, Licensed Maryland Master Wildlife Rehabilitator
01-20-2013, 12:35 PM
Any update on Petunia?
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