View Full Version : Is she having a stroke?

11-03-2009, 06:20 PM
Chicklet is acting very weird when she's still. She kind of zones out and her head goes back to the left side and her body leans that way as well. She snaps herself out of it and runs around like normal but when she's stopped, this is what's happening? Is she having a stroke? This is the second time it's happened. It happened about two weeks ago and I thought it was just her being goofy. Now it's happening again today and it seems as though she has no control of it except to snap herself out of it every few seconds. She eats HHB and has nuts, grapes, and veggies as treats. It almost always happens after she eats something or while she's eating it. Other than that she acts normal and is zipping around the house but even now - when she stops, this "zoning" out occurs. Does any one know what this is - will it hurt her? Thanks!

11-03-2009, 07:33 PM
It can be a few different things but since you mentioned it happens usually when /after she eats I would think either a tooth / mouth problem or infection , or an ear infection. Infections can cause them to become off balance and tilt or lean to one side and the pain will also cause them to zone out.
It could also be a seizure but doubt it since it only happens when eating.
I highly doubt its a stroke. I would take her to a wildlife friendly vet if you can find one around there and get her checked out and get a jaw/skull x ray asap.

Jackie in Tampa
11-03-2009, 07:50 PM
be careful where you take her in PA...illegal state and hard core so I have been told, be careful.
I would love to see a video of her 'zoning'...
how old is she and when did you get her? and how did you get her?
are you her finder and her sole rescuer?
More history would help...sometimes a big fall that has done permanent brain damage takes weeks and months to come forward...I am not trying to scare you, but nuerological problems are not always apparant at first.
Also calcium shortage/diet issues have a similar zoning effect...
And as SASG mentioned ...ear infection is possible if she is leaning.
Get it on video and TSB rehabbers can help better!
hugs to you both

11-03-2009, 08:01 PM

I have no idea how to get a video on to my computer but I will try. I'll also try to get a picture of her (I can figure that one out). I found her on Aug. 19 at work and she was about two weeks old. I've taken care of her ever since and she will be 14 weeks this Wednesday (to the best of my calculation). I found her out on the outside shipping dock where I work - her nest was about 15 feet up in the corner of the wall and ceiling and she landed between a bunch of cylinders on cement. (gosh I hope it's not head problems, now, at this point!)

The vet thing is going to be tough but I'm going to call around tomorrow morning. She doesn't do this all the time. Right now - she's completely normal. When this happens - she goes in and out for about a 1/2 hour to an hour. I just had her in my lap and she was the calmest little squirrel. I love her to death! She's my fifth little fuzzer but she is the most special and I'm so scared!

I'm armed with my camera and will snap a pic as soon as she does it again. At this moment, she's walking around the living room like normal and playing with the guinea pig. Even when she stops, she's not zoning now. I can't figure this one out but appreciate all your advice. I will definitely call vets tomorrow. :thankyou

Jackie in Tampa
11-03-2009, 08:10 PM
I am no rocket scientist, nor pc geek...but I use photobucket...I have to relearn everytime I do a video, but thats old age:D
A video will really help us all to understand her episodes.
Nice that she has a piggy!:wahoo everybody loves a good cowlick every now and then!:D
I have heard so many say that they cannot find a vet to see a pet sq in PA...good luck!:grouphug
and we love pics!:thumbsup

11-04-2009, 07:41 AM
Ok, so I sat and sat last night armed with the video camera and camera and watched her until she decided to go to bed at 9:30 and she didn't do it again. This morning, she at her breakfast and was climbing around all over me like nothing ever happened. She ate the same thing as last night - HHB and a grape and was fine today. I have a list of vets that I'm going to call this morning and see if I can get her checked out. You seem to know a lot about PA. Do you think a vet would say they would see her and then take her when I get there? Or would this just simply refuse to see her. I don't want her taken or put down. She's on her way to a nice, free life once Spring hits and I don't want that chance taken away from her! She's about the sweetest squirrel I've ever had. Just in the last two weeks she's calmed down and completely trusts me and will actually lay in my lap for about 10 minutes just to be loved and pet. Does anyone know of a vet in PA, NJ or DE that I could take her? I'm willing to travel for this little lovebug!!!

11-04-2009, 12:26 PM
Knothead does the same "zoning out" was your baby a runt? I'm wondering what kind of tests can be done to figure this out? I can take knothead to the Vet (hopefully) this weekend and give you a report. I also need to see the vet about my others stinky poop. I don't think it's a stroke Knothead has been doing this for 3 months and he seems fine. I just thought the head injury contributes to the "zone" He had a really good exam while still a pinky and the vet said he's fine

11-04-2009, 01:53 PM
Virgo....I don't know if she was a runt or not because she was the only one there when I found her. I do know she dropped about 15 feet from her nest onto cement! Yikes! Poor little thing. Up until the zoning out, she's been quite normal and she also acts normal most of the time. It's just every now and then after she's eaten and sitting or standing still that this happens. It's the weirdest thing - almost like she's "high".

A member did PM me with a vet in NJ that I'm going to call and see if she'd look at Chicklet. I figure even if this is something that's not a big deal, it'd be nice to have a vet in case of emergencies and possibly routine check-ups!

It is nice to know that she's not the only one "zoning" out. The first time she did it, I thought it was comical actually. It looked like she was in total love and awe with me. :rotfl Sadly - I think that's not the case!!! :D

Thanks for posting and if you find something out from your vet before I do, please let me know! I'd be very interested in hearing the reason.

11-04-2009, 02:08 PM
Well knothead had a large head wound when we got him. the "zoning" does not really concern me because he's fine other times. He is a little strange anyway he does not sleep like other squirrels and all he eats is apples. I'll just bet little chicklet is in love with you and maybe this is just her and knottyheads way of showing it. That fall I bet was pretty bad OUCH poor baby...Knothead's head also goes to the left side when this happens. very strange. I wonder if the Vet can even tell us anything unless they do it while they are is in the office? you know how it is when I took my dog to the vet poor think could not even stand up but when we got there he was jumping all over the place LOL

11-04-2009, 03:47 PM
Hey Keetz1202 I just spoke with my Vet about the "zoning out" problem. He said aside from doing a scan (which he does not suggest) there really is no way of finding out what the problem is. He said he does not know much about it in squirrels but has seen it in small gerbils with head injuries.
he said Knotty would have to be sedated for the scan and with his problems that would not be good for him. If your Vet says anything different let me know......He says not to worry to much he has seen Hamsters live a healthy life with this.

11-04-2009, 08:02 PM
Thanks Virgo. I got a video of her doing it tonight. It's dark and about a minute long. If folks are patient enough to wait for the first 22 seconds, she has quite the display of her zone. Sorry the video is dark everyone. I had every single light on in the living room but she was in an awkward spot on the top of her cage. Gosh, I hope this actually comes out....Thanks!

http://i871.photobucket.com/albums/ab271/keetz1205/th_Squirrel026.jpg (http://s871.photobucket.com/albums/ab271/keetz1205/?action=view&current=Squirrel026.flv)

Jackie in Tampa
11-04-2009, 08:45 PM
I have a nuerologically damaged sq, Jane, that does that also...I call it head drift. Jane fell 60 feet I was told, hitting branches on the way down and possibly the roof also.
Google Vetri DMG, some members here swear by it. It can be purchased through Chris's Sq Store and More!
Legomoms sq Christine has made incredible improvements, Shanon swears the Vetri DMG was part of her healing success!

I would start a thread in non emergency asking for info and advise on HEAD DRIFT.
Has she ever had any seizures?
I have to finish feeding babies, I am hoping someone can give you better info.:grouphug

11-04-2009, 09:55 PM
Yes I have knotty on the vetri and he does better when he has it. That's exactly how knothead does. Your baby looks really healthy from what I can see

11-05-2009, 08:08 PM
If you can't find anyone in Pa to see her you can bring her over to us in NJ.
It could be from a million different things but she needs a full examination to rule out other things before you just claim it to be from one thing. I have had a mallo with infection squirrel go into movements exactly like this, but I have also had head trauma squirrels do this right before a seizure. It looks like regardless of where she is its always leaning and drifting to the left. I get nervous because you said its almost always right as or after she eats.
There is also a vet out in Yonkers that many of us use. Its a bit of a drive for you but he is there if needed.
I did pm you as I said if I can help in any way let me know.

11-06-2009, 07:45 AM
Thanks SquirrelyGirl - I would love to bring her over to see you and get your opinion!!! Please let me know when would be good and where you're located.

Jackie in Tampa
11-06-2009, 07:58 AM
:wahoo ..great...:thumbsup

11-06-2009, 02:02 PM
Hey SquirrelyGirl - I replied to your PM this morning but your mailbox is full so I'll try sending it later if you've made some room! Thanks!!!

11-06-2009, 09:23 PM
Sorry, I deleted some.