View Full Version : Can nugget have a friend!!!!!!!!!!!!

11-03-2009, 10:26 AM
hi everyone i have a 3month non release grey baby do to downs....... i let him out all day and play with him all the time but would love to get him a friend cause he just seems incomplete!!! i was thinking a flyer since you can buy them.

11-03-2009, 10:28 AM
But fliers play at night and sleep all day and Nugget does just the opposite. Also, I would think the size difference would be a problem.

11-03-2009, 10:32 AM
But fliers play at night and sleep all day and Nugget does just the opposite. Also, I would think the size difference would be a problem.

true as far as the night thing goes nugget is small so im not sure about the size do u know of anything else i can do??? thanks:thumbsup :thumbsup

Penelope's Mom
11-03-2009, 11:10 AM
Maybe a guiena pig?:dono

11-03-2009, 11:13 AM
Please do not put flyers and greys together - they don't get along, and you would probably end up with a dead flyer. With all the NR greys and foxers we have raised, there has only been one time that one showed any interest in another. I think your boy will do just fine as an 'only child'.


11-03-2009, 01:38 PM
I agree with MS. Greys in the wild are not social animals. In captivity they do not need a "friend". They may even not like a friend:)
If you give your little one plenty to do while alone (fun wild foods, branches to chew and play on, stuffies etc.) and give him some quality play time with you, you will have one happy little squirrel for a long time:thumbsup :grouphug

11-03-2009, 02:06 PM
Wouldn't mind seeing some pics of Nugget. The little Downs babies are so sweet.

11-03-2009, 03:24 PM
hi evry one thanks for the advice!!! i think i will have to get him some stuffies to wrestle with.......... here are some pics he really is the sweetest boy


11-03-2009, 06:31 PM
Wouldn't mind seeing some pics of Nugget. The little Downs babies are so sweet.

i put some picz for you:poke

11-03-2009, 06:51 PM
Nugget is very cute, and such a sweet little face too. :Love_Icon I've heard a guinea pig can work as a friend for a squirrel, and I've often thought of getting one for my Henry.

And while I'm here, I can't help asking, just to make sure Nugget is eating the "Healthy Diet for Pet Squirrels." It's at the top of the Squirrel Nutrition section.

Jackie in Tampa
11-03-2009, 06:58 PM
hello...why do you think your sweetie is a Downs Baby?
It is appartent that he has something going on with his raggedy fur...I am inclined to think dietary....push healthy diet and keep giving formula...
can you get a clearer pic...maybe my computer is blurry???
How long have you had your baby sq?
I think I would take pb up on her offer to see her vet.

11-03-2009, 06:58 PM
hi evry one thanks for the advice!!! i think i will have to get him some stuffies to wrestle with.......... here are some pics he really is the sweetest boy


From the pics, I"m thinking Nugget isn't Downs at all, a little scrawny maybe. What makes you think Downs? He's a real cutie though!

11-03-2009, 07:41 PM
I agree--Nugget doesn't seem like a Downs squirrel. He does look too thin and his fur looks scraggly, though.

11-03-2009, 09:01 PM
Thanks for all the replies what makes me think he is a downs baby is he has all the symptoms falling over while eating not able to hang on to you and his teeth are short......... the reason why his fur is like that is cause he had kitten fur syndrom and ive been treating it for about 2 weeks with formula and extra heating he is getting a whole new coat which has a completely diff texture and is very shiny.......... he also eats squirrel blocks, grapes, apples, lettuce, baby carrots, almonds, and walnuts............

I love him so much he is alot of work but very worth it!!!!


11-03-2009, 09:06 PM
hello...why do you think your sweetie is a Downs Baby?
It is appartent that he has something going on with his raggedy fur...I am inclined to think dietary....push healthy diet and keep giving formula...
can you get a clearer pic...maybe my computer is blurry???
How long have you had your baby sq?
I think I would take pb up on her offer to see her vet.

I found him when he was 2 weeks old he had fell out of his nust and had a huge bump on his head but made a full recovery...... 2 weeks ago he started losing weight n his fur i was so worried n found out he had kittenfursyndrome ive been treating him with extra formula and heat which he has no prob with he is growing a new coat and seems to be gettin fatter by the day

11-03-2009, 09:26 PM
I found him when he was 2 weeks old he had fell out of his nust and had a huge bump on his head but made a full recovery...... 2 weeks ago he started losing weight n his fur i was so worried n found out he had kittenfursyndrome ive been treating him with extra formula and heat which he has no prob with he is growing a new coat and seems to be gettin fatter by the day

Well, Bless your heart for saving him. Probably he was on the wrong formula...a lot of confusing info out there about WHICH formula is best (but we know:D ). That means his nutrition is probably off. Will he still take formula at all?

11-03-2009, 09:29 PM
Well, Bless your heart for saving him. Probably he was on the wrong formula...a lot of confusing info out there about WHICH formula is best (but we know:D ). That means his nutrition is probably off. Will he still take formula at all?

o yes he loves formula!!! hes on esbilac and has been for a while and i also just ordered some of henrys healthy blocks!!! hopefully they will help get his weight up i try so hard and will do what ever it takes...........
He also is getting a new house from ebay its huge!!!

yes he is my spoiled pet!:multi

11-03-2009, 09:29 PM
makes me think he is a downs baby is he has all the symptoms falling over while eating not able to hang on to you and his teeth are short

I found him when he was 2 weeks old he had fell out of his nust and had a huge bump on his head but made a full recovery......

It sounds like he suffered neurological trauma from the fall. Downs would be genetic--he'd have been born that way.

I'm glad to hear you're treating the kitten fur syndrome by changing his diet.

11-03-2009, 09:34 PM
It sounds like he suffered neurological trauma from the fall. Downs would be genetic--he'd have been born that way.

I'm glad to hear you're treating the kitten fur syndrome by changing his diet.

yes that probably would make since with the fall!!!
and his diet has done a 160 lolz he doesnt mind tho he actually seems so happy and has alot more energy

11-03-2009, 09:40 PM
yes that probably would make since with the fall!!!
and his diet has done a 160 lolz he doesnt mind tho he actually seems so happy and has alot more energy

Yes, diet is everything with a pet squirrel. They're not like people, who can live on junk food.... Squirrels get really sick if they don't eat healthy stuff. Try adding some heavy whipping cream to his formula. That might help him gain some weight.

Also, since Nugget is a little thin, how about some avocado? They love it and it will fatten him up.

Finally, parasites can cause them to be thin and sickly...not your fault; pretty much all squirrels are born with parasites. But you can get rid of them with the right medicine.

11-03-2009, 09:59 PM
yup, they love avocado, no pits/seed or skin, they are toxic, just the pulp inside, if you get close enough you will hear his little lips smacking, mmmm so good! :D

11-03-2009, 09:59 PM
Yes, diet is everything with a pet squirrel. They're not like people, who can live on junk food.... Squirrels get really sick if they don't eat healthy stuff. Try adding some heavy whipping cream to his formula. That might help him gain some weight.

Also, since Nugget is a little thin, how about some avocado? They love it and it will fatten him up.

Finally, parasites can cause them to be thin and sickly...not your fault; pretty much all squirrels are born with parasites. But you can get rid of them with the right medicine.

well i will try the cream and avacoado (which i have a ton of anyways because my bf is cuban lol)

I wish i could find a vet to test for parasites to be safe :( all the ones in my area will refuse him or take him cause im not a rehabber and then put him down cause they r to busy!!! god i hate northwest merrimack:soapbox

11-03-2009, 10:01 PM
just bring in the poop and tell them it's for your rat, it will only cost you the test.

11-03-2009, 10:05 PM
just bring in the poop and tell them it's for your rat, it will only cost you the test.

very good idea i never thought of that!!! do you know around how much it cost? not like it matters cause i will deff be giving that a try:thankyou

11-03-2009, 10:06 PM
well i will try the cream and avacoado (which i have a ton of anyways because my bf is cuban lol)

I wish i could find a vet to test for parasites to be safe :( all the ones in my area will refuse him or take him cause im not a rehabber and then put him down cause they r to busy!!! god i hate northwest merrimack:soapbox

If you can't get a fecal done in your area, I may be able to do one for you. Let me know.

11-03-2009, 10:08 PM
If you can't get a fecal done in your area, I may be able to do one for you. Let me know.

im gonna try here and if a no go i will pm u thanx

Jackie in Tampa
11-03-2009, 10:10 PM
I think Psychobird had offered to have your baby seen by her vet, she also mentioned it being not expensive...i would take her up on that...she works for a vet and has sq experience.:thumbsup
Diet is soooo important! The rest of her life depends on it.
Glad to hear your sweetie is doing better.

11-04-2009, 06:55 AM
very good idea i never thought of that!!! do you know around how much it cost? not like it matters cause i will deff be giving that a try:thankyou

My vet charges about 12$
Try to weigh your squirrel (in grams if possible) before you go with the poop, preferably fresh ones.
Nugget is small enough to compare to a rat in weight at his age, just don't slip up and say 'squirrel'! :rotfl

11-04-2009, 08:22 AM
My vet charges about 12$
Try to weigh your squirrel (in grams if possible) before you go with the poop, preferably fresh ones.
Nugget is small enough to compare to a rat in weight at his age, just don't slip up and say 'squirrel'! :rotfl

deff sounds like a plan if there are parasites will they give me the medicine without seeing him?>

11-04-2009, 08:24 AM
deff sounds like a plan if there are parasites will they give me the medicine without seeing him?>

That's often the catch. I don't think they're supposed to diospense meds without actually seeing the animal. If you have a good relationship with a vet, however, sometimes they'll fudge a little.

11-04-2009, 09:38 AM
Wish I was closer I would let you take little knothead for nugget. Knothead could use a friend too.

11-04-2009, 11:28 AM
Wish I was closer I would let you take little knothead for nugget. Knothead could use a friend too.

i would of loved that..... it is deff 2 bad :(

11-04-2009, 11:35 AM
Just on his right side...

11-04-2009, 01:02 PM
Just on his right side...


11-04-2009, 01:16 PM
Oh I though you were asking if he was deaf too:rotfl Sorry I am at work and sometimes scan.........What is Deff?

psychotic feather
11-04-2009, 01:55 PM
Def is short for definatly :P

11-04-2009, 06:25 PM
Oh I though you were asking if he was deaf too:rotfl Sorry I am at work and sometimes scan.........What is Deff?

like deffinatley lol